2,711 research outputs found

    Effects of periodic potentials on the critical velocity of superfluid Fermi gases in the BCS-BEC crossover

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    We study the effects of an external periodic potential on the critical velocity of a superfluid Fermi gas in the crossover between the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) phase and Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC). We numerically solve the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations to model a three-dimensional (3D) gas of ultracold atoms in the superfluid phase flowing through a 1D optical lattice. We find that when the recoil energy is comparable to the Fermi energy, the presence of the periodic potential reduces the effect of pair-breaking excitations. This behavior is a consequence of the peculiar band structure of the quasiparticle energy spectrum in the lattice. When the lattice height is much larger than the Fermi energy, the periodic potential makes pairs of atoms to be strongly bound even in the BCS regime and pair-breaking excitations are further suppressed. We have also found that when the recoil energy is comparable to or larger than the Fermi energy, the critical velocity due to long-wavelength phonon excitations shows a non-monotonic behavior along the BCS-BEC crossover.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, added an appendix on the dynamical instabilit

    A genetic network that suppresses genome rearrangements in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and contains defects in cancers.

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    Gross chromosomal rearrangements (GCRs) play an important role in human diseases, including cancer. The identity of all Genome Instability Suppressing (GIS) genes is not currently known. Here multiple Saccharomyces cerevisiae GCR assays and query mutations were crossed into arrays of mutants to identify progeny with increased GCR rates. One hundred eighty two GIS genes were identified that suppressed GCR formation. Another 438 cooperatively acting GIS genes were identified that were not GIS genes, but suppressed the increased genome instability caused by individual query mutations. Analysis of TCGA data using the human genes predicted to act in GIS pathways revealed that a minimum of 93% of ovarian and 66% of colorectal cancer cases had defects affecting one or more predicted GIS gene. These defects included loss-of-function mutations, copy-number changes associated with reduced expression, and silencing. In contrast, acute myeloid leukaemia cases did not appear to have defects affecting the predicted GIS genes

    Some integrals ocurring in a topology change problem

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    In a paper presented a few years ago, De Lorenci et al. showed, in the context of canonical quantum cosmology, a model which allowed space topology changes (Phys. Rev. D 56, 3329 (1997)). The purpose of this present work is to go a step further in that model, by performing some calculations only estimated there for several compact manifolds of constant negative curvature, such as the Weeks and Thurston spaces and the icosahedral hyperbolic space (Best space).Comment: RevTeX article, 4 pages, 1 figur

    About Starobinsky inflation

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    It is believed that soon after the Planck era, space time should have a semi-classical nature. According to this, the escape from General Relativity theory is unavoidable. Two geometric counter-terms are needed to regularize the divergences which come from the expected value. These counter-terms are responsible for a higher derivative metric gravitation. Starobinsky idea was that these higher derivatives could mimic a cosmological constant. In this work it is considered numerical solutions for general Bianchi I anisotropic space-times in this higher derivative theory. The approach is ``experimental'' in the sense that there is no attempt to an analytical investigation of the results. It is shown that for zero cosmological constant Λ=0\Lambda=0, there are sets of initial conditions which form basins of attraction that asymptote Minkowski space. The complement of this set of initial conditions form basins which are attracted to some singular solutions. It is also shown, for a cosmological constant Λ>0\Lambda> 0 that there are basins of attraction to a specific de Sitter solution. This result is consistent with Starobinsky's initial idea. The complement of this set also forms basins that are attracted to some type of singular solution. Because the singularity is characterized by curvature scalars, it must be stressed that the basin structure obtained is a topological invariant, i.e., coordinate independent.Comment: Version accepted for publication in PRD. More references added, a few modifications and minor correction

    Experimental evidence of differences in the absorption spectra of clustered and isolated ions in erbium doped fibers

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    The absorption spectra of clustered and isolated ions in erbium-doped germanosilicate fibers have been experimentally studied. The ground state absorption spectra broaden as the degree of erbium-ion clustering increases, indicating that the absorption spectra of clustered ions is significantly different from that of the homogeneous ions. This is confirmed by comparing the broadened absorption spectra with the fibre unbleachable loss spectrum; a direct measurement of the clustered ions. This is the first experimental evidence indicating different absorption cross-sections for the two species of ions in germanosilicate glass, an assumption used in the theoretical description of self-pulsing in erbium doped fiber lasers, but in direct contradiction to the pair-induced quenching model widely used to characterise EDFAs

    Dipole-quadrupole interactions and the nature of phase III of compressed hydrogen

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    A new class of strongly infrared active structures is identified for phase III of compressed molecular H2 by constant-pressure ab initio molecular dynamics and density-functional perturbation calculations. These are planar quadrupolar structures obtained as a distortion of low-pressure quadrupolar phases, after they become unstable at about 150 GPa due to a zone-boundary soft phonon. The nature of the II-III transition and the origin of the IR activity are rationalized by means of simple electrostatics, as the onset of a stabilizing dipole-quadrupole interaction.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Suppression of Dimer Correlations in the Two-Dimensional J1J_1-J2J_2 Heisenberg Model: an Exact Diagonalization Study

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    We present an exact diagonalization study of the ground state of the spin-half J1J2J_1{-}J_2 model. Dimer correlation functions and the susceptibility associated to the breaking of the translational invariance are calculated for the 4×44\times 4 and the 6×66\times 6 clusters. These results -- especially when compared to the one dimensional case, where the occurrence of a dimerized phase for large enough frustration is well established -- suggest either a homogeneous spin liquid or, possibly, a dimerized state with a rather small order parameter

    Molecular hydrogen, deuterium and metal abundances in the damped Ly-alpha system at z = 3.025 toward QSO 0347-3819

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    We have detected in high resolution spectra of the quasar Q0347--3819 obtained with the UVES spectrograph at the VLT/Kueyen telescope over 80 absorption features in the Lyman and Werner H2 bands at the redshift of a damped Ly-alpha system at z = 3.025. The z = 3.025 system spans over 80 km/s and exhibits a multicomponent velocity structure in the metal lines. The main component at z = 3.024855 shows a total H2 column density N(H2) = (4.10\pm0.21)*10^{14} cm^{-2} and a fractional molecular abundance f(H2) = (1.94\pm0.10)*10^{-6} derived from the H2 lines arising from J=0 to 5 rotational levels of the ground electronic-vibrational state. For the first time we unambiguously reveal a pronounced [alpha-element/iron-peak] enhancement of [O,Si/Zn] = 0.6\pm0.1 (6 sigma c.l.) at high redshift. The simultaneous analysis of metal and hydrogen lines leads to D/H = (3.75\pm0.25)*10^{-5}. This value is consistent with standard big bang nucleosynthesis if the baryon-to-photon ratio, eta, lies within the range 4.37*10^{-10} <= eta <= 5.32*10^{-10}, implying 0.016 <= Omega_b h^2_100 <= 0.020.Comment: 32 pages, 16 ps figures, accepted to Ap

    Theory of ultracold Fermi gases

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    The physics of quantum degenerate Fermi gases in uniform as well as in harmonically trapped configurations is reviewed from a theoretical perspective. Emphasis is given to the effect of interactions which play a crucial role, bringing the gas into a superfluid phase at low temperature. In these dilute systems interactions are characterized by a single parameter, the s-wave scattering length, whose value can be tuned using an external magnetic field near a Feshbach resonance. The BCS limit of ordinary Fermi superfluidity, the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of dimers and the unitary limit of large scattering length are important regimes exhibited by interacting Fermi gases. In particular the BEC and the unitary regimes are characterized by a high value of the superfluid critical temperature, of the order of the Fermi temperature. Different physical properties are discussed, including the density profiles and the energy of the ground-state configurations, the momentum distribution, the fraction of condensed pairs, collective oscillations and pair breaking effects, the expansion of the gas, the main thermodynamic properties, the behavior in the presence of optical lattices and the signatures of superfluidity, such as the existence of quantized vortices, the quenching of the moment of inertia and the consequences of spin polarization. Various theoretical approaches are considered, ranging from the mean-field description of the BCS-BEC crossover to non-perturbative methods based on quantum Monte Carlo techniques. A major goal of the review is to compare the theoretical predictions with the available experimental results.Comment: Revised and abridged version accepted for publication in Rev. Mod. Phys.: 63 pages, 36 figure