38 research outputs found

    Design of a hands-on course in networked control systems

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    This report presents a hands-on course in networked control systems (NCS) to be integrated in the education of embedded control systems engineers. The course activities have a strong practical component and most of them are ap- plied exercises to be implemented in a NCS setup. The report containts four parts: a) a report that describes the experimental setup, proposing several activities that can be shaped into a course program according to the needs and diverse background of the targeted audience, b) a tentative program ex- ample for master students, c) a user manual to help setting up the hardware and software from a Live CD, and d) a quick guide to start working with the programming environment.Preprin


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    Hands-on course in networked control systems

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    In many industrial robotic applications there is a need to track periodic reference signals and/or reject periodic disturbances. This paper presents a novel repetitive control design for systems with constant time-delays in both forward and feedback control channels. An additional delay is introduced together with plant delays to construct an internal model for periodic signals, and a simple proportional control is utilized to stabilize the closed-loop system. Sufficient stability conditions of the closed-loop system and the robustness analysis under modeling uncertainties are studied. Experimental results are included to evaluate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method

    Hands-on course in networked control systems

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    In many industrial robotic applications there is a need to track periodic reference signals and/or reject periodic disturbances. This paper presents a novel repetitive control design for systems with constant time-delays in both forward and feedback control channels. An additional delay is introduced together with plant delays to construct an internal model for periodic signals, and a simple proportional control is utilized to stabilize the closed-loop system. Sufficient stability conditions of the closed-loop system and the robustness analysis under modeling uncertainties are studied. Experimental results are included to evaluate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method

    A partir de l'Europe centrale, analyser un monde qui change: colloque organisé à l'occasion du 20e anniversaire du Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales

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    À l'occasion de son vingtième anniversaire, le CEFRES a invité des chercheurs et des responsables de la recherche et de la coopération internationale à participer à huit tables rondes. Il s'agissait d'abord de réfléchir aux transformations du contexte dans lequel s'inscrit dorénavant le développement de la recherche, et aux défis que doivent relever les chercheurs et leurs réseaux ici, en France, et en Europe centrale depuis l'élargissement européen. Lors d'une seconde journée, de jeunes chercheurs formés partiellement par les institutions comme le CEFRES encadraient des tables rondes interdisciplinaires sur des thèmes d'actualité: Penser la violence et Culture et politique