290 research outputs found

    Investigation of the chemical vicinity of crystal defects in ion-irradiated Mg and AZ31 with coincident Doppler broadening spectroscopy

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    Crystal defects in magnesium and magnesium based alloys like AZ31 are of major importance for the understanding of their macroscopic properties. We have investigated defects and their chemical surrounding in Mg and AZ31 on an atomic scale with Doppler broadening spectroscopy of the positron annihilation radiation. In these Doppler spectra the chemical information and the defect contribution have to be thoroughly separated. For this reason samples of annealed Mg were irradiated with Mg-ions in order to create exclusively defects. In addition Al- and Zn-ion irradiation on Mg-samples was performed in order to create samples with defects and impurity atoms. The ion irradiated area on the samples was investigated with laterally and depth resolved positron Doppler broadening spectroscopy (DBS) and compared with preceding SRIM-simulations of the vacancy distribution, which are in excellent agreement. The investigation of the chemical vicinity of crystal defects in AZ31 was performed with coincident Doppler broadening spectroscopy (CDBS) by comparing Mg-ion irradiated AZ31 with Mg-ion irradiated Mg. No formation of solute-vacancy complexes was found due to the ion irradiation, despite the high defect mobility.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review B on March 20 20076. Revised version submitted on September 28 2007. Accepted on October 19 200

    Is the Unitarity of the quark-mixing-CKM-matrix violated in neutron β\beta-decay?

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    We report on a new measurement of neutron β\beta-decay asymmetry. From the result \linebreak A0A_0 = -0.1189(7), we derive the ratio of the axial vector to the vector coupling constant λ\lambda = gA/gV{\it g_A/g_V} = -1.2739(19). When included in the world average for the neutron lifetime τ\tau = 885.7(7)s, this gives the first element of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix VudV_{ud} . With this value and the Particle Data Group values for VusV_{us} and VubV_{ub}, we find a deviation from the unitarity condition for the first row of the CKM matrix of Δ\Delta = 0.0083(28), which is 3.0 times the stated error

    Final results from the Palo Verde Neutrino Oscillation Experiment

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    The analysis and results are presented from the complete data set recorded at Palo Verde between September 1998 and July 2000. In the experiment, the \nuebar interaction rate has been measured at a distance of 750 and 890 m from the reactors of the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station for a total of 350 days, including 108 days with one of the three reactors off for refueling. Backgrounds were determined by (a) the swapswap technique based on the difference between signal and background under reversal of the positron and neutron parts of the correlated event and (b) making use of the conventional reactor-on and reactor-off cycles. There is no evidence for neutrino oscillation and the mode \nuebar\to\bar\nu_x was excluded at 90% CL for \dm>1.1\times10^{-3} eV2^2 at full mixing, and \sinq>0.17 at large \dm.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    The atmospheric neutrino anomaly without maximal mixing?

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    We consider a pattern of neutrino masses in which there is an approximate mass degeneracy between the two mass eigenstates most coupled to the νμ\nu_\mu and ντ\nu_\tau flavour eigenstates. Earth-matter effects can lift this degeneracy and induce an effectively maximal mixing between these two generations. This occurs if νe\nu_e's contain comparable admixtures of the degenerate eigenstates, even rather small ones. This provides an explanation of the atmospheric neutrino anomaly in which the {\it ab initio} introduction of a large mixing angle is not required. To test this possibility we perform a novel and detailed analysis of the 52 kiloton-year SuperKamiokande data, and we find that in a large region of parameter space the corresponding confidence levels are excellent. The most recent results from the Chooz reactor experiment, however, severely curtail this region, so that the conventional scenario with nearly maximal mixing angles --which we also analyse in detail-- is supported by the data.Comment: Some relevant references added and a misprint correcte

    Accelerator and Reactor Neutrino Oscillation Experiments in a Simple Three-Generation Framework

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    We present a new approach to the analysis of neutrino oscillation experiments, in the one mass-scale limit of the three-generation scheme. In this framework we reanalyze and recombine the most constraining accelerator and reactor data, in order to draw precise bounds in the new parameter space. We consider our graphical representations as particularly suited to show the interplay among the different oscillation channels. Within the same framework, the discovery potential of future short and long baseline experiments is also investigated, in the light of both the recent signal from the LSND experiment and the atmospheric neutrino anomaly.Comment: uuencoded compressed tar file. Figures (13) available by ftp to ftp://eku.sns.ias.edu/pub/lisi/ ( Submitted to Physical Review

    Proučavanje 194Ir uhvatom termičkih neutrona I (d, p) reakcijom

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    Levels of 194Ir were studied using thermal neutron capture reaction. A pair spectrometer was used to measure the high-energy γ-ray spectrum from thermal-neutron capture in enriched 193Ir target over the energy range 4640 - 6100 keV. The low-energy γ-radiation from the reaction was studied with crystal diffraction spectrometers, and conversion electrons were observed with magnetic spectrometers. The high-sensitivity measurements at the Grenoble reactor, evaluated for transition energies up to 500 keV, are compared with lower-sensitivity measurements at the Wuerenlingen and Salaspils reactors. The comparison helped to obtain reliable isotopic identification for a number of 194Ir lines. The multipolarity admixtures for 29 γ-transitions were determined on the basis of conversion lines from different electron subshells. Prompt and delayed γ-γ coincidences were measured using semiconductor and scintillation detectors. The 193Ir(d,p) high-resolution spectra, observed with a magnetic spectrometer, are given. All these data contributed to establishing a detailed level scheme of 194Ir. Additional data and the interpretation of the results in terms of current models will be presented in a forthcoming paper.Proučavala su se stanja u 194Ir reakcijama 193Ir(n, γ) i 193Ir(d, p). Mjerenja uhvata termičkih neutrona načinjena su uz reaktore u Grenoblu, Wuerenlingenu i Salapsisu. Za mjerenja γ-zračenja visoke energije upotrebljavao se spektrometar parova, a za niske energije difraktometar. Konverzijske elektrone se mjerilo magnetskim spektrometrom. Mjerenja reakcije (d, p) visokog razlučivanja izvedena su magnetskim spektrometrom. Usporedbe tih mjerenja omogućile su pouzdano izotopno prepoznavanje prijelaza u 194 Ir, a spektri konverzijskih elektrona i određivanje multipolnosti prijelaza. Dobiveni su podaci osnova sheme raspada 194Ir

    The mu - e Conversion in Nuclei, mu --> e gamma, mu --> 3e Decays and TeV Scale See-Saw Scenarios of Neutrino Mass Generation

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    We perform a detailed analysis of lepton flavour violation (LFV) within minimal see-saw type extensions of the Standard Model (SM), which give a viable mechanism of neutrino mass generation and provide new particle content at the electroweak scale. We focus, mainly, on predictions and constraints set on each scenario from mu --> e gamma, mu --> 3e and mu - e conversion in the nuclei. In this class of models, the flavour structure of the Yukawa couplings between the additional scalar and fermion representations and the SM leptons is highly constrained by neutrino oscillation measurements. In particular, we show that in some regions of the parameters space of type I and type II see-saw models, the Dirac and Majorana phases of the neutrino mixing matrix, the ordering and hierarchy of the active neutrino mass spectrum as well as the value of the reactor mixing angle theta_{13} may considerably affect the size of the LFV observables. The interplay of the latter clearly allows to discriminate among the different low energy see-saw possibilities.Comment: Expressions for the factors |C_{me}|^2 and |C_{mu3e}|^2 in the mu-e conversion and mu-->3e decay rates, eqs. (36) and (49), respectively, corrected; results in subsections 2.2 and 2.3 quantitatively changed, qualitatively remain the same; figures 2, 3, 4 and 5 replace

    Reactor-based Neutrino Oscillation Experiments

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    The status of neutrino oscillation searches employing nuclear reactors as sources is reviewed. This technique, a direct continuation of the experiments that proved the existence of neutrinos, is today an essential tool in investigating the indications of oscillations found in studying neutrinos produced in the sun and in the earth's atmosphere. The low-energy of the reactor \nuebar makes them an ideal tool to explore oscillations with small mass differences and relatively large mixing angles. In the last several years the determination of the reactor anti-neutrino flux and spectrum has reached a high degree of accuracy. Hence measurements of these quantities at a given distance L can be readily compared with the expectation at L = 0, thus testing \nuebar disappearance. While two experiments, Chooz and Palo Verde, with baselines of about 1 km and thus sensitive to the neutrino mass differences associated with the atmospheric neutrino anomaly, have collected data and published results recently, an ambitious project with a baseline of more than 100 km, Kamland, is preparing to take data. This ultimate reactor experiment will have a sensitivity sufficient to explore part of the oscillation phase space relevant to solar neutrino scenarios. It is the only envisioned experiment with a terrestrial source of neutrinos capable of addressing the solar neutrino puzzle.Comment: Submitted to Reviews of Modern Physics 34 pages, 39 figure

    Study of ^194 Ir via thermal neutron capture and (d,p) reactions

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    Levels of ^194 Ir were studied using thermal neutron capture reaction. A pair spectrometer was used to measure the high-energy gamma-ray spectrum from thermal-neutron capture in enriched ^193 Ir target over the energy range 4640 - 6100 keV. The low-energy gamma-radiation from the reaction was studied with crystal diffraction spectrometers, and conversion electrons were observed with magnetic spectrometers. The high-sensitivity measurements at the Grenoble reactor, evaluated for transition energies up to 500 keV, are compared with lower-sensitivity measurements at the Wuerenlingen and Salaspils reactors. The comparison helped to obtain reliable isotopic identification for a number of ^194 Ir lines. The multipolarity admixtures for 29 gamma-transitions were determined on the basis of conversion lines from different electron subshells. Prompt and delayed gamma-gamma coincidences were measured using semiconductor and scintillation detectors. The ^193 Ir(d,p) high-resolution spectra, observed with a magnetic spectrometer, are given. All these data contributed to establishing a detailed level scheme of ^194 Ir. Additional data and the interpretation of the results in terms of current models will be presented in a forthcoming paper