7,854 research outputs found

    Impact hazard protection efficiency by a small kinetic impactor

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    In this paper the ability of a small kinetic impactor spacecraft to mitigate an Earth-threatening asteroid is assessed by means of a novel measure of efficiency. This measure estimates the probability of a space system to deflect a single randomly-generated Earth-impacting object to a safe distance from the Earth. This represents a measure of efficiency that is not biased by the orbital parameters of a test-case object. A vast number of virtual Earth-impacting scenarios are investigated by homogenously distributing in orbital space a grid of 17,518 Earth impacting trajectories. The relative frequency of each trajectory is estimated by means Opik’s theory and Bottke’s near Earth objects model. A design of the entire mitigation mission is performed and the largest deflected asteroid computed for each impacting trajectory. The minimum detectable asteroid can also be estimated by an asteroid survey model. The results show that current technology would likely suffice against discovered airburst and local damage threats, whereas larger space systems would be necessary to reliably tackle impact hazard from larger threats. For example, it is shown that only 1,000 kg kinetic impactor would suffice to mitigate the impact threat of 27.1% of objects posing similar threat than that posed by Apophis

    Single-cell western blotting.

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    To measure cell-to-cell variation in protein-mediated functions, we developed an approach to conduct ∌10(3) concurrent single-cell western blots (scWesterns) in ∌4 h. A microscope slide supporting a 30-ÎŒm-thick photoactive polyacrylamide gel enables western blotting: settling of single cells into microwells, lysis in situ, gel electrophoresis, photoinitiated blotting to immobilize proteins and antibody probing. We applied this scWestern method to monitor single-cell differentiation of rat neural stem cells and responses to mitogen stimulation. The scWestern quantified target proteins even with off-target antibody binding, multiplexed to 11 protein targets per single cell with detection thresholds of <30,000 molecules, and supported analyses of low starting cell numbers (∌200) when integrated with FACS. The scWestern overcomes limitations of antibody fidelity and sensitivity in other single-cell protein analysis methods and constitutes a versatile tool for the study of complex cell populations at single-cell resolution

    Enslaved Phase-Separation Fronts in One-Dimensional Binary Mixtures

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    Phase-separation fronts leave in their wakes morphologies that are substantially different from the morphologies formed in homogeneous phase-separation. In this paper we focus on fronts in binary mixtures that are enslaved phase-separation fronts, i.e. fronts that follow in the wake of a control-parameter front. In the one-dimensional case, which is the focus of this paper, the formed morphology is deceptively simple: alternating domains of a regular size. However, determining the size of these domains as a function of the front speed and other system parameters is a non-trivial problem. We present an analytical solution for the case where no material is deposited ahead of the front and numerical solutions and scaling arguments for more general cases. Through these enslaved phase-separation fronts large domains can be formed that are practically unattainable in homogeneous one-dimensional phase-separation

    Ontological dependence in a spacetime-world

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    Priority Monism (hereafter, ‘Monism’), as defined by Jonathan Schaffer (Philos Rev 119:131–176, 2010), has a number of components. It is the view that: the cosmos exists; the cosmos is a maximal actual concrete object, of which all actual concrete objects are parts; the cosmos is basic—there is no object upon which the cosmos depends, ontologically; ontological dependence is a primitive and unanalysable relation. In a recent attack, Lowe (Spinoza on monism. Palgave Macmillan, London, pp 92–122, 2012) has offered a series of arguments to show that Monism fails. He offers up four tranches of argument, with different focuses. These focal points are: (1) being a concrete object; (2) aggregation and dependence; (3) analyses of ontological dependence; (4) Schaffer’s no-overlap principle. These are all technical notions, but each figures at the heart of a cluster of arguments that Lowe puts forward. To respond, I work through each tranche of argument in turn. Before that, in the first section, I offer a cursory statement of Monism, as Schaffer presents it in his 2010 paper, Monism: The Priority of the Whole. I then respond to each of Lowe’s criticisms in turn, deploying material from Schaffer’s 2009 paper Spacetime: the One Substance, as well as various pieces of conceptual machinery from Lowe’s own works (The possibility of metaphysics. Clarendon, Oxford, 1998, 2010) to deflect Lowe’s (Spinoza on monism. Palgave Macmillan, London, pp 92–122, 2012) attacks. In the process of defending Monism from Lowe (Spinoza on monism. Palgave Macmillan, London, pp 92–122, 2012), I end up offering some subtle refinements to Schaffer’s (Philos Rev 119:131–176, 2010) view and explain how the resulting ‘hybrid’ view fares in the wider dialectic

    Mass modification of D-meson in hot hadronic matter

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    We evaluate the in-medium DD and Dˉ\bar D-meson masses in hot hadronic matter induced by interactions with the light hadron sector described in a chiral SU(3) model. The effective Lagrangian approach is generalized to SU(4) to include charmed mesons. We find that the D-mass drops substantially at finite temperatures and densities, which open the channels of the decay of the charmonium states (Κâ€Č\Psi^\prime, χc\chi_c, J/ΚJ/\Psi) to DDˉD \bar D pairs in the thermal medium. The effects of vacuum polarisations from the baryon sector on the medium modification of the DD-meson mass relative to those obtained in the mean field approximation are investigated. The results of the present work are compared to calculations based on the QCD sum-rule approach, the quark-meson coupling model, chiral perturbation theory, as well as to studies of quarkonium dissociation using heavy quark potential from lattice QCD.Comment: 18 pages including 7 figures, minor revision of the text, figure styles modified, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Band structure analysis of the conduction-band mass anisotropy in 6H and 4H SiC

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    The band structures of 6H and 4H SiC calculated by means of the FP-LMTO method are used to determine the effective mass tensors for their conduction-band minima. The results are shown to be consistent with recent optically detected cyclotron resonance measurements and predict an unusual band filling dependence for 6H-SiC.Comment: 5 pages including 4 postscript figures incorporated with epsfig figs. available as part 2: sicfig.uu self-extracting file to appear in Phys. Rev. B: Aug. 15 (Rapid Communications

    QCD Corrections to Production of Higgs Pseudoscalars

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    Models of electroweak symmetry breaking with more than a single doublet of Higgs scalars contain a neutral pseudoscalar boson. The production of such a pseudoscalar in hadron collisions proceeds primarily via gluon fusion through a top-quark loop (except for those models in which the pseudoscalar coupling to bottom quarks is strongly enhanced). We compute the QCD corrections to this process in the heavy-quark limit, using an effective Lagrangian derived from the axial anomaly.Comment: 9 pages, (BNL number added, 1 typo corrected, PHYZZX format, 4 figures not included, available on request), BNL-4906

    Degree of explanation

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    Partial explanations are everywhere. That is, explanations citing causes that explain some but not all of an effect are ubiquitous across science, and these in turn rely on the notion of degree of explanation. I argue that current accounts are seriously deficient. In particular, they do not incorporate adequately the way in which a cause’s explanatory importance varies with choice of explanandum. Using influential recent contrastive theories, I develop quantitative definitions that remedy this lacuna, and relate it to existing measures of degree of causation. Among other things, this reveals the precise role here of chance, as well as bearing on the relation between causal explanation and causation itself
