129 research outputs found

    Construction Industry Training Fund Act, 1993, No. 17

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    This study examined ‘Theory of Mind’ (ToM) functioning, its association with psychometric schizotypy and with self-reported psychotic-like experiences (PLEs) and depressive symptoms, in a community sample of adolescents. Seventy-two adolescents (mean age 14.51 years) from Barcelona, Spain, completed questionnaires assessing PLEs, depressive symptoms, and schizotypy. A verbal ToM task and a vocabulary test were administered. The effect of symptomatology, vocabulary ability, age, and gender on task performance was explored. Neither total score on schizotypy nor PLEs were associated with ToM performance. A significant effect of vocabulary on adolescent's performance of both ToM and control stories was found. ToM showed significant negative associations with positive schizotypy, and with one cluster of positive PLEs: first-rank experiences. Positive significant associations between ToM and persecutory delusions and the impulsive aspects of schizotypy were found. Depressive symptoms did not affect ToM performance. Positive schizotypal traits and first-rank symptoms are associated with ToM deficits in adolescents. Results support the trait-(versus state-) dependent notion of ToM impairments in schizophrenia. ToM may be a developmental impairment associated with positive schizotypy and PLEs

    Relación entre el nivel de grasa e ingestión y la excreción urinaria de nitrógeno y energía, en gazapos en crecimiento-cebo

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    Se determinó la excreción urinaria de nitrógeno (NU, %) y de energía (EU, kcal/100g), en la última semana de vida, de 36 conejos alimentados, desde el destete (a los 28 d) hasta el sacrificio a los dos meses de edad, con tres piensos conteniendo 0, 3 y 6 % de grasa añadida (G0, G3 y G6); y administrados a dos niveles de ingestión: ad libitum (IL) y restringido (IR) al 70 % de IL. El NU y la EU estuvieron influidos positivamente tanto por el nivel de ingestión (P<0,001) como por el % de grasa ingerida (P<0,05). En estos resultados puede estar involucrado el metabolismo tan elevado de las lipoproteínas transportadoras de lípidos, implicadas en el metabolismo de las grasas, ya sean de origen alimentario o de la lipogénesis de novo. La relación entre la EU y el NU aporta valores muy superiores a los que podría corresponder a las materias orgánicas nitrogenadas, por lo que se podría pensar, como posible causa, en la intervención de materia orgánica no nitrogenada. Asimismo, la cuantificación de la EM del pienso se ve afectada por el incremento del valor calórico de la orina, con el nivel de ingestión y/o el 6 % de grasa añadida. Con ello se evidencia la desigualdad entre ED y EM de la grasa en las raciones que las incluya. Asimismo, el hecho de que la movilización grasa —bien sea de origen alimentario o de la lipogénesis— altere la excreción nitrogenada y/o energética a través de la orina, pone de manifiesto la importancia de su consideración, especialmente cuando dicha pérdida puede afectar a los rendimientos de algunas producciones animales.Energy (EU, kcal/100g) and nitrogen (NU, %) urinary excretion were determined, during the week prior to slaughter, in an experiment carried out with 36 rabbits fed from weaning (28 d of age) to two months of age. Three diets were utilized consisting of: 0 %, 3 % and 6 % fat (G0, G3 and G6); and two levels of intake: ad libitum (IL) and restricted to 70 % of IL (IR). Both NU and EU were incremented by level of feed intake (P < 0.001) and fat level (P < 0.05) in the diet. These increment can be explained by the high metabolism of the remnant lipoprotein particles lipids transporters implied in the metabolism of the fats. The relationship between the EU and the NU contributes with high values to those that it could correspond to the nitrogen organic matters (NOM), that would be thought as a possible cause to the intervention of non NOM. Likewise, dietary metabolizable energy (ME) was affected by the increased caloric content in the urine, in the fattening diets, mainly in the IL. Fat metabolism affected urinary excretion of N, thus suggesting that when fat is added to the diet, this effect should be taken into consideration

    Perceived needs and health-related quality of life in people with schizophrenia and metabolic syndrome : a "real-world" study

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    The complexity of schizophrenia lies in the combination of psychiatric, somatic and social needs requiring care. The aim of the study was to compare perceived needs between groups with absence/presence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) and to analyze the relationship between needs, health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and MetS in people with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. A "real-world" cross-sectional study was set up with a comprehensive framework including the following, needs for care (Camberwell Assessment of Need Interview [CAN]), HRQoL (Euro Qol-5D Questionnaire), sociodemographic data, lifestyle habits, psychopathology (Positive And Negative Syndrome Scale [PANSS]), global functioning (Global Assessment of Functioning Scale [GAF]), anthropometric measurements and blood test results were assessed for an outpatient sample (n = 60). The mean number of needs (given by CAN) was identified for both groups. Patients with MetS rated a higher number of needs compared to the group without this condition. Mobility problems (given by EQ-5D) were negatively associated with the number of total and unmet needs. For participants with MetS, HRQoL was related to the number of needs and unmet needs. For people with MetS, positive symptomatology score (given by PANSS) was related to the number of needs and met needs and general symptomatology was associated with total, met and unmet needs. For individuals without MetS, the global functioning score (given by GAF) was significantly inversely related with total, met and unmet needs. Needs and HRQoL, as well as general symptomatology, were related only in patients with MetS. This has implications for treatment planning at the individual and organizational levels. An analysis of both physical and mental needs could provide a starting point for the extension of facilities in the health care system in order to reach the goal of improving quality of life

    Complicaciones obstétricas y médicas en el trastorno de Déficit Atencional/Hiperactividad (TDAH) : ¿hay diferencias entre los subtipos?

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    El debate actual sobre los subtipos de Trastorno de Déficit Atencional/Hiperactividad (TDAH) se centra en determinar si las similitudes y diferencias halladas en la sintomatología asociada aportan evidencia para conceptualizar los subtipos como manifestaciones de distinto trastorno. El objetivo de este estudio retrospectivo ex post facto es investigar las diferencias entre los subtipos de TDAH con predominio de inatención (TDAH-I) (n = 20) y TDAH combinado (TDAH-C) (n = 39) en su historia prenatal, perinatal, del primer año y los problemas médicos posteriores. Los resultados indican que ambos subtipos presentan índices elevados de complicaciones obstétricas y problemas médicos. El subtipo TDAH-I se asocia con hemorragias prenatales, infecciones de oído y alergias, y el TDAH-C con cólicos del lactante y lesiones con sutura. La principal conclusión sugiere que las noxas de curso más continuo o dilatadas en el tiempo estarían más presentes en el grupo TDAH-I mientras que algunas características en el primer año y las lesiones que requieren suturas estarían más asociadas al subtipo TDAH-CThe current debate on the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) subtypes focuses on determining whether the similarities and differences found between them support the evidence to conceptualize both subtypes as manifestations of different disorders. The objective of this ex post facto retrospective study is to investigate the differences between ADHD-predominantly inattentive type (ADHD-I) (n = 20) and ADHD-combined type (ADHD-C) (n = 39) in prenatal, perinatal and medical history. Results indicate that both subtypes present high number of obstetrical complications and medical problems. The ADHD-I has higher correlation with prenatal haemorrhages, ear infections and allergies, while lactate's colic and wounds that require stitches are associated with the ADHD-C. The main conclusion suggests that problems with an effect which would be more continuous in time have higher incidence in the ADHDI, while several characteristics presented during the first year as well as wounds that require stitches are more likely to be observed in the ADHD-

    Pedagogies Of Agonistic Democracy And Global Citizenship Education

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    The aim of this paper is to explore the possibilities of agonistic educational practices as a way to educate a critical global citizenry. This paper is based on empirical work conducted in the UK involving primary, undergraduate and postgraduate students, educators, and researchers. We invited these groups to an interactive workshop to discuss global citizenship. In devising the workshop, we drew on the work of Ruitenberg (2009) and her application of Mouffe (1999) in attempting to promote an agonistic approach to democratic education. Activities aimed at foregrounding conflict and destabilising consensus. In this paper, we critically reflect on the workshops and consider pedagogical contributions to a critical approach to global citizenship

    Agonistic Controversial’ Issues As A Pedagogy For Global Citizenship Education

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    The aim of this paper is to explore the possibilities of using ‘agonistic’ engagement with controversial issues as a pedagogy for global citizenship education. Educating for Global Citizenship (EfGC) has been on the educational agenda since the turn of the 21st century. Internationally, global citizenship education is specifically targeted in the new United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNESCO, 2015). Some countries have been relatively resistant to this global orientated approach to citizenship education. In USA, for instance, the dominant nationalist approach has not yet been replaced for a model that consider the changing nature of citizenship in the context of globalization (Myers, 2006). But other territories (e.g. Colombia, Hong Kong) have explicitly included EfGC in the national curriculum (see Davies et al., 2017. In England, where this research took place, EfGC is not explicitly mentioned in the national curriculum, but it has driven policy and practice (Marshall, 2009, 2011). Two key agendas are emphasized: a) preparing students with knowledge and skills to be competitive in the global market, and b) fostering students’ values, particularly empathy and an orientation towards social justice. However, these two approaches are likely to undermine the roots underlying ‘global’ inequalities (Marshall, 2011). To overcome this challenge, a significant amount of scholarship has promoted a “critical” approach to EfGC which explicitly aims to expose and challenge power relations (e.g., Andreotti, 2006; Lapayese, 2003; al. et au., 2016). Within this later framework, this project aims to engage (rather than ignore) with discussions of power and conflict. Our question is, is ‘agonistic’ controversial issues a potential pedagogical approach for critical EfGC? The paper draws upon empirical data collected during and after a workshop conducted in an English university. The workshop involved undergraduate and postgraduate education students, primary students, researchers and practitioners interested in global citizenship (44 participants). In the workshop, participants were presented with controversial questions related to global citizenship. Participants were required to debate (but not to reach consensus) on these controversies. Data was collected during the workshop activity via field notes and afterwards via diaries and comments written by the participants. The objective was to examine the possibilities of this approach for democratic citizenship in education. In this paper, we first examine the theoretical and pedagogical grounds of our ‘agonistic’ approach to controversial issues. We then present the pedagogical and research method, followed by some preliminary findings and a discussion in scholarly significance

    Emotional theory of mind in eating disorders

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    The general aim of this ex post facto study was to investigate the emotional component of theory of mind (eToM) in a sample of 97 female patients with eating disorders (ED), considering all the diagnostic subtypes. Empirical research on this matter in ED is limited, specially focused on anorexia nervosa (AN), and results have been contradictory. The Reading the Mind in the Eyes test was administered to the patients and to 39 healthy controls. The emotional valence of the items was also examined. Patients with bulimia nervosa (BN) and ED-not otherwise specified (EDNOS) showed a poorer eToM ability compared to controls, especially in relation to positive emotions and non-emotional cognitive states. AN patients showed no differences in relation to controls. These results suggest that BN and EDNOS may show a specific pattern of difficulties inferring complex emotions, while AN patients would have no relevant difficulties in this regard. These deficits may need to be targeted in psychological treatmentEl objetivo general del presente estudio ex post facto fue investigar el componente emocional de la teoría de la mente (eToM) en una muestra de 97 mujeres con trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA), considerando todos los subtipos diagnósticos. La investigación empírica realizada a este respecto en los TCA es limitada, enfocada especialmente en anorexia nerviosa (AN), y los resultados encontrados han sido contradictorios. Se administró el 'Test de los Ojos' a las pacientes y a 39 controles sanos. La valencia emocional de los ítems también se examinó. Las pacientes con bulimia nerviosa (BN) y TCA no especificado (TCANE) mostraron una peor habilidad en eToM que las controles, especialmente en relación a las emociones positivas y a los estados cognitivos no emocionales. No se encontraron diferencias entre las pacientes con AN y el grupo control. Los resultados sugieren que las pacientes con BN y TCANE podrían mostrar un patrón específico de dificultades a la hora de inferir emociones complejas en los otros, mientras el grupo de AN no presentaría ninguna dificultad relevante. Estos déficits necesitarían ser tenidos en cuenta en el tratamiento psicológic

    A novel physics informed deep learning method for simulation-based modelling

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    In this paper, we present a brief review of the state of the art physics informed deep learning methodology and examine its applicability, limits, advantages, and disadvantages via several applications. The main advantage of this method is that it can predict the solution of the partial differential equations by using only boundary and initial conditions without the need for any training data or pre-process phase. Using physics informed neural network algorithms, it is possible to solve partial differential equations in many different problems encountered in engineering studies with a low cost and time instead of traditional numerical methodologies. A direct comparison between the initial results of the current model, analytical solutions, and computational fluid dynamics methods shows very good agreement. The proposed methodology provides a crucial basis for solution of more advance partial differential equation systems and offers a new analysis and mathematical modelling tool for aerospace application

    Impaired working speed and executive functions as frontal lobe dysfunctions in young first-degree relatives of schizophrenic patients

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    The aim of the investigation was to detect neuropsychological markers, such as sustained and selective attention and executive functions, which contribute to the vulnerability to schizophrenia especially in young persons. Performance was assessed in 32 siblings and children of schizophrenic patients and 32 matched controls using Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Colour-Word-Interference-Test, Trail Making Test, and d2-Concentration-Test. The first-degree relatives showed certain impairments on all four tests, in particular, slower times on all time-limited tests. These results suggest the need for more time when completing neuropsychological tasks involving selected and focused attention, as well as cognitive flexibility, as a possible indicator of genetic vulnerability to schizophrenia