44 research outputs found

    Relaciones entre porosidad, contenido en arcillas y durabilidad de areniscas

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    The petrographical characterization of three spanish sandstones from Villamayor (Salamanca), Somió and Tazones (Asturias) is presented. The significance of the percentage and type of the clay minerals cementing the grains on the pore system geometry, for the rocks studied, is especially emphasized. Besides, correlations between the petrography and durability of these sandstones, evaluated by means of freeze-thawing and salt cristallisation tests, are established.Se realiza la caracterización petrográfica de tres variedades de areniscas procedentes de Villamayor (Salamanca), Somió y Tazones (Asturias), poniendo de relieve la significación que el porcentaje y tipo de arcillas que cementan los granos minerales tiene, en estos casos concretos, en la configuración del sistema poroso. Asimismo, se correlacionan estas características con la durabilidad de dichas areniscas, evaluada mediante ensayos de heladicidad y cristalización de sales

    On the presence of Scaurus puncticollis Solier, 1838 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) in Qatar

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    As part of the biodiversity surveys conducted by the Department of Biodiversity at the Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI), we can report the presence of Scaurus puncticollis Solier, 1838 in Qatar, and confirm the first record for the tribe Scaurini Billberg, 1820 in the country. We found two living specimens and remains of a third one distributed over the year (February, April and October) in three different locations of the Al Rayyan Municipality in Qatar. These findings reveal that the fauna of darkling beetles of Qatar is, despite previous efforts, still underestimated. To document and report the actual Biodiversity Heritage of Qatar, new exhaustive field biodiversity surveys should be conducted to complete the catalogue of Tenebrionoidae for the State of Qatar.Peer Reviewe

    Complex hybridization patterns in European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) in the Pyrenean Region

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    Hybrid zones are natural laboratories allowing insights in genetic processes like lineage diversification, speciation and introgression. Using large sampling, 15 microsatellite loci and a mitochondrial marker, we examined the Pyrenean contact zone of three pond turtle taxa (Emys orbicularis orbicularis, E. o. galloitalica, E. o. occidentalis). The Pyrenees are a biogeographically important region separating many lineages endemic to the Iberian Peninsula from their Western European counterparts. We discovered limited admixture, reflecting a complex biogeographic scenario. Simulations using Approximate Bayesian Computing supported that E. o. orbicularis invaded the Iberian Peninsula in the Holocene, circumventing the Pyrenees along the Mediterranean coast, and hybridized in the northern peninsula with the local coastal subspecies galloitalica, and to a lesser extent, with occidentalis. While E. o. occidentalis, and in particular E. o. orbicularis, expanded their ranges considerably during Holocene warming, E. o. galloitalica remained largely confined to its former Iberian refuge. Admixture among the three taxa is surprisingly low, and a future taxonomic investigation that includes the unstudied subspecies of E. orbicularis from North Africa, Eastern Europe and Asia has to determine whether their current status properly reflects their evolutionary divergence or whether certain taxa should be regarded as full species

    Contribution of citizen science to improve knowledge on marine biodiversity in the Gulf Region

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    Monitoring marine biodiversity is costly and practical solutions have to be implemented to identify species and their preferred habitats, particularly in this era of rapid global change. Citizen science has proven to be effective and with high potential for monitoring efforts, and has been extensively applied to biodiversity. We have used the citizen science approach to engage the general public and stakeholders to contribute improving the current knowledge of sea snake biodiversity in Qatar and the Gulf Region. Logistic regression analysis using demographic data from interview surveys conducted in Qatar has indicated that the people having seen more sea snakes are older than 30 years and are Qatari citizens and/or fishermen from India. Of the ten species of sea snakes listed in the literature to be present in the Gulf Region, most of them have been reported for Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. However, the number of species present is often assumed based on their occurrence within the Arabian Gulf rather than on actual captures and appropriate identification. The creation of marine reference biological scientific collections to properly identify the species and make accurate biodiversity inventories is an urgent priority for the countries in the Gulf region. To this end, contributions by stakeholders and the general public for this study have proven to be very useful. However a larger networking with local and international scientists and stakeholders is still needed to adequately survey the country''s current biodiversity, identify research priorities and eventually provide the scientific input needed to assist biodiversity management related to renewable resource management and marine conservation in the Arabian Gulf Region

    Análisis de la intimidación y acoso experimentado por estudiantes de Enfermería de cuarto curso durante sus prácticas clínicas

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    [ES]FUNDAMENTOS // Los estudiantes de Enfermería, con su inexperiencia y el desafío frecuente de encontrarse con nuevos entornos, son un grupo potencialmente vulnerable para sufrir intimidación y acoso en el ámbito del trabajo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la intimidación y/o acoso padecidos por los estudiantes de Enfermería durante sus prácticas clínicas. MÉTODOS // Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en la Universidad de León. La población a estudio fueron los estudiantes del Grado en Enfermería de cuarto curso. El instrumento de medida fue un cuestionario que constó de 24 items y que se aprobó por el Comité de Ética de la Universidad. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la prueba de chi-cuadrado, t de Student y la U de Mann Whitney. RESULTADOS // Se observó una prevalencia del 26,5% (n=83) de estudiantes que sufrieron episodios de intimidación y/o acoso; los estudiantes de menor edad padecieron estos hechos por parte de los médicos, pacientes y familiares y/o acompañantes en mayor medida. Esto produjo un impacto en su bienestar psicológico e hizo que se sintieran deprimidos, humillados e incapaces, lo que afectó negativamente al nivel de atención prestado a los pacientes. CONCLUSIONES // El problema global estudiado presenta una prevalencia inferior a la obtenida en otros trabajos llevados a cabo en el resto del mundo. Como consecuencia, existe un impacto en el bienestar psicológico de los estudiantes que afecta a su nivel de atención en las tareas que están llevando a cabo y a su forma de trabajar con los demás. PALABRAS CLAVE // Acoso escolar; Salud mental; Enseñanza de Enfermería; Estudiantes de Enfermería; Practicas clínicas; Violencia laboral.S

    Challenges in confirming eradication success of invasive red-eared sliders

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    12 páginas, 4 figuras, 3 tablasConfirming eradication success can be notoriously difficult and costly, especially when the species is still present but remains undetected, due to very low population densities and imperfect detection methods. There has been a lack of research on appropriate guidelines and estimation procedures for declaring eradication success for programs aimed at eradicating alien reptiles. Here we develop quantitative rules for confirmation monitoring in eradication campaigns of the red-eared slider turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans). We used a database of slider trapping data from control and eradication campaigns conducted in localities across the Iberian Peninsula and southern France to construct models for inferring appropriate trapping efforts for confirming slider turtle eradication. Basking traps were slightly more efficient than net traps in capturing sliders, although trapping was an inefficient monitoring method given the low capture probabilities estimated. The results of our spatially-explicit eradication scenarios revealed the importance of habitat configuration in declaring eradication success. Declaration of eradication success is contingent on the thresholds set to minimise false positives (i.e., falsely declaring eradication successful), but in any scenario large trapping efforts were required to confirm eradication. Given the low estimated capture probabilities, alternative methods such as eDNA and visual surveys should be considered for monitoring sliders. We suggest that if the costs associated with the impact of alien sliders can be adequately estimated, then eradication can be confirmed by rules minimising both false positive and negative error rates. Otherwise., rules minimising false positive errors would be more appropriate.This research was conducted thanks to the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources Invasive Plants and Animals Research Project When to stop: Defining rules for surveillance of red-eared slider turtles (Victoria State Government, Australia).Peer reviewe

    Caracterización petrológica de los morteros de la fuente prerrománica de Foncalada: tipos y origen

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    The pre-romanesque Eountain oE Foncalda (Oviedo, Spain), made oE ashlar stone, shows a remarcable lost of joints mortars which leads to its structural unstability. There are several types of mortars, but only one has been checked to be well preserved. The objectiv of this paper is characterizing all these mortars, triying to separate that considered original from the ones replaced and stablish proper formulation and proportions for a new restoration one. Results define the petrography of the best preserved mortar at the fountain - a hydraulic lime one- considered to be the original mortar, therefore recomending a similar one for restoration.La fuente prerrománica de Foncalada (Oviedo, España) presenta en la actualidad una pérdida acusada de morteros de juntas entre sillares que incrementa la inestabilidad estructural de su fábrica. Existen varios tipos de mortero de juntas, entre los cuales destaca uno por su buen estado de conservación. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar la caracterización petrográfica de los morteros, delimitar el mortero histórico original y recomendar un nuevo mortero de restauración. Los resultados permiten identificar las caracteósticas del mortero histórico -el mejor conservadocomo un mortero de cal hidráulica, por lo que se recomienda una formulación similar para el nuevo mortero

    Piedras de construcción de la fuente prerrománica de Foncalada: tipos y origen

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    : Foncalada pre-romanesque fountain (Oviedo, Spain) -World Heritage- has been built with three types of stone: a crystalline limestone that forms the big blocks of the base, a sandstone, majority in the walls and a reddish limestone predominant in the cover. In this paper the petrographic characterization of the varieties has been carried out, establishing the area of provenance. According to the results all the stone types has been drawn up on a digital basis.La fuente prerrománica de Foncalada (Oviedo, España) -Patrimonio de la Humanidad- está construida con tres tipos de piedra: una caliza cristalina que forma los grandes bloques de la base, una arenisca, mayoritaria en los muros y una caliza predominante en la cubierta pétrea. En este trabajo, se lleva a cabo la caracterización petrográfica de las distintas variedades, que han sido definidas a partir de los tres tipos básicos, estableciéndose además las áreas de procedencia. En base a los resultados se ha elaborado una cartografía digital precisa de todas ellas

    Revisión crítica del ensayo de cristalización de sales

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    The salt crystallisation test is, for its simplicity and aggressivity, one of the most suitable ageing tests to evaluate the durability of rock materials. However the results of this test could be conditioned by differences in their experimental procedure. 
 In this article the principal variables involved in the salt crystallisation test are reviewed: concentration of the solution, type of immersion, temperature and time of drying of the specimens, etc.; as well as the criteria used in the evaluation of induced damages. 
 The knowledge and control of these factors facilitates the optimization of the test, and the correct interpretation of the obtained data.<br><br>Dentro de los ensayos de alterabilidad o de envejecimiento artificial acelerado, el ensayo de cristalización de sales es —por su sencillez y agresividad— uno de los más idóneos para la evaluación de la durabilidad de los materiales rocosos. No obstante, los resultados obtenidos pueden verse condicionados por las diferencias en cuanto al procedimiento experimental. 
 En este trabajo se revisan las principales variables que intervienen en dicho ensayo, entre las cuales pueden mencionarse: concentración de la solución salina, características de la inmersión, temperatura y tiempo de secado de las muestras, etc.; así como los criterios utilizados en la valoración de los daños generados. 
 El conocimiento y control de estos factores facilita la optimización de este ensayo, y la correcta interpretación de los resultados obtenidos