147 research outputs found

    Needs Analysis for Dimethyl Mercury

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    For this needs analysis, a total of 131 DMHg analytical results were collected and reviewed from the Hanford Tank Farms from 2004 to 2007. Sampling data from the Site Wide Industrial Hygiene Database (SWIHO), the Tank waste inventory System (TWINs), and prior sampling campaigns by CH2M Hill Hanford that were not available in the SWIHD database, were aggregated for analysis. Technical literature used by the Savannah River Site (SRS). Bechtel RPP·WTP, and CH2M Hill Hanford from 2003-2007, were also reviewed to identify potential DMHg exposure concerns applicable to the tank farms. After analyzing the adequacy of lhe data, information gaps were identified and recommendations for corrective actions items were developed

    A Hierarchical Model and Analysis of Factors Affecting The Adoption of Timber as A Bridge Material

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    The Analytical Hierarchy Process was used to characterize the bridge material selection decisions of highway engineers and local highway officials across the United States. State Department of Transportation engineers, private consulting engineers, and local highway officials were personally interviewed in Mississippi, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin to identify how various factors determine their choice of a bridge material. The Analytical Hierarchy Process was used to quantify this subjective data and to model the selection decision for different groups of decision-makers. Prestressed concrete was the material of choice in the majority of cases. This was followed by reinforced concrete, steel, and timber. Local highway officials chose timber more often than did either group of engineers. These results indicate that timber will remain a niche market for bridge applications

    Ultrasonic Inspection of Wooden Pallet Parts Using Time of Flight

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    Wooden pallets exceed furniture and other solid wood products as the largest single use of sawn hardwood logs in the USA. Most wooden pallets are constructed from two types of pallet parts (Figure 1): (1) stringers—the structural center members that support the pallet load and (2) deckboards—the top and bottom facing members that provide dimensional stability and product placement. There are many variants of this basic design, but most pallets contain solid wood components that are produced from lumber or from the center cant material of logs. Cant material has a high percentage of defect area and is generally not highly valuable for other solid wood products. Therefore, the pallet manufacturing industry must make use of low-quality raw materials and yet produce a product that remains in service for many trips

    122Outcome of unrelated umbilical cord-blood transplants (UCBT) in pediatric patients: Experience of one center

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    This item contains two issues of the Take One newsletter: September 8, and 22, 1977.Take One was published every two weeks and focused on short news items and announcements "for the people of University Hospital.

    Seasonal variation of Pneumocystis jirovecii infection: analysis of underlying climatic factors

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    AbstractPneumocystis jirovecii causes severe pneumonia (PCP) in immunocompromised patients. Seasonal changes of PCP incidence may be associated with climate changes. In this first study using multiple linear regression statistics to assess monthly climatic data and Pneumocystis, PCP incidence was positively correlated with mean temperature, but not with rainfall or wind strength

    Anisotropic Hubble expansion of large scale structures

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    We investigate the dynamics of an homogenous distribution of galaxies moving under the cosmological expansion through Euler-Poisson equations system. The solutions are interpreted with the aim of understanding the cosmic velocity fields in the Local Super Cluster, and in particular the presence of a bulk flow. Among several solutions, we shows a planar kinematics with constant (eternal) and rotational distortion, the velocity field is not potential

    Does the Isotropy of the CMB Imply a Homogeneous Universe? Some Generalised EGS Theorems

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    We demonstrate that the high isotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), combined with the Copernican principle, is not sufficient to prove homogeneity of the universe -- in contrast to previous results on this subject. The crucial additional factor not included in earlier work is the acceleration of the fundamental observers. We find the complete class of irrotational perfect fluid spacetimes admitting an exactly isotropic radiation field for every fundamental observer and show that are FLRW if and only if the acceleration is zero. While inhomogeneous in general, these spacetimes all possess three-dimensional symmetry groups, from which it follows that they also admit a thermodynamic interpretation. In addition to perfect fluids models we also consider multi-component fluids containing non-interacting radiation, dust and a quintessential scalar field or cosmological constant in which the radiation is isotropic for the geodesic (dust) observers. It is shown that the non-acceleration of the fundamental observers forces these spacetimes to be FLRW. While it is plausible that fundamental observers (galaxies) in the real universe follow geodesics, it is strictly necessary to determine this from local observations for the cosmological principle to be more than an assumption. We discuss how observations may be used to test this.Comment: replaced with final version. Added discusion and ref

    Towards the optimal window for the 2MASS dipole

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    A comparison of the 2MASS flux dipole to the CMB dipole can serve as a method to constrain a combination of the cosmological parameter Omega_m and the luminosity bias of the 2MASS survey. For this constraint to be as tight as possible, it is necessary to maximize the correlation between the two dipoles. This can be achieved by optimizing the survey window through which the flux dipole is measured. Here we explicitly construct such a window for the 2MASS survey. The optimization in essence reduces to excluding from the calculation of the flux dipole galaxies brighter than some limiting magnitude K_min of the near-infrared K_s band. This exclusion mitigates nonlinear effects and shot noise from small scales, which decorrelate the 2MASS dipole from the CMB dipole. Under the assumption of negligible shot noise we find that the optimal value of K_min is about five. Inclusion of shot noise shifts the optimal K_min to larger values. We present an analytical formula for shot noise for the 2MASS flux dipole, to be used in follow-up work with 2MASS data. The misalignment angle between the two dipoles is a sensitive measure of their correlation: the higher the correlation, the smaller the expectation value of the angle. A minimum of the misalignment is thus a sign of the optimal gravity window. We model analytically the distribution function for the misalignment angle and show that the misalignment estimated by Maller et al. is consistent with the assumed underlying model (though it is greater than the expectation value). We predict with about 90% confidence that the misalignment will decrease if 2MASS galaxies brighter than K_min = 5 mag are excluded from the calculation of the flux dipole. This prediction has been indirectly confirmed by the results of Erdogdu et al. (ABRIDGED)Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Significantly expanded version, with added sections on shot noise and likelihood for beta, as well as an appendix with a derivation of the distribution for the misalignment angle relaxing the small-angle assumptio