197 research outputs found

    Migration- and exercise-induced changes to flight muscle size in migratory birds and association with \u3cem\u3eIGF1\u3c/em\u3e and \u3cem\u3emyostatin\u3c/em\u3e mRNA expression

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    Seasonal adjustments to muscle size in migratory birds may result from preparatory physiological changes or responses to changed workloads. The mechanisms controlling these changes in size are poorly understood. We investigated some potential mediators of flight muscle size (myostatin and insulin-like growth factor, IGF1) in pectoralis muscles of wild wintering or migrating white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis), captive white-throated sparrows that were photoperiod manipulated to be in a `wintering\u27 or `migratory\u27 (Zugunruhe) state, and captive European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) that were either exercised for 2 weeks in a wind tunnel or untrained. Flight muscle size increased in photo-stimulated `migrants\u27 and in exercised starlings. Acute exercise but not long-term training caused increased expression of IGF1, but neither caused a change in expression of myostatin or its metalloprotease activator TLL1. Photo-stimulated `migrant\u27 sparrows demonstrated increased expression of both myostatin and IGF1, but wild sparrows exhibited no significant seasonal changes in expression of either myostatin or IGF1. Additionally, in both study species we describe several splice variants of myostatin that are shared with distantly related bird species. We demonstrate that their expression patterns are not different from those of the typical myostatin, suggesting that they have no functional importance and may be mistakes of the splicing machinery. We conclude that IGF1 is likely to be an important mediator of muscle phenotypic flexibility during acute exercise and during endogenous, seasonal preparation for migration. The role of myostatin is less clear, but its paradoxical increase in photo-stimulated `migrants\u27 may indicate a role in seasonal adjustments of protein turnover

    In Vivo, Fatty Acid Translocase (CD36) Critically Regulates Skeletal Muscle Fuel Selection, Exercise Performance, and Training-induced Adaptation of Fatty Acid Oxidation

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    For ∼40 years it has been widely accepted that (i) the exercise-induced increase in muscle fatty acid oxidation (FAO) is dependent on the increased delivery of circulating fatty acids, and (ii) exercise training-induced FAO up-regulation is largely attributable to muscle mitochondrial biogenesis. These long standing concepts were developed prior to the recent recognition that fatty acid entry into muscle occurs via a regulatable sarcolemmal CD36-mediated mechanism. We examined the role of CD36 in muscle fuel selection under basal conditions, during a metabolic challenge (exercise), and after exercise training. We also investigated whether CD36 overexpression, independent of mitochondrial changes, mimicked exercise training-induced FAO up-regulation. Under basal conditions CD36-KO versus WT mice displayed reduced fatty acid transport (−21%) and oxidation (−25%), intramuscular lipids (less than or equal to −31%), and hepatic glycogen (−20%); but muscle glycogen, VO(2max), and mitochondrial content and enzymes did not differ. In acutely exercised (78% VO(2max)) CD36-KO mice, fatty acid transport (−41%), oxidation (−37%), and exercise duration (−44%) were reduced, whereas muscle and hepatic glycogen depletions were accelerated by 27–55%, revealing 2-fold greater carbohydrate use. Exercise training increased mtDNA and β-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase similarly in WT and CD36-KO muscles, but FAO was increased only in WT muscle (+90%). Comparable CD36 increases, induced by exercise training (+44%) or by CD36 overexpression (+41%), increased FAO similarly (84–90%), either when mitochondrial biogenesis and FAO enzymes were up-regulated (exercise training) or when these were unaltered (CD36 overexpression). Thus, sarcolemmal CD36 has a key role in muscle fuel selection, exercise performance, and training-induced muscle FAO adaptation, challenging long held views of mechanisms involved in acute and adaptive regulation of muscle FAO


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    Customer access information technologies (CAITs) provide a link between a firm and its customers. Firms invest in CAITs to reduce costs, increase revenues and market share, lock in existing customers and capture new ones. These benefits, however, are notoriously difficult to measure. This paper proposes an evaluative method for CAlT deployment called value platform analysis, that is based on a conceptual model drawn from the theory of retail outlet deployment in marketing science. The model focuses on the impact of CAIT features and environmental features on transactions generated by the CAIT. Specific econometric models are developed for deployment. Hypotheses regarding the likely impact of automated teller machine (ATM) location design choices and environmental features on ATM transactions are evaluated. The results indicate that there are a number of key features influencing ATM performance. Two distinct ATM deployment scenarios emerge: one for servicing a bank's own customers, and another for providing transaction services for customers for a fee.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    A Geologically Based Indoor-Radon Potential Map of Kentucky

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    We combined 71,930 short-term (median duration 4 days) home radon test results with 1:24,000-scale bedrock geologic map coverage of Kentucky to produce a statewide geologically based indoor-radon potential map. The test results were positively skewed with a mean of 266 Bq/m3, median of 122 Bq/m3, and 75th percentile of 289 Bq/m3. We identified 106 formations with ≥10 test results. Analysis of results from 20 predominantly monolithologic formations showed indoor-radon concentrations to be positively skewed on a formation-by-formation basis, with a proportional relationship between sample means and standard deviations. Limestone (median 170 Bq/m3) and dolostone (median 130 Bq/m3) tended to have higher indoor-radon concentrations than siltstones and sandstones (median 67 Bq/m3) or unlithified surficial deposits (median 63 Bq/m3). Individual shales had median values ranging from 67 to 189 Bq/m3; the median value for all shale values was 85 Bq/m3. Percentages of values falling above the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) action level of 148 Bq/m3 were sandstone and siltstone: 24%, unlithified clastic: 21%, dolostone: 46%, limestone: 55%, and shale: 34%. Mississippian limestones, Ordovician limestones, and Devonian black shales had the highest indoor-radon potential values in Kentucky. Indoor-radon test mean values for the selected formations were also weakly, but statistically significantly, correlated with mean aeroradiometric uranium concentrations. To produce a map useful to nonspecialists, we classified each of the 106 formations into five radon-geologic classes on the basis of their 75th percentile radon concentrations. The statewide map is freely available through an interactive internet map service

    An enterprise engineering approach for the alignment of business and information technology strategy

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    Information systems and information technology (IS/IT, hereafter just IT) strategies usually depend on a business strategy. The alignment of both strategies improves their strategic plans. From an external perspective, business and IT alignment is the extent to which the IT strategy enables and drives the business strategy. This article reviews strategic alignment between business and IT, and proposes the use of enterprise engineering (EE) to achieve this alignment. The EE approach facilitates the definition of a formal dialog in the alignment design. In relation to this, new building blocks and life-cycle phases have been defined for their use in an enterprise architecture context. This proposal has been adopted in a critical process of a ceramic tile company for the purpose of aligning a strategic business plan and IT strategy, which are essential to support this process. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.Cuenca, L.; Boza, A.; Ortiz, A. (2011). An enterprise engineering approach for the alignment of business and information technology strategy. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 24(11):974-992. https://doi.org/10.1080/0951192X.2011.579172S9749922411(1993). CIMOSA: Open System Architecture for CIM. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-58064-2Ang, J., Shaw, N., & Pavri, F. (1995). Identifying strategic management information systems planning parameters using case studies. International Journal of Information Management, 15(6), 463-474. doi:10.1016/0268-4012(95)00049-dAvison, D., Jones, J., Powell, P., & Wilson, D. (2004). Using and validating the strategic alignment model. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 13(3), 223-246. doi:10.1016/j.jsis.2004.08.002Avgerou, & McGrath. (2007). Power, Rationality, and the Art of Living through Socio-Technical Change. MIS Quarterly, 31(2), 295. doi:10.2307/25148792Bergeron, F., Raymond, L., & Rivard, S. (2004). 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Standards on enterprise integration and engineering—state of the art. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 17(3), 235-253. doi:10.1080/09511920310001607087Chen, D., Doumeingts, G., & Vernadat, F. (2008). Architectures for enterprise integration and interoperability: Past, present and future. Computers in Industry, 59(7), 647-659. doi:10.1016/j.compind.2007.12.016Chen, H.-M., Kazman, R., & Garg, A. (2005). BITAM: An engineering-principled method for managing misalignments between business and IT architectures. Science of Computer Programming, 57(1), 5-26. doi:10.1016/j.scico.2004.10.002Cuenca, L., Ortiz, A., & Vernadat, F. (2006). From UML or DFD models to CIMOSA partial models and enterprise components. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 19(3), 248-263. doi:10.1080/03081070500065841Davis, G. B. (2000). Information Systems Conceptual Foundations: Looking Backward and Forward. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 61-82. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-35505-4_5Gindy, N., Morcos, M., Cerit, B., & Hodgson, A. (2008). Strategic technology alignment roadmapping STAR® aligning R&D investments with business needs. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 21(8), 957-970. doi:10.1080/09511920801927148Goethals, F. G., Lemahieu, W., Snoeck, M., & Vandenbulcke, J. A. (2007). The data building blocks of the enterprise architect. Future Generation Computer Systems, 23(2), 269-274. doi:10.1016/j.future.2006.05.004Greefhorst, D., Koning, H., & Vliet, H. van. (2006). The many faces of architectural descriptions. Information Systems Frontiers, 8(2), 103-113. doi:10.1007/s10796-006-7975-xGregor, S., Hart, D., & Martin, N. (2007). Enterprise architectures: enablers of business strategy and IS/IT alignment in government. Information Technology & People, 20(2), 96-120. doi:10.1108/09593840710758031Hartono, E., Lederer, A. 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    What Every Business Student Needs to Know About Information Systems

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    Whether Information Systems should or should not be part of the core business school curriculum is a recurring discussion in many universities. In this article, a task force of 40 prominent information systems scholars address the issue. They conclude that information systems is absolutely an essential body of knowledge for business school students to acquire as well as a key element of the business school\u27s long-run strategic positioning within the university. Originally prepared in response to draft accreditation guidelines prepared by AACSB International, the article includes a compilation of the concepts that the authors believe to be the core information systems knowledge that all business school students should be familiar with

    An Atlas of the Thioredoxin Fold Class Reveals the Complexity of Function-Enabling Adaptations

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    The group of proteins that contain a thioredoxin (Trx) fold is huge and diverse. Assessment of the variation in catalytic machinery of Trx fold proteins is essential in providing a foundation for understanding their functional diversity and predicting the function of the many uncharacterized members of the class. The proteins of the Trx fold class retain common features—including variations on a dithiol CxxC active site motif—that lead to delivery of function. We use protein similarity networks to guide an analysis of how structural and sequence motifs track with catalytic function and taxonomic categories for 4,082 representative sequences spanning the known superfamilies of the Trx fold. Domain structure in the fold class is varied and modular, with 2.8% of sequences containing more than one Trx fold domain. Most member proteins are bacterial. The fold class exhibits many modifications to the CxxC active site motif—only 56.8% of proteins have both cysteines, and no functional groupings have absolute conservation of the expected catalytic motif. Only a small fraction of Trx fold sequences have been functionally characterized. This work provides a global view of the complex distribution of domains and catalytic machinery throughout the fold class, showing that each superfamily contains remnants of the CxxC active site. The unifying context provided by this work can guide the comparison of members of different Trx fold superfamilies to gain insight about their structure-function relationships, illustrated here with the thioredoxins and peroxiredoxins