412 research outputs found

    Targeted re-sequencing reveals geographic patterns of differentiation for loci implicated in parallel evolution

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    Parallel divergence and speciation provide evidence for the role of divergent selection in generating biological diversity. Recent studies indicate that parallel phenotypic divergence may not have the same genetic basis in different geographical locations - "outlier loci" (loci potentially affected by divergent selection) are often not shared among parallel instances of phenotypic divergence. However, limited sharing may be due, in part, to technical issues if false positive outliers occur. Here, we test this idea in the marine snail Littorina saxatilis, which has evolved two partly isolated ecotypes (adapted to crab predation vs. wave action) in multiple locations independently. We argue that if the low extent of sharing observed in earlier studies in this system is due to sampling effects, we expect outliers not to show elevated FST when sequenced in new samples from the original locations, and also not to follow predictable geographical patterns of elevated FST . Following a hierarchical sampling design (within vs. between country), we applied capture sequencing, targeting outliers from earlier studies and control loci. We found that outliers again showed elevated levels of FST in their original location, suggesting they were not generated by sampling effects. Outliers were also likely to show increased FST in geographically close locations, which may be explained by higher levels of gene flow or shared ancestral genetic variation compared to more distant locations. However, in contrast to earlier findings, we also found some outlier types to show elevated FST in geographically distant locations. We discuss possible explanations for this unexpected result. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    The adaptation of academics to the Covid-19 crisis in terms of work time allocation

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    Academics have seen their work environment and routines severely affected by the Covid19 pandemic. This topic has been analyzed by the literature, mostly from personal and descriptive perspectives, that highlight the challenging transitions and adaptations that academics have endured concerning their work and life-balance. This research complements those studies, by using a sample of university academics working all around the world in all disciplinary fields and focuses on a longitudinal perspective of workload and task time allocation of academic work. The findings show that academics which in general had long working hours, further increased their time of the week dedicated to work leading possibly to the reported cases in the literature of increasing stress and burnout during the pandemic. These effects were found to be similar to all academics, independently of their gender and disciplinary field. More concerning is that this increased number of hours worked per week appears to have established itself as part of the new normal. The main driver for the increased workload is associated with teaching, and to a lesser extent with administrative duties.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Transcriptomic resources for evolutionary studies in flat periwinkles and related species

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    The flat periwinkles, Littorina fabalis and L. obtusata, comprise two sister gastropod species that have an enormous potential to elucidate the mechanisms involved in ecological speciation in the marine realm. However, the molecular resources currently available for these species are still scarce. In order to circumvent this limitation, we used RNA-seq data to characterize the transcriptome of four individuals from each species sampled in different locations across the Iberian Peninsula. Four de novo transcriptome assemblies were generated, as well as a pseudo-reference using the L. saxatilis reference transcriptome as backbone. After transcripts’ annotation, variant calling resulted in the identification of 19,072 to 45,340 putatively species-diagnostic SNPs. The discriminatory power of a subset of these SNPs was validated by implementing an independent genotyping assay to characterize reference populations, resulting in an accurate classification of individuals into each species and in the identification of hybrids between the two. These data comprise valuable genomic resources for a wide range of evolutionary and conservation studies in flat periwinkles and related taxa

    To the question of perfection of legislation about access to information

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    Панова, И. В. К вопросу совершенствования законодательства о доступе к информации / И. В. Панова // Проблемы правоохранительной деятельности. - 2012. - Вып. 2. - С. 77-81.Проведено исследование научных взглядов на проблемы законодательного обеспечения информационных правоотношений и предложены пути совершенствования законодательства о доступе к информации.Research of scientific looks is executed to the problems of the legislative providing of informative legal relationships and the ways of perfection of legislation are offered about access to information.Проведено дослідження наукових поглядів на проблему законодавчого забезпечення інформаційних правовідносин та запропоновано шляхи вдосконалення законодавства про доступ до інформації


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    The study investigated the dynamic changes in the content of pentraxin-3 and C-Reactive Protein in blood serum of children and adolescents suffering from respiratory tuberculosis with destruction and minor tuberculous changes in chest lymph nodes and lungs (minor forms). Level of PTX3 in tuberculosis patients with destructive lesions confidently reduced by the 6th month of treatment (end of the intensive phase of treatment): from 3 285.2 ± 387.1 down to 1 280.0 ± 65.4 pg/ml In the group ofthose with minor forms oftuberculosis the content of PTX3 confidently increased after 6 months of treatment (completion of the main course of chemotherapy): from 2 990.0 ± 330.3 down 5 329.7 ± 421.3 pg/ml. Such changes of PTX3 in this group were observed for the first time and it had not been described before. It is possible that the increase of PTX3 level after completion of chemotherapy course is temporary and it is related to activation of the lung tissue healing. Content of C-Reactive Protein before treatment start was typically higher in those with destructive lesions and it confidently reduced in 6 months of chemotherapy in the patients from this group (from 15.7 ± 2.9 down to 5.95 ± 1.2 mg/l) and remained unchanged in the patients with minor forms of tuberculosis (4.5 ± 1.1; 2.9 ± 0.1 mg/l)

    DNA Intercalators Inhibit Eukaryotic Ribosomal RNA Synthesis by Impairing the Initiation of Transcription

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    In eukaryotes, ribosome biogenesis is driven by the synthesis of the ribosomal RNA (rRNA) by RNA polymerase I (Pol-I) and is tightly linked to cell growth and proliferation. The 3D-structure of the rDNA promoter plays an important, yet not fully understood role in regulating rRNA synthesis. We hypothesized that DNA intercalators/groove binders could affect this structure and disrupt rRNA transcription. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the effect of a number of compounds on Pol-I transcription in vitro and in cells. We find that intercalators/groove binders are potent inhibitors of Pol-I specific transcription both in vitro and in cells, regardless of their specificity and the strength of its interaction with DNA. Importantly, the synthetic ability of Pol-I is unaffected, suggesting that these compounds are not targeting post-initiating events. Notably, the tested compounds have limited effect on transcription by Pol-II and III, demonstrating the hypersensitivity of Pol-I transcription. We propose that stability of pre-initiation complex and initiation are affected as result of altered 3D architecture of the rDNA promoter, which is well in line with the recently reported importance of biophysical rDNA promoter properties on initiation complex formation in the yeast system

    Experimental and Theoretical Design Methodology of Hemispherical Shells under Extreme Static Loading

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    We present mathematical dependences describing the research results for metal half-sperical shells subjected to static loading by external pressure. We studied the behavior and conditions of static buckling of empty, styrofoam- filled and geometrically imperfect shells. Regression equations in the form of incomplete cubic polinomials are derived. In planes of governing parameters we plot isolines, analysis of which makes it possible to draw qualitative and quantitative conclusions on the externally pressurized shell behavior.Представлены математические зависимости, описывающие результаты исследований металлических полусферических оболочек при статическом нагружении внешним давлением. При этом исследовались поведение и условия потери устойчивости как пустотелых, так и заполненных пенопластом оболочек с геометрическими несовершенствами. Получены уравнения регрессии в виде неполных кубических полиномов. В плоскостях определяющих параметров построены изолинии, анализ которых позволяет сделать качественные и количественные выводы о поведении оболочек в условиях нагружения внешним давлением.Представлено математичні залежності, що описують результати досліджень металевих напівсферичних оболонок при статичному навантаженні зовнішнім тиском. При цьому досліджувалися поведінка й умови втрати стійкості як пустотілих, так і заповнених пенопластом оболонок із геометричною недосконалістю. Отримано рівняння регресії у вигляді неповних кубічних поліномів. У плоскостях визначальних параметрів побудовано ізолінії, аналіз яких дозволяє зробити якісні і кількісні висновки щодо поведінки оболонок в умовах навантаження зовнішнім тиском

    Visual and molecular serologic diagnosis of sarcocystosis in cattle

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    The purpose of the research is to provide a comparative assessment of efficacy of different diagnostic methods for sarcocystosis in cattle.Materials and methods. Seventy-eight bovine carcasses were examined using methods and regulations of veterinary and sanitary examination. Muscles of the esophagus and other parts of the carcass as well as the spleen, lungs, the liver, and kidneys were examined. The compressor research method was used. A total of 156 compressoria from 78 bovine carcasses were analyzed for tissue sarcocystosis. For life-time diagnostics of bovine sarcocystosis, a molecular serologic method (ELISA) was used that was developed based on antibody detection principles.Results and discussion. Two diagnostic methods, visual inspection and compressor microscopy, identified 13 out of 78 carcasses with Sarcocystis species, which was 16.6%. The number of sarcocystosis animals increased by another 23 cases when studying blood sera from the cattle using ELISA. Thus, we found 36 animals suffering from sarcocystosis out of 78 examined, which was 46%, with tests based on different principles