18 research outputs found

    Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Administrasi Pada Toko Jaya Karya Berbasis Web

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    Toko Jaya Karya adalah sebuah toko yang bergerak dibidangpembelian dan penjualan barang seperti beras, gula, indomie, danrokok. Pada saat ini sistem pembelian dan penjualan pada TokoJaya Karya masih menggunakan sistem manual. Hal inimenyulitkan pemilik Toko untuk mengetahui keuntungan ataukerugian yang didapatkan.Berdasarkan analisis permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh toko JayaKarya, maka dilakukan pembuatan aplikasi untuk mendukungkinerja toko. Aplikasi diimplementasikan dapat memprosestransaksi pembelian, retur pembelian, penjualan, retur penjualan,stock opname, pembayaran hutang dan piutang. Untuk mendesainsistem baru DFD digunakan aplikasi Power Designer 6, dan ERDdigunakan aplikasi Power Designer 15.3. Aplikasi dibuat denganmenggunakan PHP dan MySQL sebagai penyimpan database.Aplikasi dapat melakukan penyimpanan data master dantransaksi, serta memberikan informasi berupa laporan yangdiperlukan termasuk perhitungan laba rugi dengan menggunakanmetode First In First Out (FIFO) yang mampu menghasilkan hasilyang akurat

    Factors Affecting the Successful Implementation of E-Government on Network Documentation and Legal Information Website in Riau

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    Network documentation and legal information website is a form of e-government applications such as Jaringan Dokumentasi dan Informasi Hukum (JDIH). JDIH website must be designed to be an effective and efficient information system. This study aims to determine the success factors of the implementation of JDIH website. The DeLone and McLean model and the Unified Theory Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) are the models used in this study. The case study is conducted in the Riau legal and human rights office. Data are obtained through questionnaires from 252 respondents in the Riau provincial government and some communities. The analysis uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS). The results of this study show that nine hypotheses have positive effects. Meanwhile, four hypotheses have no positive effects on the success and use of JDIH website. The findings of this research will be used as a reference inthe development of JDIH website in the future

    Minimizing Risk of Failure from Ceramic-on-Ceramic Total Hip Prosthesis by Selecting Ceramic Materials Based on Tresca Stress

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    The choice of ceramic-on-ceramic coupling in total hip prosthesis has advantages over couplings with other combinations of materials that use polyethylene and metal materials in terms of high hardness, scratch resistance, low wear rate, and increased lubrication performance. To reduce the risk of primary postoperative failure, the selection of ceramic materials for ceramicon-ceramic coupling is a strategic step that needs to be taken. The current study aims to analyze ceramic-on-ceramic coupling with commonly used ceramic materials, namely zirconium dioxide (ZrO2), silicon nitride (Si3N4), and aluminium oxide (Al2O3), according to Tressa failure criterion for the investigation of the stress distribution. A two-dimensional axisymmetric finite element-based computational model has been used to evaluate the Tresca stress on ceramic-on-ceramic coupling under gait cycle. The results show that the use of ZrO2-on-ZrO2 couplings can reduce Tresca stress by about 17.34% and 27.23% for Si3N4-on-Si3N4 and Al2O3-on-Al2O3 couplings, respectively

    Minimizing Risk of Failure from Ceramic-on-Ceramic Total Hip Prosthesis by Selecting Ceramic Materials Based on Tresca Stress

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    The choice of ceramic-on-ceramic coupling in total hip prosthesis has advantages over couplings with other combinations of materials that use polyethylene and metal materials in terms of high hardness, scratch resistance, low wear rate, and increased lubrication performance. To reduce the risk of primary postoperative failure, the selection of ceramic materials for ceramic-on-ceramic coupling is a strategic step that needs to be taken. The current study aims to analyze ceramic-on-ceramic coupling with commonly used ceramic materials, namely zirconium dioxide (ZrO2), silicon nitride (Si3N4), and aluminium oxide (Al2O3), according to Tressa failure criterion for the investigation of the stress distribution. A two-dimensional axisymmetric finite element-based computational model has been used to evaluate the Tresca stress on ceramic-on-ceramic coupling under gait cycle. The results show that the use of ZrO2-on-ZrO2 couplings can reduce Tresca stress by about 17.34% and 27.23% for Si3N4-on-Si3N4 and Al2O3-on-Al2O3 couplings, respectively

    Uji Usabilitas Sistem Jual Beli Produk Pertanian(Usability Testing for Agriculture Product Trading System)

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    Sebuah proyek pengembangan perangkat lunak melalui banyak tahapan dimulai dari pendefinisian kebutuhan sampai dengan penerapan. Sebelum proses penerapan sistem, tim pengembang akan melakukan uji kebergunaan (usabilitas) terhadap aplikasi. Tahap ini sangat penting untuk menjamin agar proses implementasi dapat dilakukan dengan baik dengan minimalisasi permasalahan. Tahapan dalam penelitian meliputi studi pendahuluan, penentuan responden, pengembangan tools uji, pembuatan scenario tugas, pelaksanaan tes, analisis data, dan Perumusan hasil. Uji dilakukan terhadap tiga puluh lima responden, tiga puluh responden merupakan pembeli dan penjual sementara lima responden sebagai admin pembeli dan penjual pada sistem. Pengujian dilakukan terhadap efisiensi dan efektifitas sistem. Efisiensi diukur melalui Time on Task Rate dan Number of Clicks Rate, sementara efektifitas diukur melalui Task Success Rate dan Error Rate. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian diketahui bahwa sistem cukup efisien dan memiliki efektifitas yang baik

    Comparison Testing Functional and Usability System Mapping Land Agriculture on Platform Web and Mobile

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    The Agricultural Land Mapping System (SPLP) is indispensable in an agricultural country where part of the population is farmers. This system has been developed by the research team since 2019 and has resulted in web and mobile based systems. The Dutatani SPLP system was developed using the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method. Before this system is further implemented in the community, this system needs to be tested in terms of functionality and usability. This research article aims to compare the functionality and reusability testing of web and mobile-based SPLP. The test was carried out using ISO / IEC 9126-4 usability metrics that focus on effectiveness and efficiency, and involve farmers and farmer groups from Gilang Harjo Village, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The results of testing the web-based and mobile-based SPLP system show that overall respondents can do all the tasks given, but it takes a long time to complete. This is influenced by internal factors of the respondents, namely the respondent's lack of experience in using mobile phones for other activities besides telephone and short messages. So that when testing, respondents need more time to adapt to the system. However, based on time on task, mobile-based SPLP testing is Faster than web-based ones