887 research outputs found

    Instabilities induced by the precession of spherical shell

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    Internal energy dissipation in Enceladus's ocean from tides and libration and the role of inertial waves

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    Enceladus is characterised by a south polar hot spot associated with a large outflow of heat, the source of which remains unclear. We compute the viscous dissipation resulting from tidal and libration forcing in the moon's subsurface ocean using the linearised Navier-Stokes equation in a 3-dimensional spherical model. We conclude that libration is the dominant cause of dissipation at the linear order, providing up to about 0.001 GW of heat to the ocean, which remains insufficient to explain the (about) 10 GW observed by Cassini. We also illustrate how resonances with inertial modes can significantly augment the dissipation. Our work is an extension to Rovira-Navarro et al. [2019] to include the effects of libration. The model developed here is readily applicable to the study of other moons and planets


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    The Kentucky wine industry has grown from six wineries in 1999 to more than sixty wineries as of 2013. However, the industry has reached a crucial point in its development as funds allotted from the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement ended in 2014. As a result, Kentucky wine producers must navigate the demands of local, regional, national, and international wine markets without the same amount of economic support provided in the early stages of the industry’s development. The purpose of this study was to investigate (1) how Kentucky wine producers use cultural associations to manage their brands, (2) communicate with multiple stakeholder groups in varying contexts, (3) determine the structure of the industry, (3) analyze how the industry’s organization affects stakeholder communication, and (4) identify the most pressing challenges affecting the industry. A conceptual framework was constructed in order to answer the following research questions: (a) what are the cultural meanings produced through the communicative interactions of Kentucky wine industry producers and stakeholders, especially consumers? And (b) how do Kentucky wine industry businesses use brand management to position themselves in wine markets? A qualitative study involving participant observation, website analysis, and interviews was conducted. Analysis revealed similarities between the Kentucky wine industry and Bourdieu’s description of a field of cultural production. Cultural associations were determined by local geography, local culture, and individual winemaker life experiences. Cultural associations were integrated into brand management strategies with interpersonal communication, particularly wine tastings and winery events, as the primary channels of stakeholder interaction. Websites were used as a channel for information dissemination. Future brand management concerns involve the establishment of a Kentucky terroir, availability and quality of local grapes, and the cultivation of partnerships with other state alcohol industries and state universities. Implications suggest that the cultural production of wine functions in the same manner as the aesthetic fields of art and literature. Also, wine is a postmodern product in an industry demonstrating postmodern communication. The study expands the use of Rothenbuhler’s ritual communication and demonstrates the value of secondary texts for identifying the cultural position of a phenomenon as Oriard predicted

    Use of Culture in the Website Brand Management of Kentucky Wine Producers

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    Digital and social media offer new opportunities for communication for brands, producers, and their stakeholders, especially for local producers with limited access to multiple industry-related marketing and communication resources. This study examines the digital brand management practices presented on the websites of Kentucky wine producers. The study analyzed all available Kentucky wine websites during the length of the study (2013-2015) with emphasis on the use of culture in the brand messaging. Cultural symbols were identified as the primary associations adopted by Kentucky wine brands for differentiation and recognition. Kentucky wine producers employ a combination of local, unique, international wine community, and cultural consumption symbols to create distinct brand messages. Not only did brand management strategies encourage wine purchases, but also winery visits for wine tasting and on-site purchases, interpreted as cultural rituals (practices that create and/or reinforce meanings associated with specific cultural symbols) for this report. The study extends research on the use of culture in digital brand management, the employment of cultural rituals for brand messaging, and the use of digital communication channels for small organizations in competitive creative, crafts, and cultural industries (industries where value is derived from the product’s cultural importance rather than economic benefit)

    Automation on the generation of genome scale metabolic models

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    Background: Nowadays, the reconstruction of genome scale metabolic models is a non-automatized and interactive process based on decision taking. This lengthy process usually requires a full year of one person's work in order to satisfactory collect, analyze and validate the list of all metabolic reactions present in a specific organism. In order to write this list, one manually has to go through a huge amount of genomic, metabolomic and physiological information. Currently, there is no optimal algorithm that allows one to automatically go through all this information and generate the models taking into account probabilistic criteria of unicity and completeness that a biologist would consider. Results: This work presents the automation of a methodology for the reconstruction of genome scale metabolic models for any organism. The methodology that follows is the automatized version of the steps implemented manually for the reconstruction of the genome scale metabolic model of a photosynthetic organism, {\it Synechocystis sp. PCC6803}. The steps for the reconstruction are implemented in a computational platform (COPABI) that generates the models from the probabilistic algorithms that have been developed. Conclusions: For validation of the developed algorithm robustness, the metabolic models of several organisms generated by the platform have been studied together with published models that have been manually curated. Network properties of the models like connectivity and average shortest mean path of the different models have been compared and analyzed.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    Aspiration of a perforated pen cap: complete tracheal obstruction without radiologic evidence

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    Foreign body aspiration is a common but underestimated event in children with potentially fatal outcome. Because of unreliable histories and inconsistent clinical and radiologic findings, diagnosis and treatment can represent a challenge. Inhaled pen caps predispose for complete airway obstruction and are difficult to extract because of their smooth surface. We report a case of an aspirated perforated pen cap with normal radiologic findings and describe a safe and easy bronchoscopic extraction technique using a Fogarty arterial embolectomy catheter.Keywords: children, flexible bronchoscopy, Fogarty catheter, foreign body aspiration, pen cap, rigid bronchoscop

    Context-aware multimodal learning analytics taxonomy

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    Analysis of learning interactions can happen for different purposes. As educational practices increasingly take place in hybrid settings, data from both spaces are needed. At the same time, to analyse and make sense of machine aggregated data afforded by Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) environments, contextual information is needed. We posit that human labelled (classroom observations) and automated observations (multimodal learning data) can enrich each other. Researchers have suggested learning design (LD) for contextualisation, the availability of which is often limited in authentic settings. This paper proposes a Context-aware MMLA Taxonomy, where we categorize systematic documentation and data collection within different research designs and scenarios, paying special attention to authentic classroom contexts. Finally, we discuss further research directions and challenges.Analysis of learning interactions can happen for different purposes. As educational practices increasingly take place in hybrid settings, data from both spaces are needed. At the same time, to analyse and make sense of machine aggregated data afforded by Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) environments, contextual information is needed. We posit that human labelled (classroom observations) and automated observations (multimodal learning data) can enrich each other. Researchers have suggested learning design (LD) for contextualisation, the availability of which is often limited in authentic settings. This paper proposes a Context-aware MMLA Taxonomy, where we categorize systematic documentation and data collection within different research designs and scenarios, paying special attention to authentic classroom contexts. Finally, we discuss further research directions and challenges
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