94 research outputs found

    Volatile Compounds Produced by Irradiation of Commercial Hams and Frankfurters

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    Low-dose irradiation (1.6 kGy) of commercially- produced cured, sliced ham and frankfurters resulted in off-odors and off-flavors following the irradiation treatment. Lipid oxidation was not affected by irradiation but gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis showed that several new volatile compounds were produced in the products by irradiation processing. These included heptane, trans-1-butyl-2- methylcyclopropanone, 2-octene toluene and 2- butanone. Changes in odor and flavor of irradiated ham and frankfurters resulting from production of volatile compounds must be controlled before irradiation will be accepted by the industry or by consumers as a means of improved the microbial safety of these products

    Validation of lethality processes for products with slow come up time: Bacon and bone-in ham

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    Pork bellies and boneless hams were smoked or cooked using unusually long processes to determine the impact of extended come-up times on the populations of Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella enterica, Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes. The products were formulated using brine formulations representative of what might be used in commercial production, and the thermal processes were more than doubled in length. Pork bellies and boneless hams were inoculated on the surface as well as 1 cm below the surface, and samples were collected every 3 h. The populations of C. perfringens (spores and vegetative cells) at internal locations of pork bellies increased by less than 1 log10 and declined significantly (approximately 3 log10/cm2) on the surface of the bellies during an extended bacon process. The populations of S. enterica, L. monocytogenes and S. aureusdid not increase during the extended bacon process. The populations of C. perfringens (spores and vegetative cells), S. aureus, S. enterica and L. monocytogenesdeclined significantly over an extended ham process. There were significant population reductions (\u3e2 log10/cm2) at 7 h (surface) and 12 h (\u3e5 log10/g; internal) for the hams. Populations of both surface and internal locations of the hams declined to a point approaching the limit of detection of the assays within 17 h

    Glycaemic control in the perioperative period

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    The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and the potential for perioperative dysglycaemia (hyperglycaemia, hypoglycaemia, stress-induced hyperglycaemia, or glucose variability) continue to increase dramatically. The majority of investigations on perioperative glycaemic control focused on critically ill patients and concentrated on goals of therapy, level of intensity of insulin infusion, feeding regimes, concerns over hypoglycaemia, and promulgation of recent guidelines calling for less strict glucose control. Areas of perioperative glycaemic control that deserve further investigation include preoperative identification of patients with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes and other forms of dysglycaemia, determination of appropriate intraoperative glucose goals, and establishment of the impact and natural history of perioperative abnormalities in glucose homeostasis. In the heterogeneous adult perioperative population, it is unlikely that one standard of perioperative glycaemic control is appropriate for all patients. This review presents recent evidence and expert guidance to aid preoperative assessment, intraoperative management, and postoperative care of the dysglycaemic adult patien

    Effect of Citrus Fiber Addition on Quality Attributes of Fully Cooked Deli-Style Turkey Breast

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    The effects of citrus fiber on the color, texture, lipid oxidation, and sensory characteristics of fully cooked deli-style turkey breast during storage (3°C) were studied. Four treatments were evaluated: control, 0.25% citrus fiber, 0.50% citrus fiber, and 0.105% sodium tripolyphosphate. The study was independently replicated 3 times. Proximate analysis and pH were measured once, and color (Hunter L, a, b), lipid oxidation (thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances), texture (Texture Profile Analysis hardness, resilience, cohesiveness, springiness, and chewiness), and sensory parameters (turkey aroma, texture, moistness, turkey flavor, off-flavor, and color) were measured at regular intervals on vacuum-packaged samples throughout an 84-d storage period. Aside from Texture Profile Analysis resiliency and sensory moistness lower in the 0.105% sodium tripolyphosphate group, all experimental treatments resulted in product with equivalent quality attributes to the control. At the levels tested in this specific application (high moisture, low fat), the citrus fiber evaluated did not affect the product’s quality attributes in a measurable way

    Nitrosylation of Myoglobin and Nitrosation of Cysteine by Nitrite in a Model System Simulating Meat Curing

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    Demand is growing for meat products cured without the addition of sodium nitrite. Instead of the direct addition of nitrite to meat in formulation, nitrite is supplied by bacterial reduction of natural nitrate often added as vegetable juice/powder. However, the rate of nitrite formation in this process is relatively slow, and the total ingoing nitrite is typically less than in conventional curing processes. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of the rate of addition of nitrite and the amount of nitrite added on nitrosylation/nitrosation reactions in a model meat curing system. Myoglobin was preferentially nitrosylated as no decrease in sulfhydryl groups was found until maximum nitrosylmyoglobin color was achieved. The cysteine–myoglobin model retained more sulfhydryl groups than the cysteine-only model (p \u3c 0.05). The rate of nitrite addition did not alter nitrosylation/nitrosation reactions (p \u3e 0.05). These data suggest that the amount of nitrite but not the rate of addition impacts the nitrosylation/nitrosation reactions this syste
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