1,909 research outputs found

    Radiation hardness of CMS pixel barrel modules

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    Pixel detectors are used in the innermost part of the multi purpose experiments at LHC and are therefore exposed to the highest fluences of ionising radiation, which in this part of the detectors consists mainly of charged pions. The radiation hardness of all detector components has thoroughly been tested up to the fluences expected at the LHC. In case of an LHC upgrade, the fluence will be much higher and it is not yet clear how long the present pixel modules will stay operative in such a harsh environment. The aim of this study was to establish such a limit as a benchmark for other possible detector concepts considered for the upgrade. As the sensors and the readout chip are the parts most sensitive to radiation damage, samples consisting of a small pixel sensor bump-bonded to a CMS-readout chip (PSI46V2.1) have been irradiated with positive 200 MeV pions at PSI up to 6E14 Neq and with 21 GeV protons at CERN up to 5E15 Neq. After irradiation the response of the system to beta particles from a Sr-90 source was measured to characterise the charge collection efficiency of the sensor. Radiation induced changes in the readout chip were also measured. The results show that the present pixel modules can be expected to be still operational after a fluence of 2.8E15 Neq. Samples irradiated up to 5E15 Neq still see the beta particles. However, further tests are needed to confirm whether a stable operation with high particle detection efficiency is possible after such a high fluence.Comment: Contribution to the 11th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors June 7-11, 2009 Wildbad Kreuth, German

    Human colonic intraepithelial lymphocytes regulate the cytokines produced by lamina propria mononuclear cells

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    Using an in vitro autologous human system, the immunomodulatory function of colonic intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) on cytokine production by lamina propria mononuclear cells (LPMNC) has been investigated. In contrast to LPMNC, colonic IEL produced only low amounts of IL-10, interferon-γ and interleukin-2. However, co-culture experiments (IEL + LPMNC) have shown that IEL can enhance the PHA-induced synthesis of IL-2 and interferon-γ, but not IL-10 by LPMNC. Using a transwell filter culture system apparatus, this effect was shown not to require a cell-to-cell interaction. Thus, IEL in vitro may modulate the cytokine synthesis of LPMNC, through the production of soluble factors. This may prove highly relevant in the in vivo immune activation of the gastrointestinal mucosa

    Two mini-band model for self-sustained oscillations of the current through resonant tunneling semiconductor superlattices

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    A two miniband model for electron transport in semiconductor superlattices that includes scattering and interminiband tunnelling is proposed. The model is formulated in terms of Wigner functions in a basis spanned by Pauli matrices, includes electron-electron scattering in the Hartree approximation and modified Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook collision tems. For strong applied fields, balance equations for the electric field and the miniband populations are derived using a Chapman-Enskog perturbation technique. These equations are then solved numerically for a dc voltage biased superlattice. Results include self-sustained current oscillations due to repeated nucleation of electric field pulses at the injecting contact region and their motion towards the collector. Numerical reconstruction of the Wigner functions shows that the miniband with higher energy is empty during most of the oscillation period: it becomes populated only when the local electric field (corresponding to the passing pulse) is sufficiently large to trigger resonant tunneling.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    ISOCAM observations of the rho Ophiuchi cloud: Luminosity and mass functions of the pre-main sequence embedded cluster

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    We present the results of the first extensive mid-infrared (IR) imaging survey of the rho Ophiuchi embedded cluster, performed with the ISOCAM camera on board the ISO satellite. The main molecular cloud L1688, as well as L1689N and L1689S, have been completely surveyed for point sources at 6.7 and 14.3 micron. A total of 425 sources are detected including 16 Class I, 123 Class II, and 77 Class III young stellar objects (YSOs). Essentially all of the mid-IR sources coincide with near-IR sources, but a large proportion of them are recognized for the first time as YSOs. Our dual-wavelength survey allows us to identify essentially all the YSOs with IR excess in the embedded cluster down to Fnu ~ 10 - 15 mJy. It more than doubles the known population of Class II YSOs and represents the most complete census to date of newly formed stars in the rho Ophiuchi central region. The stellar luminosity function of the complete sample of Class II YSOs is derived with a good accuracy down to L= 0.03 Lsun. A modeling of this lumino- sity function, using available pre-main sequence tracks and plausible star for- mation histories, allows us to derive the mass distribution of the Class II YSOs which arguably reflects the IMF of the embedded cluster. We estimate that the IMF in rho Ophiuchi is well described by a two-component power law with a low- mass index of -0.35+/-0.25, a high-mass index of -1.7 (to be compared with the Salpeter value of -1.35), and a break occurring at M = 0.55+/-0.25 Msun. This IMF is flat with no evidence for a low-mass cutoff down to at least 0.06 Msun.Comment: A&A Document Class -- version 5.01, 27 pages, 10 figures v2: typos added including few changes in source numberin

    Effects of Microgravity on the Formation of Aerogels

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    This paper describes research to investigate fundamental aspects of the effects of microgravity on the formation of the microstructure of metal oxide alcogels and aerogels. We are studying the role of gravity on pore structure and gel uniformity in collaboration with Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) on gelling systems under microgravity conditions. While this project was just initiated in May 1998, related research performed earlier is described along with the plans and rationale for the current microgravity investigation to provide background and describe newly developing techniques that should be useful for the current gellation studies. The role of gravity in materials processing must be investigated through the study of well-mastered systems. Sol-gel processed materials are near-perfect candidates to determine the effect of gravity on the formation and growth of random clusters from hierarchies of aggregated units. The processes of hydrolysis, condensation, aggregation and gellation in the formation of alcogels are affected by gravity and therefore provide a rich system to study under microgravity conditions. Supercritical drying of the otherwise unstable wet alcogel preserves the alcogel structure produced during sol-gel processing as aerogel. Supercritically dried aerogel provides for the study of material microstructures without interference from the effects of surface tension, evaporation, and solvent flow. Aerogels are microstructured, low density open-pore solids. They have many unusual properties including: transparency, excellent thermal resistance, high surface area, very low refractive index, a dielectric constant approaching that of air, and extremely low sound velocity. Aerogels are synthesized using sol-gel processing followed by supercritical solvent extraction that leaves the original gel structure virtually intact. These studies will elucidate the effects of microgravity on the homogeneity of the microstructure and porosity of aerogel. The presence of poorly controlled microporosity in aerogel leads to material non-uniformity that gives rise to increased light scattering. Investigation of the effect of gravity driven solute flows within microclusters and their effect on condensation and agglomeration reactions will enable us to improve the preparation and properties of aerogel. Increased clarity of images viewed through aerogel and decreased scattering from the pores of aerogel will significantly improve the prospects for large-scale adoption of aerogel in such applications as transparent insulating windows, high performance thermal insulation, and Cherenkov detectors