697 research outputs found

    Commercial Bank Exposure and Sensitivity to the Real Estate Market

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    In this study, we assess the balance sheet exposure of commercial banks to the real estate market, and develop a hypothesis on the potential systematic effects of real estate conditions across banks. By applying a seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) model to bank portfolios, we test for the relation between bank values and a real estate market proxy after controlling for general market and interest-rate conditions. We find a positive relationship between monthly bank returns and the real estate index, even after accounting for general market and interest-rate movements. The sensitivity of bank values to the real estate market has increased over time, and the bank-specific sensitivity coefficient is positively related to the bank's balance sheet exposure to real estate.

    Assessment and forecasting of lightning potential and its effect on launch operations at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and John F. Kennedy Space Center

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    Lightning plays a pivotal role in the operation decision process for space and ballistic launches at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and Kennedy Space Center. Lightning forecasts are the responsibility of Detachment 11, 4th Weather Wing's Cape Canaveral Forecast Facility. These forecasts are important to daily ground processing as well as launch countdown decisions. The methodology and equipment used to forecast lightning are discussed. Impact on a recent mission is summarized

    Processing of multispectral thermal IR data for geologic applications

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    Multispectral thermal IR data were acquired with a 24-channel scanner flown in an aircraft over the E. Tintic Utah mining district. These digital image data required extensive computer processing in order to put the information into a format useful for a geologic photointerpreter. Simple enhancement procedures were not sufficient to reveal the total information content because the data were highly correlated in all channels. The data were shown to be dominated by temperature variations across the scene, while the much more subtle spectral variations between the different rock types were of interest. The image processing techniques employed to analyze these data are described

    Evaluation of LANDSAT MSS vs TM simulated data for distinguishing hydrothermal alteration

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    The LANDSAT Follow-On (LFO) data was simulated to demonstrate the mineral exploration capability of this system for segregating different types of hydrothermal alteration and to compare this capability with that of the existing LANDSAT system. Multispectral data were acquired for several test sites with the Bendix 24-channel MSDS scanner. Contrast enhancements, band ratioing, and principal component transformations were used to process the simulated LFO data for analysis. For Red Mountain, Arizona, the LFO data allowed identification of silicified areas, not identifiable with LANDSAT 1 and 2 data. The improved LFO resolution allowed detection of small silicic outcrops and of a narrow silicified dike. For Cuprite - Ralston, Nevada, the LFO spectral bands allowed discrimination of argillic and opalized altered areas; these could not be spectrally discriminated using LANDSAT 1 and 2 data. Addition of data from the 1.3- and 2.2- micrometer regions allowed better discriminations of hydrothermal alteration types

    3D Radiative Transfer in η\eta Carinae: Application of the SimpleX Algorithm to 3D SPH Simulations of Binary Colliding Winds

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    Eta Carinae is an ideal astrophysical laboratory for studying massive binary interactions and evolution, and stellar wind-wind collisions. Recent three-dimensional (3D) simulations set the stage for understanding the highly complex 3D flows in η\eta Car. Observations of different broad high- and low-ionization forbidden emission lines provide an excellent tool to constrain the orientation of the system, the primary's mass-loss rate, and the ionizing flux of the hot secondary. In this work we present the first steps towards generating synthetic observations to compare with available and future HST/STIS data. We present initial results from full 3D radiative transfer simulations of the interacting winds in η\eta Car. We use the SimpleX algorithm to post-process the output from 3D SPH simulations and obtain the ionization fractions of hydrogen and helium assuming three different mass-loss rates for the primary star. The resultant ionization maps of both species constrain the regions where the observed forbidden emission lines can form. Including collisional ionization is necessary to achieve a better description of the ionization states, especially in the areas shielded from the secondary's radiation. We find that reducing the primary's mass-loss rate increases the volume of ionized gas, creating larger areas where the forbidden emission lines can form. We conclude that post processing 3D SPH data with SimpleX is a viable tool to create ionization maps for η\eta Car.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Paper Session I-A - Weather Impacts on Space Operations

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    The 45th Weather Squadron of the United States Air Force provides weather support to Patrick Air Force Base, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS), Eastern Range, and Kennedy Space Center (KSC). The support includes weather observations, forecasts, climatological studies and consultant services to a wide variety of Range users. The most visible to the general public is weather support to space vehicles, particularly the Space Shuttle. That support includes resource protection, ground processing, launch, and Ferry Flight; as well as consultant to the Spaceflight Meteorology Group (at Johnson Space Center) for landing forecasts

    Color enhancement of landsat agricultural imagery: JPL LACIE image processing support task

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    Color enhancement techniques were applied to LACIE LANDSAT segments to determine if such enhancement can assist analysis in crop identification. The procedure involved increasing the color range by removing correlation between components. First, a principal component transformation was performed, followed by contrast enhancement to equalize component variances, followed by an inverse transformation to restore familiar color relationships. Filtering was applied to lower order components to reduce color speckle in the enhanced products. Use of single acquisition and multiple acquisition statistics to control the enhancement were compared, and the effects of normalization investigated. Evaluation is left to LACIE personnel

    The three-dimensional structure of the Eta Carinae Homunculus

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    We investigate, using the modeling code SHAPE, the three-dimensional structure of the bipolar Homunculus nebula surrounding Eta Carinae, as mapped by new ESO VLT/X-Shooter observations of the H2 λ=2.12125\lambda=2.12125 micron emission line. Our results reveal for the first time important deviations from the axisymmetric bipolar morphology: 1) circumpolar trenches in each lobe positioned point-symmetrically from the center and 2) off-planar protrusions in the equatorial region from each lobe at longitudinal (~55 degrees) and latitudinal (10-20 degrees) distances from the projected apastron direction of the binary orbit. The angular distance between the protrusions (~110 degrees) is similar to the angular extent of each polar trench (~130 degrees) and nearly equal to the opening angle of the wind-wind collision cavity (~110 degrees). As in previous studies, we confirm a hole near the centre of each polar lobe and no detectable near-IR H2 emission from the thin optical skirt seen prominently in visible imagery. We conclude that the interaction between the outflows and/or radiation from the central binary stars and their orientation in space has had, and possibly still has, a strong influence on the Homunculus. This implies that prevailing theoretical models of the Homunculus are incomplete as most assume a single star origin that produces an axisymmetric nebula. We discuss how the newly found features might be related to the Homunculus ejection, the central binary and the interacting stellar winds. We also include a 3D printable version of our Homunculus model.Comment: 14 pages, 7 color figures, 1 interactive 3D figure (Figure 5, requires Adobe Reader), published in MNRAS. A 3D printable version of our Homunculus model can be downloaded from http://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/vis/a010000/a011500/a011568/Eta_Car_Homunuculus_3D_model.zip or from the 'Supporting Information' link in the electronic version of the MNRAS articl