336 research outputs found

    Separation-Sensitive Collision Detection for Convex Objects

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    We develop a class of new kinetic data structures for collision detection between moving convex polytopes; the performance of these structures is sensitive to the separation of the polytopes during their motion. For two convex polygons in the plane, let DD be the maximum diameter of the polygons, and let ss be the minimum distance between them during their motion. Our separation certificate changes O(log(D/s))O(\log(D/s)) times when the relative motion of the two polygons is a translation along a straight line or convex curve, O(D/s)O(\sqrt{D/s}) for translation along an algebraic trajectory, and O(D/s)O(D/s) for algebraic rigid motion (translation and rotation). Each certificate update is performed in O(log(D/s))O(\log(D/s)) time. Variants of these data structures are also shown that exhibit \emph{hysteresis}---after a separation certificate fails, the new certificate cannot fail again until the objects have moved by some constant fraction of their current separation. We can then bound the number of events by the combinatorial size of a certain cover of the motion path by balls.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; to appear in Proc. 10th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 1999; see also http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/jeffe/pubs/kollide.html ; v2 replaces submission with camera-ready versio

    Linear magnetic spring and spring/motor combination

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    A magnetic spring, or a spring and motor combination, providing a linear spring force characteristic in each direction from a neutral position, in which the spring action may occur for any desired coordinate of a typical orthogonal coordinate system. A set of magnets are disposed, preferably symmetrically about a coordinate axis, poled orthogonally to the desired force direction. A second set of magnets, respectively poled opposite the first set, are arranged on the sprung article. The magnets of one of the sets are spaced a greater distance apart than those of the other, such that an end magnet from each set forms a pair having preferably planar faces parallel to the direction of spring force, the faces being offset so that in a neutral position the outer edge of the closer spaced magnet set is aligned with the inner edge of the greater spaced magnet set. For use as a motor, a coil can be arranged with conductors orthogonal to both the magnet pole directions and the direction of desired spring force, located across from the magnets of one set and fixed with respect to the magnets of the other set. In a cylindrical coordinate system having axial spring force, the magnets are radially poled and motor coils are concentric with the cylinder axis

    Form measurements in an industrial CT scanner investigated using a polymer step gauge

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    A magnetically suspended linearly driven cryogenic refrigerator

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    This paper described a novel Stirling cycle cryogenic refrigerator which was designed, fabricated and successfully tested at Philips Laboratories. The prominent features of the machine are an electro-magnetic bearing system, a pair of moving magnet linear motors, and clearance seals with a 25 mu m radial gap. The all-metal and ceramic construction eliminates long-term organic contamination of the helium working fluid. The axial positions of the piston and displacer are electronically controlled, permitting independent adjustment of the amplitude of each and their relative phase relationship during operation. A simple passive counterbalance reduces axial vibrations. The design of the refrigerator system components is discussed and a comparison is made between performance estimates and measured results

    An Intelligent Advisor for City Traffic Policies

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    Nowadays, city streets are populated not only by private vehicles but also by public transport, fleets of workers, and deliveries. Since each vehicle class has a maximum cargo capacity, we study in this article how authorities could improve the road traffic by endorsing long term policies to change the different vehicle proportions: sedans, minivans, full size vans, trucks, and motorbikes, without losing the ability of moving cargo throughout the city. We have performed our study in a realistic scenario (map, road traffic characteristics, and number of vehicles) of the city of Malaga and captured the many details into the SUMO microsimulator. After analyzing the relationship between travel times, emissions, and fuel consumption, we have defined a multiobjective optimization problem to be solved, so as to minimize these city metrics. Our results provide a scientific evidence that we can improve the delivery of goods in the city by reducing the number of heavy duty vehicles and fostering the use of vans instead.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This research has been partially funded by the Spanish MINECO and FEDER projects TIN2014-57341-R, TIN2016-81766-REDT, and TIN2017-88213-R. University of Malaga, Andalucia TECH. Daniel H. Stolfi is supported by a FPU grant (FPU13/00954) from the Spanish MECD. Christian Cintrano is supported by a FPI grant (BES-2015-074805) from Spanish MINECO

    An Evolutionary Algorithm to Generate Real Urban Traffic Flows

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    In this article we present a strategy based on an evolutionary algorithm to calculate the real vehicle ows in cities according to data from sensors placed in the streets. We have worked with a map imported from OpenStreetMap into the SUMO traffic simulator so that the resulting scenarios can be used to perform different optimizations with the confidence of being able to work with a traffic distribution close to reality. We have compared the results of our algorithm to other competitors and achieved results that replicate the real traffic distribution with a precision higher than 90%.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This research has been partially funded by project number 8.06/5.47.4142 in collaboration with the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava and Universidad de Málaga UMA/FEDER FC14-TIC36, programa de fortalecimiento de las capacidades de I+D+i en las universidades 2014-2015, de la Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, cofinanciado por el fondo europeo de desarrollo regional (FEDER). Also, partially funded by the Spanish MINECO project TIN2014-57341-R (http://moveon.lcc.uma.es). The authors would like to thank the FEDER of European Union for financial support via project Movilidad Inteligente: Wi-Fi, Rutas y Contaminación (maxCT) of the "Programa Operativo FEDER de Andalucía 2014-2020. We also thank all Agency of Public Works of Andalusia Regional Government staff and researchers for their dedication and professionalism. Daniel H. Stolfi is supported by a FPU grant (FPU13/00954) from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports

    Sequence-to-Sequence Imputation of Missing Sensor Data

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    Although the sequence-to-sequence (encoder-decoder) model is considered the state-of-the-art in deep learning sequence models, there is little research into using this model for recovering missing sensor data. The key challenge is that the missing sensor data problem typically comprises three sequences (a sequence of observed samples, followed by a sequence of missing samples, followed by another sequence of observed samples) whereas, the sequence-to-sequence model only considers two sequences (an input sequence and an output sequence). We address this problem by formulating a sequence-to-sequence in a novel way. A forward RNN encodes the data observed before the missing sequence and a backward RNN encodes the data observed after the missing sequence. A decoder decodes the two encoders in a novel way to predict the missing data. We demonstrate that this model produces the lowest errors in 12% more cases than the current state-of-the-art

    LR characterization of chirotopes of finite planar families of pairwise disjoint convex bodies

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    We extend the classical LR characterization of chirotopes of finite planar families of points to chirotopes of finite planar families of pairwise disjoint convex bodies: a map \c{hi} on the set of 3-subsets of a finite set I is a chirotope of finite planar families of pairwise disjoint convex bodies if and only if for every 3-, 4-, and 5-subset J of I the restriction of \c{hi} to the set of 3-subsets of J is a chirotope of finite planar families of pairwise disjoint convex bodies. Our main tool is the polarity map, i.e., the map that assigns to a convex body the set of lines missing its interior, from which we derive the key notion of arrangements of double pseudolines, introduced for the first time in this paper.Comment: 100 pages, 73 figures; accepted manuscript versio