1,266 research outputs found

    A toy model of a fake inflation

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    Discontinuities in non linear field theories propagate through null geodesics in an effective metric that depends on its dynamics and on the background geometry. Once information of the geometry of the universe comes mostly from photons, one should carefully analyze the effects of possible nonlinearities on Electrodynamics in the cosmic geometry. Such phenomenon of induced metric is rather general and may occurs for any nonlinear theory independently of its spin properties. We limit our analysis here to the simplest case of non linear scalar field. We show that a class of theories that have been analyzed in the literature, having regular configuration in the Minkowski space-time background is such that the field propagates like free waves in an effective deSitter geometry. The observation of these waves would led us to infer, erroneously, that we live in a deSitter universe

    Statistical properties of metastable intermediates in DNA unzipping

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    We unzip DNA molecules using optical tweezers and determine the sizes of the cooperatively unzipping and zipping regions separating consecutive metastable intermediates along the unzipping pathway. Sizes are found to be distributed following a power law, ranging from one base pair up to more than a hundred base pairs. We find that a large fraction of unzipping regions smaller than 10 bp are seldom detected because of the high compliance of the released single stranded DNA. We show how the compliance of a single nucleotide sets a limit value around 0.1 N/m for the stiffness of any local force probe aiming to discriminate one base pair at a time in DNA unzipping experiments.Comment: Main text: 4 pages, 3 figures. Supplementary Information: 18 pages, 15 figure

    Single-molecule stochastic resonance

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    Stochastic resonance (SR) is a well known phenomenon in dynamical systems. It consists of the amplification and optimization of the response of a system assisted by stochastic noise. Here we carry out the first experimental study of SR in single DNA hairpins which exhibit cooperatively folding/unfolding transitions under the action of an applied oscillating mechanical force with optical tweezers. By varying the frequency of the force oscillation, we investigated the folding/unfolding kinetics of DNA hairpins in a periodically driven bistable free-energy potential. We measured several SR quantifiers under varied conditions of the experimental setup such as trap stiffness and length of the molecular handles used for single-molecule manipulation. We find that the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the spectral density of measured fluctuations in molecular extension of the DNA hairpins is a good quantifier of the SR. The frequency dependence of the SNR exhibits a peak at a frequency value given by the resonance matching condition. Finally, we carried out experiments in short hairpins that show how SR might be useful to enhance the detection of conformational molecular transitions of low SNR.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, supplementary material (http://prx.aps.org/epaps/PRX/v2/i3/e031012/prx-supp.pdf

    Examples of Berezin-Toeplitz Quantization: Finite sets and Unit Interval

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    We present a quantization scheme of an arbitrary measure space based on overcomplete families of states and generalizing the Klauder and the Berezin-Toeplitz approaches. This scheme could reveal itself as an efficient tool for quantizing physical systems for which more traditional methods like geometric quantization are uneasy to implement. The procedure is illustrated by (mostly two-dimensional) elementary examples in which the measure space is a NN-element set and the unit interval. Spaces of states for the NN-element set and the unit interval are the 2-dimensional euclidean R2\R^2 and hermitian \C^2 planes

    The uncoupling limit of identical Hopf bifurcations with an application to perceptual bistability

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    We study the dynamics arising when two identical oscillators are coupled near a Hopf bifurcation where we assume a parameter ϵ\epsilon uncouples the system at ϵ=0\epsilon=0. Using a normal form for N=2N=2 identical systems undergoing Hopf bifurcation, we explore the dynamical properties. Matching the normal form coefficients to a coupled Wilson-Cowan oscillator network gives an understanding of different types of behaviour that arise in a model of perceptual bistability. Notably, we find bistability between in-phase and anti-phase solutions that demonstrates the feasibility for synchronisation to act as the mechanism by which periodic inputs can be segregated (rather than via strong inhibitory coupling, as in existing models). Using numerical continuation we confirm our theoretical analysis for small coupling strength and explore the bifurcation diagrams for large coupling strength, where the normal form approximation breaks down

    La manca de metges i infermeres: miratge o realitat?

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    Conformally related massless fields in dS, AdS and Minkowski spaces

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    In this paper we write down the equation for a scalar conformally coupled field simultaneously for de Sitter (dS), anti-de Sitter (AdS) and Minkowski spacetime in d-dimensions. The curvature dependence appears in a very simple way through a conformal factor. As a consequence the process of curvature free limit, including wave functions limit and two-points functions, turns to be a straightforward issue. We determine a set of modes, that we call de Sitter plane waves, which become ordinary plane waves when the curvature vanishes.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Asymptotic states and SS-matrix operator in de Sitter ambient space formalism

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    Within the de Sitter ambient space framework, the two different bases of the one-particle Hilbert space of the de Sitter group algebra are presented for the scalar case. Using field operator algebra and its Fock space construction in this formalism, we discuss the existence of asymptotic states in de Sitter QFT under an extension of the adiabatic hypothesis and prove the Fock space completeness theorem for the massive scalar field. We define the quantum state in the limit of future and past infinity on the Sitter hyperboloid in an observer-independent way. These results allow us to examine the existence of the SS-matrix operator for de Sitter QFT in ambient space formalism, a question usually obscure in spacetime with a cosmological event horizon for a specific observer. Some similarities and differences between QFT in Minkowski and de Sitter spaces are discussed.Comment: 21 page

    Dynamic force spectroscopy of DNA hairpins. II. Irreversibility and dissipation

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    We investigate irreversibility and dissipation in single molecules that cooperatively fold/unfold in a two state manner under the action of mechanical force. We apply path thermodynamics to derive analytical expressions for the average dissipated work and the average hopping number in two state systems. It is shown how these quantities only depend on two parameters that characterize the folding/unfolding kinetics of the molecule: the fragility and the coexistence hopping rate. The latter has to be rescaled to take into account the appropriate experimental setup. Finally we carry out pulling experiments with optical tweezers in a specifically designed DNA hairpin that shows two-state cooperative folding. We then use these experimental results to validate our theoretical predictions.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figure
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