223 research outputs found

    Geomorphological evolution of the western piedmont of Cumbres Calchaquíes (Tucumán Province, NW Argentina)

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    The aim of this paper is to present a detailed geomorphological map of the western piedmont of Cumbres Calchaquíes (Tucumán Province, NW Argentina) bounded by the Amaicha River to the south and the administrative border with Salta Province to the north. It contains information about geomorphological units, their relative ages, and morphogenetic processes. The main map shows the presence of seven aggradation stages separated by incision phases. The first three stages (St1, St2, and St3) were modeled on a thick accumulation located in the upper piedmont from the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene. Intermediate stages (St4 and St5) are alluvial fans and pediments with less thickness and gradient. They cover the Early Pleistocene (St4) and the Late Pleistocene-Middle Holocene (St5). Finally, stages St6 and St7 are from the Upper Holocene

    Insecta, Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae, Trachyderini: New state and country records from South America

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    Based on the revision of the collections of the Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro andthe National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, the current work provides new localities for 32 speciesand two subspecies of Trachyderini from South America. Thirteen new country records from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia,Ecuador, Peru, Surinam and Venezuela and 35 new state records from Brazil are registered

    Riesgos geomorfológicos pasados y presentes y pérdidas de patrimonio cultural en el escarpe del castillo de El Castellar (Cuenca Central del Ebro, España)

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    The ruins of the Medieval castle and village of El Castellar are located on an abrupt 1.2-km-long scarp of Miocene gypsums, in the central sector of the Ebro depression. The Medieval remains of the main El Castellar castle are perched on a 100 m cliff on the Ebro River. Considering the historical and geoarchaeological relevance of El Castellar settlement, this investigation aimed to study the geomorphological hazards and paleoenvironmental context of the site during and after the settlement and its later evolution, including its current state. To afford this objective the geomorphological context was determined analyzing the dynamics of each scarp sector. Geomorphological data suggest that in Medieval times its constructions were favored by the Medieval Climatic Anomaly (MCA) environmental conditions. During that times, the Ebro River was located in a centered position on its floodplain, and lateral alluvial fans protected the scarp from basal erosion. Later, during the Little Ice Age (LIA), great climatic flows and recurrent floods changed the river dynamics and promoted the river channel movement against the scarp, destabilizing its foot and generating large landslides and rockfalls, thus promoting its retreat. The village buildings and castle at the top of the scarp were seriously damaged. For several reasons, the area is not easily accessible, but it still contains a relevant archaeological heritage that deserves to be studied and preserved.Las ruinas del castillo medieval y villa de El Castellar se sitúan sobre un abrupto escarpe de yesos del Mioceno de 1,2 km de longitud, en el sector central de la Depresión del Ebro. Los restos medievales del castillo principal de El Castellar se alzan sobre un acantilado de 100 m sobre el río Ebro. Teniendo en cuenta la relevancia histórica y geoarqueológica del poblamiento de El Castellar, esta investigación tiene como objetivo estudiar los peligros geomorfológicos y el contexto paleoambiental del yacimiento durante y después del poblamiento y su evolución posterior, incluyendo su estado actual. Para lograr este objetivo se determinó el contexto geomorfológico analizando la dinámica de cada sector del escarpe. Los datos geomorfológicos sugieren que en época medieval sus construcciones se vieron favorecidas por las condiciones ambientales de la Anomalía Climática Medieval (ACM). En esa época, el río Ebro estaba situado en una posición centrada en su llanura de inundación, y los abanicos aluviales laterales protegían el escarpe de la erosión basal. Posteriormente, durante la Pequeña Edad del Hielo (LIA), grandes caudales y recurrentes inundaciones cambiaron la dinámica del río y promovieron el movimiento del cauce contra el escarpe, desestabilizando su pie y generando grandes derrumbes y desprendimientos, favoreciendo así su retroceso. Los edificios del pueblo y el castillo en la parte superior de la escarpa sufrieron graves daños. Por varias razones, la zona no es de fácil acceso, pero aún contiene un importante patrimonio arqueológico que merece ser estudiado y preservado.Fil: Peña Monné, José Luis. Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras; EspañaFil: Sampietro Vattuone, Maria Marta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Laboratorio de Geoarqueología; ArgentinaFil: Espinalt Brillas, Marta. Oficina eSalut; EspañaFil: Gutiérrez González, Francisco J.. Universidad de Zaragoza. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras; Españ

    Preclinical investigations using [177Lu]Lu-Ibu-DAB-PSMA toward its clinical translation for radioligand therapy of prostate cancer

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    [177^{177}Lu]Lu-Ibu-DAB-PSMA was previously characterized with moderate albumin-binding properties enabling high tumor accumulation but reasonably low retention in the blood. The aim of this study was to investigate [177^{177}Lu]Lu-Ibu-DAB-PSMA in preclinical in vivo experiments and compare its therapeutic efficacy and potential undesired side effects with those of [177^{177}Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 and the previously developed [177^{177}Lu]Lu-PSMA-ALB-56. BALB/c nude mice without tumors were investigated on Day 10 and 28 after injection of 10 MBq radioligand. It was revealed that most plasma parameters were in the same range for all groups of mice and histopathological examinations of healthy tissue did not show any alternations in treated mice as compared to untreated controls. Based on these results, a therapy study over twelve weeks was conducted with PC-3 PIP tumor-bearing mice for comparison of the radioligands’s therapeutic efficacy up to an activity of 10 MBq (1 nmol) per mouse. In agreement with the increased mean absorbed tumor dose, [177^{177}Lu]Lu-Ibu-DAB-PSMA (~ 6.6 Gy/MBq) was more effective to inhibit tumor growth than [177^{177}Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 (~ 4.5 Gy/MBq) and only moderately less potent than [177^{177}Lu]Lu-PSMA-ALB-56 (~ 8.1 Gy/MBq). As a result, the survival of mice treated with 2 MBq of an albumin-binding radioligand was significantly increased (p < 0.05) compared to that of mice injected with [177^{177}Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 or untreated controls. The majority of mice treated with 5 MBq or 10 MBq [177^{177}Lu]Lu-Ibu-DAB-PSMA or [177^{177}Lu]Lu-PSMA-ALB-56 were still alive at study end. Hemograms of immunocompetent mice injected with 30 MBq [177^{177}Lu]Lu-Ibu-DAB-PSMA or 30 MBq [177^{177}Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 showed values in the same range as untreated controls. This was, however, not the case for mice treated with [177^{177}Lu]Lu-PSMA-ALB-56 which revealed a drop in lymphocytes and hemoglobin at Day 10 and Day 28 after injection. The data of this study demonstrated a significant therapeutic advantage of [177^{177}Lu]Lu-Ibu-DAB-PSMA over [177^{177}Lu]Lu-PSMA-617 and a more favorable safety profile as compared to that of [177^{177}Lu]Lu-PSMA-ALB-56. Based on these results, [177^{177}Lu]Lu-Ibu-DAB-PSMA may has the potential for a clinical translation

    Assessing sleep health in a European population: results of the catalan health survey 2015

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    Objective To describe the overall sleep health of the Catalan population using data from the 2015 Catalan Health Survey and to compare the performance of two sleep health indicators: sleep duration and a 5-dimension sleep scale (SATED). Methods Multistage probability sampling representative of the non-institutionalized population aged 15 or more years, stratified by age, gender and municipality size, was used, excluding nightshift-workers. A total of 4385 surveys were included in the analyses. Associations between sleep health and the number of reported chronic diseases were assessed using non-parametric smoothed splines. Differences in the predictive ability of age-adjusted logistic regression models of self-rated health status were assessed. Multinomial logistic regression models were used to assess SATED determinants. Results Overall mean (SD) sleep duration was 7.18 (1.16) hours; and SATED score 7.91 (2.17) (range 0–10), lower (worse) scores were associated with increasing age and female sex. Alertness and efficiency were the most frequently impaired dimensions across age groups. SATED performed better than sleep duration when assessing self-rated health status (area under the curve = 0.856 vs. 0.798; p-value <0.001), and had a linear relationship with the number of reported chronic diseases, while the sleep duration relationship was u-shaped. Conclusions Sleep health in Catalonia is associated with age and gender. SATED has some advantaged compared to sleep duration assessment, as it relates linearly to health indicators, has a stronger association with self-rated health status, and provides a more comprehensive assessment of sleep health. Therefore, the inclusion of multi-dimensional sleep health assessment tools in national surveys should be considered.This work was cofunded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad [COFUND2014-51501]. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Iron- and erythropoietin-resistant anemia in a spontaneous breast cancer mouse model

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    Anemia of cancer (AoC) with its multifactorial etiology and complex pathology is a poor prognostic indicator for cancer patients. One of the main causes of AoC is cancer-associated inflammation that activates mechanisms, commonly observed in anemia of inflammation, where functional iron deficiency and iron-restricted erythropoiesis is induced by increased hepcidin levels in response to IL-6 elevation. So far only a few AoC mouse models have been described, and most of them did not fully recapitulate the interplay of anemia, increased hepcidin levels and functional iron deficiency in human patients. To test if the selection and the complexity of AoC mouse models dictates the pathology or if AoC in mice per se develops independently of iron deficiency, we characterized AoC in Trp53floxWapCre mice that spontaneously develop breast cancer. These mice developed AoC associated with high IL-6 levels and iron deficiency. However, hepcidin levels were not increased and hypoferremia coincided with anemia rather than causing it. Instead, an early shift in the commitment of common myeloid progenitors from the erythroid to the myeloid lineage resulted in increased myelopoiesis and in the excessive production of neutrophils that accumulate in necrotic tumor regions. This process could neither be prevented by iron nor erythropoietin (EPO) treatment. Trp53floxWapCre mice are the first mouse model where EPO-resistant anemia is described and may serve as a disease model to test therapeutic approaches for a subpopulation of human cancer patients with normal or corrected iron levels that do not respond to EPO

    Structure des grands bassins glaciaires dans le nord de la péninsule ibérique: comparaison entre les vallées d'Andorre (Pyrénées orientales), du Gállego (Pyrénées centrales) et du Trueba (Chaîne Cantabrique).

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    Les grandes vallées glaciaires de la Péninsule Ibérique sont situées dans la chaîne pyrénéo-cantabrique, principalement dans le bassin de l'Èbre. Ainsi, les vallées d'Andorre, de la Noguera Pallaresa et de la haute vallée du Gállego, dans les Pyrénées, ont eu des appareils glaciaires longs de 42, 50 et 40 km respectivement. Dans les vallées du Sil (bassin du Miño) et du Trueba, dans la Chaîne Cantabrique, ils atteignaient 42 et 16,5 km (Serrano-Cañadas, 1996 ; Gómez-Ortiz et al., 2001 ; Turu & Peña, 2006a et b ; Redondo-Vega et al., 2006). L'une des caractéristiques géomorphologiques de la plupart de ces vallées est l'existence d'une dépression morphologique du substratum dans les parties moyennes et terminales, interprétée comme la conséquence de l'érosion glaciaire. Dans tous les cas, on observe une architecture litho-stratigraphique commune (Vilaplana & Casas, 1983 ; Bordonau et al., 1989 ; Bordonau, 1992 ; Turu et al., 2002) représentée par trois unités géoélectriques : une unité inférieure très épaisse, avec des résistivités électriques basses (70 - 200 Ohms par mètre), qui traduit la présence de matériaux fins considérés comme d'origine lacustre ; une unité intermédiaire, moins épaisse, avec des valeurs de résistivité plus élevées (400 - 800 Ohms par mètre), pouvant être interprétée comme un système fluvio-deltaïque pro-glaciaire et une unité géoélectrique supérieure, avec des valeurs de résistivité très variables (100 - 1500 Ohms par mètre), constituée de sédiments alluviaux subactuels. La comparaison des données de type géophysique et géomécanique (sismique à réfraction et essais pressiométriques) montre que l'unité intermédiaire, considérée comme d'origine fluvio-deltaïque, présente des valeurs de vitesse sismique anormalement élevées, ainsi que de hautes valeurs de consolidation. Cette observation effectuée pour la première fois dans la vallée d'Andorre (Turu, 2000) montre des remarquables corrélations entre les hautes vitesses sismiques et les valeurs élevées de consolidation, ainsi que la très nette corrélation entre les hautes valeurs de consolidation et les tills sous-glaciaires. Elle permet d'interpréter l'unité intermédiaire comme essentiellement glaciaire et de remettre en question le modèle simple d'une séquence de comblement lacustre et deltaïque proposé jusqu´à maintenant