1,936 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Lizotte, Vital J. (Auburn, Androscoggin County)

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    Selective loss of myelin-associated glycoprotein from myelin correlates with anti-MAG antibody titre in demyelinating paraproteinaemic polyneuropathy

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    Summary The IgM monoclonal autoantibodies of patients with demyelinating paraproteinaemic polyneuropathy recognize a carbohydrate structure present on both myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) and protein zero (Po). These autoantibodies are sufficient to cause the disease but the mechanism of demyelination remains unclear. We have analysed nerve biopsies from eight patients with polyneuropathy and anti-MAG antibodies by quantitative immunohistochemistry and find a concordant pattern of reduced expression of myelin markers with the loss of myelinated fibres. We report here novel features of this disease, in particular a selective lack of detectable MAG in a large proportion of myelinated fibres containing Po, myelin basic protein (MBP) and periaxin. There is also an inverse correlation of the distribution of MAG in peripheral never myelin with the serum anti-MAG antibody titres but no correlation of these titres with the loss of myelinated fibres. Double immunofluorescence staining of paraproteinaemic polyneuropathy (PPN) nerves shows anti-MAG IgM deposited on the periphery of myelinated fibres associated with or lacking MAG staining. These data suggest that the binding of anti-MAG antibodies to MAG and/or other myelin component(s) results in MAG downregulation and may have an essential role in the molecular mechanisms leading to demyelination and partial regeneration in this diseas

    Rescate de una tradición: Estudio del lenguaje gráfico en la trama textil amuzga

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    México, como muchos países latinoamericanos, posee una gran riqueza y variedad de etnias, las cuales han luchado por conservar sus características, por lo cual el ayudar a la divulgación de su legado cultural, se hace cada día más apremiante

    Transparência de tecnologia contextualizada: estudo de caso no Semiárido paraibano.

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    O artigo apresenta uma análise multidimensional sobre a estratégia de intervenção do Cooperar/PB-BIRD com o objetivo de reduzir a extrema pobreza no Estado da Paraíba. A partir da difusão de tecnologias adaptadas as reais necessidades e interesses das famílias rurais e as peculiaridades do semiárido, isto é, Transferência de Tecnologia Contextualizada (TTC), fundamentada na construção de um Índice de Sustentabilidade de Investimentos de Politicas Públicas (IPP), com a finalidade de monitorar e avaliar sua consecução. O IPP possibilitou que, associar-se a cada base municipal, o Acervo Tecnológico, hoje existente, voltado para a sustentabilidade dos Arranjos Produtivos Locais (APLs). O processo de TTC em marcha na Paraíba disciplina as atividades na esfera estadual, municipal e local, em base sustentável. Enquanto, o IPP pautado em valores adicionados brutos a preço corrente da agropecuária, torna possível mensurar para cada um dos 222 municípios, seus graus de sustentabilidade de aplicação de investimentos de políticas pública por habitante Rural, antes e posterior sua consecução

    Rescate de una tradición: estudio del lenguaje gráfico en la trama textil Amuzga

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    Ya hablaba Ortega y Gasset, el notable filósofo español, de la importancia de vincular la persona y su circunstancia, lo que somos en cuerpo y alma con el entorno, porque las personas enlazamos presente, pasado y futuro, o sea, lo que se denomina en términos contemporáneos el capital social de los países

    Patogenicidade de Isaria spp. a ninfas de Bemisia tabaci biótipo B.

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    O fungo entomopatogênico Isaria spp. causa epizootia em ninfas e adultos da mosca-branca, Bemisia tabaci, que podem dizimar suas populações. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a eficiência de oito isolados de Isaria spp. sobre ninfas de 2º e 3º ínstar de B. tabaci biótipo B em laboratório da Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO

    Hidden endemism, deep polyphyly, and repeated dispersal across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec: Diversification of the White-collared Seedeater complex (Thraupidae: Sporophila torqueola)

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    © 2018 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Phenotypic and genetic variation are present in all species, but lineages differ in how variation is partitioned among populations. Examining phenotypic clustering and genetic structure within a phylogeographic framework can clarify which biological processes have contributed to extant biodiversity in a given lineage. Here, we investigate genetic and phenotypic variation among populations and subspecies within a Neotropical songbird complex, the White-collared Seedeater (Sporophila torqueola) of Central America and Mexico. We combine measurements of morphology and plumage patterning with thousands of nuclear loci derived from ultraconserved elements (UCEs) and mitochondrial DNA to evaluate population differentiation. We find deep levels of molecular divergence between two S. torqueola lineages that are phenotypically diagnosable: One corresponds to S. t. torqueola along the Pacific coast of Mexico, and the other includes S. t. morelleti and S. t. sharpei from the Gulf Coast of Mexico and Central America. Surprisingly, these two lineages are strongly differentiated in both nuclear and mitochondrial markers, and each is more closely related to other Sporophila species than to one another. We infer low levels of gene flow between these two groups based on demographic models, suggesting multiple independent evolutionary lineages within S. torqueola have been obscured by coarse-scale similarity in plumage patterning. These findings improve our understanding of the biogeographic history of this lineage, which includes multiple dispersal events out of South America and across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec into Mesoamerica. Finally, the phenotypic and genetic distinctiveness of the range-restricted S. t. torqueola highlights the Pacific Coast of Mexico as an important region of endemism and conservation priority

    Effects of food provisioning on the daily ration and dive site use of great hammerhead sharks, Sphyrna mokarran

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    Wildlife provisioning is popular, economically valuable, and a rapidly growing part of marine tourism, with great potential to benefit conservation. However, it remains controversial due to limited understanding of its implications on the behavior and ecology of target species. In this study, we modeled how various abiotic and biotic factors influenced great hammerhead sharks' (Sphyrna mokarran) use of a recreational dive site in Bimini, the Bahamas, where shark-feeding has been conducted since 2012. Further, we calculated bioenergetic models to estimate their daily ration and examined if individual sharks fulfilled their daily energetic requirements from food uptake during dives. Between December 2016 and May 2017, we collected data during 104 provisioning dives in collaboration with a local dive operator. Twenty-eight individual great hammerhead sharks were observed, 11 were philopatric (i.e., identified at the dive site in previous years), and 17 were new (i.e., identified at the dive site for the first time during this study) individuals. On average, four sharks were observed daily, occasionally up to nine individuals, with some individuals spending more than 2 h attending each dive, consuming up to 4.75 kg of provisioned food per dive and returning repeatedly throughout the study period. When we grouped sharks based on their previous experience of the dive site (i.e., philopatric vs. new sharks), we found significantly higher attendance indices, i.e., the number of attended dives divided by the total number dives, and longer presence times during dives in philopatric sharks and different responses toward the number of boats and conspecifics between the two groups. Overall, great hammerhead sharks increased their bait uptake during longer dives and when more boats were present at the dive site. Finally, nine of 12 provisioned great hammerhead sharks were regularly able to fuel their daily energetic requirements from provisioned food alone, with two sharks doing so on 77.8% of all dives. Our study provides insights into how largebodied marine predators react toward wildlife tourism associated provisioning and allows further discussion about daily energy uptake during provisioning dives, its potential impacts on the ecological role of the target species and associated management measures

    Laparoscopic Nephrectomy in Pediatric age

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    Objectivos: Numerosas séries têm sido publicadas documentando a experiência em nefrectomias por via transperitoneal e retroperitoneal. Este artigo pretende documentar as primeiras 10 nefrectomias e nefroureterectomias laparoscópicas via transperitoneal realizadas no Hospital D. Estefânia. Material e Métodos: Revisão retrospectiva de cinco nefrectomias e cinco nefroureterectomias laparoscópicas realizadas no período de Fevereiro a Setembro de 2010 em crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 2 e os 18 anos. Todos os doentes foram referenciados por complicações de rins não funcionantes. Os procedimentos, via transperitoneal, foram unilaterais, com recurso a 3 portas. Foi igualmente efectuada a análise da duração da cirurgia, taxa de conversão, tempo de internamento e complicações associadas à técnica. Resultados: Todos os rins foram removidos com sucesso por via laparoscópica, sem necessidade de conversão em nenhum dos casos. O tempo operatório médio foi de 103 minutos. Cinco doentes tiveram alta ao 2º dia de pós-operatório, três doentes ao 3º dia de pós-operatório e dois doentes, pela complexidade médico-cirúrgica inerente tiveram internamentos mais prolongados. Não se verificaram complicaçõesno per- ou pós-operatório, com retoma precoce da actividade normal em todos os doentes. Conclusão: A nefrectomia laparoscópica na criança parece ser uma alternativa viável e segura à cirurgia aberta. Consideramos necessário a aquisição de mais experiência para reduzir os tempos operatórios e definir a sua verdadeira eficácia. A experiência adquirida com outros procedimentos laparoscópicos transperitoneais foi determinante na opção por esta via (versus retroperitoneal)