145 research outputs found

    Origin and Function of Thy-1+ Dendritic Epidermal Cells in Mice

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    The epidermis of normal mouse skin incorporates a newly-recognized population of dendritic cells which express relatively large amounts of the cell surface glycoprotein, Thy-1 antigen. These cells, termed Thy-1+dEC, are distinct from both epidermal Langerhans cells (LC) and melanocytes, and they populate cutaneous sites in surface densities which range to as high as 580 cells/mm2, approximately two-thirds that of LC. Studies of lethally irradiated mice which were reconstituted with semiallogeneic bone marrow cells and mice which received grafts of semiallogeneic skin have demonstrated that some, if not all, Thy-1+dEC are of bone marrow origin, and that they are capable of migrating into epidermis from a vascular source. Thy-1+dEC expressed both asialo GM1 and a cell surface determinant recognized by the monoclonal antibody 20–10–5S, further suggesting their functions will be included among those normally ascribed to lymphoreticular cells. Isolation of epidermal cells with the Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter (FACS) was successful in producing relatively pure populations of Thy-1+dEC and LC. Such technological advances as this should facilitate testing several hypotheses concerning the ultimate function of these cells, including the possibilities that they are antigen-presenting cells which selectively activate down-regulating signals, T lymphocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, or natural suppressor (NS) cells

    Thy-1 Antigen-Bearing Dendritic Cells Populate Murine Epidermis

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    Two distinct cell populations, melanocytes and Langerhans cells (LC), have been recognized previously to possess dendritic configuration in normal mammalian epidermis. Employing immunofluorescence microscopy with monoclonal antibodies against Thy-1.2 antigen to identify cells in whole mounts of murine epidermis, we have identified a third dendritic cell population which differs from both LC and melanocytes. Thy-1 antigen- bearing (Thy-1+) epidermal cells are primarily dendritic, although round and angular forms may be found. They are distributed relatively evenly across skin surfaces, although densities vary greatly from site to site and from strain to strain. Densities were highest in ear epidermis from the pigmented strain B10.A (580 cells/ mm2), a value approaching that of epidermal LC, and were lowest in ear epidermis from the albino strain BALB/c (5 cells/mm2). Thy-1+ epidermal cells possess neither Ia antigens nor substantial amounts of melanin, and their surface distributions are disparate from those of both LC and mature melanocytes. We propose that at least some of these cells are T lymphocytes whose malignant counterparts account for cutaneous T-cell lymphomas

    Fostering students’ reflection: examining relations between elements of teachers’ knowledge

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    This study investigates the knowledge that experienced teachers draw on when fostering students’ reflections. Reflective skills are crucial for advancing students’ learning. In order to promote students’ reflection productively, extensive support and scaffolding from teachers is indispensible. However, teachers are in need of more guidance in this area. To inspire pedagogies for teacher training, this study provides insight into the knowledge that teachers employ when they are engaged with promoting their students to reflect. Video vignette interviews were administered to 36 teachers in secondary vocational education for nursing to elicit their knowledge. Interview transcripts were coded using categories for assessing teachers’ curricular, pedagogical and instructional knowledge. To investigate relations between the elements of teachers’ knowledge, we performed a lag-sequential analysis that enables statistical testing of observed sequences of categorised events. Four salient relations between elements of teacher knowledge emerged: (1) instructional knowledge as instrumental to construing pedagogical knowledge; (2) instructional knowledge contingent on pedagogical knowledge; (3) instructional knowledge and curricular knowledge related to fostering critical reflection; and (4) instructional knowledge and curricular knowledge related to fostering planning. Implications for teacher training are discussed.Teaching and Teacher Learning (ICLON

    The Distinct Contributions of Murine T Cell Receptor (TCR)γΎ+ and TCRαÎČ+ T Cells to Different Stages of Chemically Induced Skin Cancer

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    Epithelial tissues in which carcinomas develop often contain systemically derived T cell receptor (TCR)αÎČ+ cells and resident intraepithelial lymphocytes that are commonly enriched in TCRγΎ+ cells. Recent studies have demonstrated that γΎ cells protect the host against chemically induced cutaneous malignancy, but the role of αÎČ T cells has been enigmatic, with both protective and tumor-enhancing contributions being reported in different systems. This study aims to clarify the contributions of each T cell type to the regulation of squamous cell carcinoma induced in FVB mice by a two-stage regimen of 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene initiation followed by repetitive application of the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate. This protocol permits one to monitor the induction of papillomas and the progression of those papillomas to carcinomas. The results show that whereas γΎ cells are strongly protective, the nonredundant contributions of αÎČ T cells to the host's protection against papillomas are more modest. Furthermore, at both high and low doses of carcinogens, αÎČ T cells can contribute to rather than inhibit the progression of papillomas to carcinomas. As is likely to be the case in humans, this study also shows that the contribution of T cells to tumor immunosurveillance is regulated by modifier genes

    Factors confounding the assessment of reflection: a critical review

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    BACKGROUND: Reflection on experience is an increasingly critical part of professional development and lifelong learning. There is, however, continuing uncertainty about how best to put principle into practice, particularly as regards assessment. This article explores those uncertainties in order to find practical ways of assessing reflection. DISCUSSION: We critically review four problems: 1. Inconsistent definitions of reflection; 2. Lack of standards to determine (in)adequate reflection; 3. Factors that complicate assessment; 4. Internal and external contextual factors affecting the assessment of reflection. SUMMARY: To address the problem of inconsistency, we identified processes that were common to a number of widely quoted theories and synthesised a model, which yielded six indicators that could be used in assessment instruments. We arrived at the conclusion that, until further progress has been made in defining standards, assessment must depend on developing and communicating local consensus between stakeholders (students, practitioners, teachers, supervisors, curriculum developers) about what is expected in exercises and formal tests. Major factors that complicate assessment are the subjective nature of reflection's content and the dependency on descriptions by persons being assessed about their reflection process, without any objective means of verification. To counter these validity threats, we suggest that assessment should focus on generic process skills rather than the subjective content of reflection and where possible to consider objective information about the triggering situation to verify described reflections. Finally, internal and external contextual factors such as motivation, instruction, character of assessment (formative or summative) and the ability of individual learning environments to stimulate reflection should be considered

    Development and validation of the Multi-dimensional University Research Workplace Inventory (MDURWI)

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    WOS:000454839600005This study describes the development and validation of an instrument aimed toward measuring organizational features of an academic research workplace. The question pool was developed based on data from a pilot study (N = 43). The survey was deployed to academic researchers in the field of higher education research worldwide (N = 850). An exploratory factor analysis conducted on 36 questions, followed by confirmatory factor analysis, which lead to a final pool of 27 questions in five subscales, one of which divided into three lower-order factors. The final model exhibited very good fit (X2/df = 2.561; CFI = 0.972; PCFI = 0.784; RMSEA = 0.043; P[rmsea ? 0.05] < 0.001; AIC = 891.018; BCC = 987.839) and psychometric properties, in the form of factorial, convergent, and discriminant validity, as well as reliability and sensitivity. Implications of this instrument for research and policymaking are discussed, as well as future research directions.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    A real-world approach to Evidence-Based Medicine in general practice: a competency framework derived from a systematic review and Delphi process

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    Background Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) skills have been included in general practice curricula and competency frameworks. However, GPs experience numerous barriers to developing and maintaining EBM skills, and some GPs feel the EBM movement misunderstands, and threatens their traditional role. We therefore need a new approach that acknowledges the constraints encountered in real-world general practice. The aim of this study was to synthesise from empirical research a real-world EBM competency framework for general practice, which could be applied in training, in the individual pursuit of continuing professional development, and in routine care. We sought to integrate evidence from the literature with evidence derived from the opinions of experts in the fields of general practice and EBM. Methods We synthesised two sets of themes describing the meaning of EBM in general practice. One set of themes was derived from a mixed-methods systematic review of the literature; the other set was derived from the further development of those themes using a Delphi process among a panel of EBM and general practice experts. From these two sets of themes we constructed a real-world EBM competency framework for general practice. Results A simple competency framework was constructed, that acknowledges the constraints of real-world general practice: (1) mindfulness - in one’s approach towards EBM itself, and to the influences on decision-making; (2) pragmatism – in one’s approach to finding and evaluating evidence; and (3) knowledge of the patient – as the most useful resource in effective communication of evidence. We present a clinical scenario to illustrate how a GP might demonstrate these competencies in their routine daily work. Conclusion We have proposed a real-world EBM competency framework for general practice, derived from empirical research, which acknowledges the constraints encountered in modern general practice. Further validation of these competencies is required, both as an educational resource and as a strategy for actual practice.</p

    Magnetic susceptibility anisotropy of myocardium imaged by cardiovascular magnetic resonance reflects the anisotropy of myocardial filament α-helix polypeptide bonds

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    BACKGROUND: A key component of evaluating myocardial tissue function is the assessment of myofiber organization and structure. Studies suggest that striated muscle fibers are magnetically anisotropic, which, if measurable in the heart, may provide a tool to assess myocardial microstructure and function. METHODS: To determine whether this weak anisotropy is observable and spatially quantifiable with cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR), both gradient-echo and diffusion-weighted data were collected from intact mouse heart specimens at 9.4 Tesla. Susceptibility anisotropy was experimentally calculated using a voxelwise analysis of myocardial tissue susceptibility as a function of myofiber angle. A myocardial tissue simulation was developed to evaluate the role of the known diamagnetic anisotropy of the peptide bond in the observed susceptibility contrast. RESULTS: The CMR data revealed that myocardial tissue fibers that were parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field direction appeared relatively paramagnetic and diamagnetic, respectively. A linear relationship was found between the magnetic susceptibility of the myocardial tissue and the squared sine of the myofiber angle with respect to the field direction. The multi-filament model simulation yielded susceptibility anisotropy values that reflected those found in the experimental data, and were consistent that this anisotropy decreased as the echo time increased. CONCLUSIONS: Though other sources of susceptibility anisotropy in myocardium may exist, the arrangement of peptide bonds in the myofilaments is a significant, and likely the most dominant source of susceptibility anisotropy. This anisotropy can be further exploited to probe the integrity and organization of myofibers in both healthy and diseased heart tissue
