514 research outputs found

    Experimental determination of grain density function of AZ91/SiC composite with different mass fractions of SiC and undercoolings using heterogeneous nucleation model

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    The grain density, Nv, in the solid state after solidification of AZ91/SiC composite is a function of maximum undercooling, ΔT, of a liquid alloy. This type of function depends on the characteristics of heterogeneous nucleation sites and number of SiC present in the alloy. The aim of this paper was selection of parameters for the model describing the relationship between the grain density of primary phase and undercooling. This model in connection with model of crystallisation, which is based on chemical elements diffusion and grain interface kinetics, can be used to predict casting quality and its microstructure. Nucleation models have parameters, which exact values are usually not known and sometimes even their physical meaning is under discussion. Those parameters can be obtained after mathematical analysis of the experimental data. The composites with 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4wt.% of SiC particles were prepared. The AZ91 alloy was a matrix of the composite reinforcement SiC particles. This composite was cast to prepare four different thickness plates.They were taken from the region near to the thermocouple, to analyze the undercooling for different composites and thickness plates and its influence on the grain size. The microstructure and thermal analysis gave set of values that connect mass fraction of SiC particles, and undercooling with grain size. These values were used to approximate nucleation model adjustment parameters. Obtained model can be very useful in modelling composites microstructure

    Modeling of MnS precipitation during the crystallization of grain oriented silicon steel

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    The process of manganese sulfide formation in the course of grain-oriented silicon steel solidification process is described in the paper. Fine dispersive MnS inclusions are grain growth inhibitors and apart from AlN inclusions they contribute to the formation of a privileged texture, i.e. Goss texture. A computer simulation of a high-silicon steel ingot solidification with the use of author’s software has been performed. Ueshima model was adapted for simulating the 3 % Si steel ingot solidification. The calculations accounted for the back diffusion effect according to Wołczyński equation. The computer simulation results are presented in the form of plots representing the process of steel components segregation in a solidifying ingot and curves illustrating the inclusion separation process

    Modelling of non-metallic particles motion process in foundry alloys

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    The behaviour of non-metallic particles in the selected composites was analysed, in the current study. The calculations of particles floating in liquids differing in viscosity were performed. Simulations based on the Stokes equation were made for spherical SiC particles and additionally the particle size influence on Reynolds number was analysed.The movement of the particles in the liquid metal matrix is strictly connected with the agglomerate formation problem.Some of collisions between non-metallic particles lead to a permanent connection between them. Creation of the two spherical particles and a metallic phase system generates the adhesion force. It was found that the adhesion force mainly depends on the surface tension of the liquid alloy and radius of non-metallic particles

    Modelling of the crystallization front – particles interactions in ZnAl/(SiC)p composites

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    The presented work focuses on solid particle interactions with the moving crystallization front during a solidification of the metal matrix composite. The current analyses were made for silicon carbide particles and ZnAl alloy with different additions of aluminium. It was found, that the chemical composition of the metal matrix influences the behaviour of SiC particles. At the same time calculations of the forces acting on a single particle near the crystallization front were performed. For each alloy type the critical conditions that determine whether particle will be absorbed or pushed, were specified

    Monitoring PSR B1509–58 with RXTE: Spectral analysis 1996–2010

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    We present an analysis of the X-ray spectra of the young, Crab-like pulsar PSR B1509–58 (pulse period P ~ 151ms) observed by RXTE over 14 years since the beginning of the mission in 1996. The uniform dataset is especially well suited for studying the stability of the spectral parameters over time as well as for determining pulse phase resolved spectral parameters with high significance. The phase averaged spectra as well as the resolved spectra can be well described by an absorbed power law

    Hyper-velocity impact test and simulation of a double-wall shield concept for the Wide Field Monitor aboard LOFT

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    The space mission LOFT (Large Observatory For X-ray Timing) was selected in 2011 by ESA as one of the candidates for the M3 launch opportunity. LOFT is equipped with two instruments, the Large Area Detector (LAD) and the Wide Field Monitor (WFM), based on Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs). In orbit, they would be exposed to hyper-velocity impacts by environmental dust particles, which might alter the surface properties of the SDDs. In order to assess the risk posed by these events, we performed simulations in ESABASE2 and laboratory tests. Tests on SDD prototypes aimed at verifying to what extent the structural damages produced by impacts affect the SDD functionality have been performed at the Van de Graaff dust accelerator at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (MPIK) in Heidelberg. For the WFM, where we expect a rate of risky impacts notably higher than for the LAD, we designed, simulated and successfully tested at the plasma accelerator at the Technical University in Munich (TUM) a double-wall shielding configuration based on thin foils of Kapton and Polypropylene. In this paper we summarize all the assessment, focussing on the experimental test campaign at TUM.Comment: Proc. SPIE 9144, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, 91446

    4U 1909+07: a Hidden Pearl

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    We present a detailed spectral and timing analysis of the High Mass X-ray Binary (HMXB) 4U 1909+07 with INTEGRAL and RXTE. 4U1909+07 is a persistent accreting X-ray pulsar with a period of approximately 605 s. The period changes erratically consistent with a random walk expected for a wind accreting system. INTEGRAL detects the source with an average of 2.4 cps (corresponding to 15mCrab), but sometimes exhibits flaring activity up to 50 cps (i.e. 300mCrab). The strongly energy dependent pulse profile shows a double peaked structure at low energies and only a single narrow peak at energies above 20 keV. The phase averaged spectrum is well described by a powerlaw modified at higher energies by an exponential cutoff and photoelectric absorption at low energies. In addition at 6.4 keV a strong iron fluorescence line and at lower energies a blackbody component are present. We performed phase resolved spectroscopy to study the pulse phase dependence of the spectral parameters: while most spectral parameters are constant within uncertainties, the blackbody normalization and the cutoff folding energy vary strongly with phase

    Metastasis-inducing S100A4 protein is associated with the disease activity of rheumatoid arthritis

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    Objectives. To evaluate the association between metastasis-inducing protein S100A4 and disease activity in patients with RA, and to demonstrate the effect of TNF-alpha blocking therapy on plasma levels of S100A4 in these patients. Methods. Plasma levels of the S100A4 protein were analysed in 40 anti-TNF-alpha naive patients with active RA. Of the 40 patients, 25 were treated with adalimumab and monitored over time. The conformational form of S100A4 was analysed using size-exclusion gel chromatography. TNF-alpha mRNA expression and protein synthesis were analysed by RT-PCR and ELISA, respectively. Results. Baseline levels of S100A4 were significantly correlated with disease activity in RA patients (r = 0.41; P < 0.01). After 12 weeks of treatment with adalimumab, there was an obvious shift in the conformations of S100A4 from the multimeric to the dimeric forms, whereas the total levels of the S100A4 protein remained unchanged. This suggests that the bioactive (multimer) S100A4 may decline in response to successful treatment with adalimumab. In addition, we showed significant up-regulation of TNF-alpha mRNA (P < 0.01), and protein release to the cell culture medium of monocytes stimulated with the S100A4 multimer compared with those treated with the dimer and to the unstimulated monocytes (P < 0.001). Conclusions. This is the first study to show that the levels of the S100A4 protein are correlated with RA disease activity. Furthermore, only the bioactive form, but not the total amount of S100A4, decreases after successful TNF-alpha blocking therapy in patients with RA. These data support an important role for the S100A4 multimer in the pathogenesis of R

    A 0535+26 in the August/September 2005 outburst observed by RXTE and INTEGRAL

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    In this Letter we present results from INTEGRAL and RXTE observations of the spectral and timing behavior of the High Mass X-ray Binary A 0535+26 during its August/September 2005 normal (type I) outburst with an average flux F(5-100keV)~400mCrab. The search for cyclotron resonance scattering features (fundamental and harmonic) is one major focus of the paper. Our analysis is based on data from INTEGRAL and RXTE Target of Opportunity Observations performed during the outburst. The pulse period is determined. X-ray pulse profiles in different energy ranges are analyzed. The broad band INTEGRAL and RXTE pulse phase averaged X-ray spectra are studied. The evolution of the fundamental cyclotron line at different luminosities is analyzed. The pulse period P is measured to be 103.39315(5)s at MJD 53614.5137. Two absorption features are detected in the phase averaged spectra at E_1~45keV and E_2~100keV. These can be interpreted as the fundamental cyclotron resonance scattering feature and its first harmonic and therefore the magnetic field can be estimated to be B~4x10^12G.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letter