2,548 research outputs found

    The Oxygen Abundance of Nearby Galaxies from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Spectra

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    We have derived the oxygen abundance for a sample of nearby galaxies in the Data Release 5 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) which possess at least two independent spectra of one or several HII regions with a detected [OIII]4363 auroral line. Since, for nearby galaxies, the [OII]3727 nebular line is out of the observed wavelength range, we propose a method to derive (O/H)_ff abundances using the classic Te method coupled with the ff relation. (O/H)_7325 abundances have also been determined, based on the [OII]7320,7330 line intensities, and using a small modification of the standard Te method. The (O/H)_ff and (O/H)_7325 abundances have been derived with both the one- and two-dimensional t_2 - t_3 relations. It was found that the (O/H)_ff abundances derived with the parametric two-dimensional t_2 - t_3 relation are most reliable. Oxygen abundances have been determined in 29 nearby galaxies, based on 84 individual abundance determinations in HII regions. Because of our selection methods, the metallicity of our galaxies lies in the narrow range 8.2 < 12 + log (O/H) < 8.4. The radial distribution of oxygen abundances in the disk of the spiral galaxy NGC 4490 is determined for the first time.Comment: 39 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Chemical Properties of Star-Forming Emission Line Galaxies at z=0.1 - 0.5

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    We measure oxygen and nitrogen abundances for 14 star-forming emission line galaxies (ELGs) at 0.11<z<0.5 using Keck/LRIS optical spectroscopy. The targets exhibit a range of metallicities from slightly metal-poor like the LMC to super-solar. Oxygen abundances of the sample correlate strongly with rest-frame blue luminosities. The metallicity-luminosity relation based on these 14 objects is indistinguishable from the one obeyed by local galaxies, although there is marginal evidence (1.1sigma) that the sample is slightly more metal-deficient than local galaxies of the same luminosity. The observed galaxies exhibit smaller emission linewidths than local galaxies of similar metallicity, but proper corrections for inclination angle and other systematic effects are unknown. For 8 of the 14 objects we measure nitrogen-to-oxygen ratios. Seven of 8 systems show evidence for secondary nitrogen production, with log(N/O)> -1.4 like local spirals. These chemical properties are inconsistent with unevolved objects undergoing a first burst of star formation. The majority of the ELGs are presently ~4 magnitudes brighter and ~0.5 dex more metal-rich than the bulk of the stars in well-known metal-poor dwarf spheroidals such as NGC 205 and NGC 185, making an evolution between some ELGs and metal-poor dwarf spheroidals improbable. However, the data are consistent with the hypothesis that more luminous and metal-rich spheroidal galaxies like NGC 3605 may become the evolutionary endpoints of some ELGs. [abridged]Comment: 41 pages, w/12 figures, uses AASTeX aaspp4.sty, psfig.sty; To appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of 0.4<z<1.0 CFRS Galaxies: Oxygen Abundances, SFRs and Dust

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    Using new J-band VLT-ISAAC and Keck-NIRSPEC spectroscopy, we have measured Halpha and [NII] line fluxes for 0.47<z<0.92 CFRS galaxies which have [OII], Hbeta and [OIII]a line fluxes available from optical spectroscopy, to investigate how the properties of the star forming gas in galaxies evolve with redshift. We derive the extinction and oxygen abundances for the sample using a method based on a set of ionisation parameter and oxygen abundance diagnostics, simultaneously fitting the [OII], Hbeta,[OIII], Halpha, and [NII] line fluxes. The individual reddening measurements allow us to accurately correct the Halpha-based star formation rate (SFR) estimates for extinction. Our most salient conclusions are: a) in all 30 CFRS galaxies the source of gas ionisation is not due to AGN activity; b) we find a range of 0<AV<3, suggesting that it is important to determine the extinction for every single galaxy in order to reliably measure SFRs and oxygen abundances in high redshift galaxies; c) high values of [NII]/Halpha >0.1 for most (but not all) of the CFRS galaxies indicate that they lie on the high-metallicity branch of the R23 calibration; d) about one third of the 0.47<z<0.92 CFRS galaxies in our sample have lower metallicities than local galaxies with similar luminosities and star formation rates; e) comparison with a chemical evolution model indicates that these low metallicity galaxies are unlikely to be the progenitors of metal-poor dwarf galaxies at z~0.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Calibration of Nebular Emission-line Diagnostics: II. Abundances

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    (Abridged) We examine standard methods of measuring nebular chemical abundances, including estimates based on direct T_e measurements, and also bright-line diagnostics. We use observations of 4 LMC HII regions whose ionizing stars have classifications ranging from O7 to WN3. We assume a 2-zone T_e structure to compute ionic abundances. We compare with photoionization models tailored to the properties of the individual objects, and emphasize the importance of correctly relating T_e in the two zones, which can otherwise cause errors of ~0.2 dex in abundance estimates. There are no spatial variations to within 0.1 - 0.15 dex in any of the objects, even one hosting 3 WR stars. Our data agree with the modeled R23 and S23 diagnostics of O and S. We present the first theoretical tracks for S23, which are in excellent agreement with a larger dataset. However, contrary to earlier suggestions, S23 is much more sensitive to the ionization parameter than is R23, because S23 does not sample S IV. We therefore introduce S234 = ([SII]+[SIII]+[SIV])/H-beta. Predicted and observed spatial variations in S234 are dramatically reduced in contrast to S23. The intensity of [SIV]10.5 microns is easily estimated from a simple relation between [SIV]/[SIII] and [OIII]/[OII]. This method of estimating S234 yields excellent agreement with our models, hence we give a theoretical calibration for S234. The double-valued structure of S23 and S234 remains an important problem as for R23, and presently we consider the S diagnostics reliable only at Z < 0.5 Z_sol. However, the slightly larger dynamic range and excellent compatibility with theoretical predictions suggest the S diagnostics to be more effective abundance indicators than R23.Comment: Accepted to ApJ. 24 pages, 11 figures, uses emulateapj.st

    The oxygen abundance calibrations and N/O abundance ratios of ~40,000 SDSS star-forming galaxies

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    Using a large sample of 38,478 star-forming galaxies selected from the Second Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey database (SDSS-DR2), we derive analytical calibrations for oxygen abundances from several metallicity-sensitive emission-line ratios: [N II]/H_alpha, [O III]/[N II], [N II]/[O II], [N II]/[S II], [S II]/H_alpha, and [O III]/H_beta. This consistent set of strong-line oxygen abundance calibrations will be useful for future abundance studies. Among these calibrations, [N II]/[O II] is the best for metal-rich galaxies due to its independence on ionization parameter and low scatter. Dust extinction must be considered properly at first. These calibrations are more suitable for metal-rich galaxies (8.4<12+log(O/H)<9.3), and for the nuclear regions of galaxies. The observed relations are consistent with those expected from the photoionization models of Kewley & Dopita (2002). However, most of the observational data spread in a range of ionization parameter q from 1*10^7 to 8*10^7 cm s^{-1}, corresponding to logU= -3.5 to -2.5, narrower than that suggested by the models. We also estimate the (N/O) abundance ratios of this large sample of galaxies, and these are consistent with the combination of a "primary" and a dominant "secondary" components of nitrogen.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, 1 table. ApJ in pres

    Strongly entangled light from planar microcavities

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    The emission of entangled light from planar semiconductor microcavities is studied and the entanglement properties are analyzed and quantified. Phase-matching of the intra-cavity scattering dynamics for multiple pump beams or pulses, together with the coupling to external radiation, leads to the emission of a manifold of entangled photon pairs. A decomposition of the emitted photons into two parties leads to a strong entanglement of the resulting bipartite system. For the quantification of the entanglement, the Schmidt number of the system is determined by the construction of Schmidt number witnesses. It is analyzed to which extend the resources of the originally strongly entangled light field are diminished by dephasing in propagation channels.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, extended versio

    Chemical Evolution of Galaxies

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    Chemical evolution of galaxies brings together ideas on stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis with theories of galaxy formation, star formation and galaxy evolution, with all their associated uncertainties. In a new perspective brought about by the Hubble Deep Field and follow-up investigations of global star formation rates, diffuse background etc., it has become necessary to consider the chemical composition of dark baryonic matter as well as that of visible matter in galaxies.Comment: 6 pages, AAS LaTeX macros v5.0, Millennium Essay to appear in PASP, Feb 200

    Modelling the Pan-Spectral Energy Distribution of Starburst Galaxies: III. Emission Line Diagnostics of Ensembles of Evolving HII Regions

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    We build, as far as theory will permit, self consistent model HII regions around central clusters of aging stars. These produce strong emission line diagnostics applicable to either individual HII regions in galaxies, or to the integrated emission line spectra of disk or starburst galaxies. The models assume that the expansion and internal pressure of individual HII regions is driven by the net input of mechanical energy from the central cluster, be it through winds or supernova events. This eliminates the ionization parameter as a free variable, replacing it with a parameter which depends on the ratio of the cluster mass to the pressure in the surrounding interstellar medium. These models explain why HII regions with low abundances have high excitation, and demonstrate that at least part of the warm ionized medium is the result of overlapping faint, old, large, and low pressure HII regions. We present line ratios (at both optical and IR wavelengths) which provide reliable abundance diagnostics for both single HII regions or for integrated galaxy spectra, and we find a number that can be used to estimate the mean age of the cluster stars exciting individual HII regions.Comment: 22 pages. 18 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical journal Supplements. Electronic tabular material is available on request to [email protected]

    Theoretical models for classical Cepheids. VIII. Effects of helium and heavy elements abundance on the Cepheid distance scale

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    Previous nonlinear fundamental pulsation models for classical Cepheids with metal content Z <= 0.02 are implemented with new computations at super-solar metallicity (Z=0.03, 0.04) and selected choices of the helium-to-metal enrichment ratio DeltaY/Delta Z. On this basis, we show that the location into the HR diagram of the Cepheid instability strip is dependent on both metal and helium abundance, moving towards higher effective temperatures with decreasing the metal content (at fixed Y) or with increasing the helium content (at fixed Z). The contributions of helium and metals to the predicted Period-Luminosity and Period-Luminosity-Color relations are discussed, as well as the implications on the Cepheid distance scale. Based on these new results, we finally show that the empirical metallicity correction suggested by Cepheid observations in two fields of the galaxy M101 may be accounted for, provided that the adopted helium-to-metal enrichment ratio is reasonably high (Delta Y/Delta Z ~ 3.5).Comment: 23 pages, including 6 postscript figures, accepted for publication on Ap

    Spectrophotometry of HII Regions, Diffuse Ionized Gas and Supernova Remnants in M31: The Transition from Photo- to Shock-Ionization

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    We present results of KPNO 4-m optical spectroscopy of discrete emission-line nebulae and regions of diffuse ionized gas (DIG) in M31. Long-slit spectra of 16 positions in the NE half of M31 were obtained over a 5-15 kpc range in radial distance from the center of the galaxy. The spectra have been used to confirm 16 supernova remnant candidates from the Braun & Walterbos (1993) catalog. The slits also covered 46 HII regions which show significant differences among the various morphological types (center-brightened, diffuse, rings). Radial gradients in emission-line ratios such as [OIII]/Hβ\beta and [OII]/[OIII] are observed most prominently in the center-brightened HII regions. These line ratio trends are either much weaker or completely absent in the diffuse and ring nebulae. The line ratio gradients previously seen in M31 SNRs (Blair, Kirshner, & Chevalier 1981; 1982) are well reproduced by our new data. The spectra of center-brightened HII regions and SNRs confirm previous determinations of the radial abundance gradient in M31. We use diagnostic diagrams which separate photoionized gas from shock-ionized gas to compare the spectral properties of HII regions, SNRs and DIG. This analysis strengthens earlier claims (Greenawalt, Walterbos, & Braun 1997) that the DIG in the disk of M31 is photoionized by a dilute radiation field.Comment: 45 pages, 9 figures, 7 tables, to appear in the Astronomical Journal (December 1999
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