123 research outputs found

    A global analysis of the complex landscape of isoforms and regulatory networks of p63 in human cells and tissues

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    Expression database. Column A contains the names of the 1099 TFs in humans. Columns B–BC provide the expression of the TFs in FPKM (fragments per kilobase of transcript per million), as calculated by Analysis Pipeline 1, across the 40 cell-types (52 experiments). (CSV 553 kb

    Effects of oxidation agents and metal ions on binding of p53 to supercoiled DNA

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    Wild type human full length (f.l.) tumor suppressor p53 protein binds preferentially to supercoiled (sc) DNA in vitro both in the presence and absence of the p53 consensus sequence (p53CON). This binding produces a ladder of retarded bands on the agarose gel. Bands revealed by immunoblotting with antibody DO-1 corresponded to the ethidium stained retarded bands. The intensity and the number of bands of p53-scDNA complex were decreased by physiological concentrations of unchelated zinc ions. Nickel and cobalt ions inhibited binding of p53 to scDNA and to p53CON in linear DNA fragments less efficiently than zinc. Compared to the intrinsic zinc strongly bound to Cys 176, Cys 238, Cys 242 and His 179 in the p53 core domain, binding of additional Zn2+ to p53 was much weaker as shown by an easy removal of the latter ions by low concentrations of EDTA. Oxidation of the protein with diamide resulted in a decrease of the number of the retarded bands. Under the same conditions, no binding of oxidized p53 to p53CON in a linear DNA fragment was observed. In agreement with the literature oxidation of f.l. p53 with diamide was irreversible and was not reverted by an excess of DTT. We showed that in the presence of 0.1 mM zinc ions, oxidation of p53 became reversible. Other divalent cations tested (cadmium, cobalt, nickel) exhibited no such effect. We suggested that the irreversibility of p53 oxidation was due, at least in part, to the removal of intrinsic zinc from its position in the DNA binding domain (after oxidation of the three cysteines to which the zinc ion is coordinated in the reduced protein) accompanied by a change in the p53 conformation. Binding of C-terminal anti-p53 antibody also protected bacterially expressed protein against irreversible loss of activity due to diamide oxidation. Binding the human p53 core domain (segment 94-312) to scDNA greatly differed from that observed with the full-length p53. The core domain did not posses the ability to bind strongly to many sites in scDNA regardless of the presence or absence of p53CON suggesting involvement of some other domain (probably C-terminal) in binding of the full-length p53 to scDNA. Supershift experiments using antibodies against p53 N- or C-terminus suggested that in oxidized p53, scDNA binding through the C-terminus gained importance

    HCMV pUL135 remodels the actin cytoskeleton to impair immune recognition of infected cells

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    Immune evasion genes help human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) establish lifelong persistence. Without immune pressure, laboratory-adapted HCMV strains have undergone genetic alterations. Among these, the deletion of the UL/b’ domain is associated with loss of virulence. In a screen of UL/b’, we identified pUL135 as a protein responsible for the characteristic cytopathic effect of clinical HCMV strains that also protected from natural killer (NK) and T cell attack. pUL135 interacted directly with abl interactor 1 (ABI1) and ABI2 to recruit the WAVE2 regulatory complex to the plasma membrane, remodel the actin cytoskeleton and dramatically reduce the efficiency of immune synapse (IS) formation. An intimate association between F-actin filaments in target cells and the IS was dispelled by pUL135 expression. Thus, F-actin in target cells plays a critical role in synaptogenesis, and this can be exploited by pathogens to protect against cytotoxic immune effector cells. An independent interaction between pUL135 and talin disrupted cell contacts with the extracellular matrix

    ∆Np63/p40 correlates with the location and phenotype of basal/mesenchymal cancer stem-like cells in human ER+ and HER2+ breast cancers

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    ΔNp63, also known as p40, regulates stemness of normal mammary gland epithelium and provides stem cell characteristics in basal and HER2‐driven murine breast cancer models. Whilst ΔNp63/p40 is a characteristic feature of normal basal cells and basal‐type triple‐negative breast cancer, some receptor‐positive breast cancers express ΔNp63/p40 and its overexpression imparts cancer stem cell‐like properties in ER+ cell lines. However, the incidence of ER+ and HER2+ tumours that express ΔNp63/p40 is unclear and the phenotype of ΔNp63/p40+ cells in these tumours remains uncertain. Using immunohistochemistry with p63 isoform‐specific antibodies, we identified a ΔNp63/p40+ tumour cell subpopulation in 100 of 173 (58%) non‐triple negative breast cancers and the presence of this population associated with improved survival in patients with ER−/HER2+ tumours (p = 0.006). Furthermore, 41% of ER+/PR+ and/or HER2+ locally metastatic breast cancers expressed ΔNp63/p40, and these cells commonly accounted for <1% of the metastatic tumour cell population that localised to the tumour/stroma interface, exhibited an undifferentiated phenotype and were CD44+/ALDH−. In vitro studies revealed that MCF7 and T47D (ER+) and BT‐474 (HER2+) breast cancer cell lines similarly contained a small subpopulation of ΔNp63/p40+ cells that increased in mammospheres. In vivo, MCF7 xenografts contained ΔNp63/p40+ cells with a similar phenotype to primary ER+ cancers. Consistent with tumour samples, these cells also showed a distinct location at the tumour/stroma interface, suggesting a role for paracrine factors in the induction or maintenance of ΔNp63/p40. Thus, ΔNp63/p40 is commonly present in a small population of tumour cells with a distinct phenotype and location in ER+ and/or HER2+ human breast cancers.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153532/1/cjp2149_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153532/2/cjp2149.pd
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