24 research outputs found

    Publisher, be damned! From price gouging to the open road

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    The economics and organization of academic publishing have been the subject of much controversy recently – within the UK and internationally. Both journalists (e.g. Monbiot, 2011) and academics (e.g. Gowers, 2012) have objected to publishers’ pricing practices and business models. The past few years have not only witnessed debate, but more energetic activity too. One publishing giant is currently boycotted by academics, and not for the first time. In a few instances, editorial boards have resigned en masse in protest at high subscription prices. We have seen the creation of numerous open-access initiatives and dozens of new open-access journals, including the über-respectable Public Library of Science (PLoS). In 2012, a group commissioned by the UK government published the results of its year-long study into the academic journal market and the feasibility of adopting open access (Finch Report, 2012). In this Proposition, we review some of these developments. [Taken from introduction

    Littérature orale : paroles vivantes et mouvantes

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    La littérature orale est tissage de la mémoire, travail de la voix. Dans la diversité de ses genres et de ses formes, elle opère des liens, provoque des rencontres. La répétition n'y est pas le contraire de la variation, mais la condition même de son exercice, en perpétuelle mouvance. Cet ouvrage, qui représente les actes d'un colloque tenu en 2002 à Lyon, interroge, dans une approche anthropologique, les pratiques en cours et étudie un art de la relation et du passage où s'élabore une pensée métisse. Les contributions s'organisent autour des quatre axes suivants : - circulations de la parole, migrations de l'imaginaire ; - art de la performance, art de la relation ; - traduction, transcription, transmission ; - lignes de recherche, passages