754 research outputs found

    Unbinding of giant vortices in states of competing order

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    Funding: EPSRC (UK) via Grants No. EP/I031014/1 and No. EP/H049584/1.We consider a two-dimensional system with two order parameters, one with O(2) symmetry and one with O(M), near a point in parameter space where they couple to become a single O(2+M) order. While the O(2) sector supports vortex excitations, these vortices must somehow disappear as the high symmetry point is approached. We develop a variational argument which shows that the size of the vortex cores diverges as 1/root Delta and the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature of the O(2) order vanishes as 1/1n(1/Delta), where Delta denotes the distance from the high-symmetry point. Our physical picture is confirmed by a renormalization group analysis which gives further logarithmic corrections, and demonstrates full symmetry restoration within the cores.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Spin dynamics from Majorana fermions

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    Using the Majorana fermion representation of spin-1/2 local moments, we show how it is possible to directly read off the dynamic spin correlation and susceptibility from the one-particle propagator of the Majorana fermion. We illustrate our method by applying it to the spin dynamics of a non-equilibrium quantum dot, computing the voltage-dependent spin relaxation rate and showing that, at weak coupling, the fluctuation-dissipation relation for the spin of a quantum dot is voltage-dependent. We confirm the voltage-dependent Curie susceptibility recently found by Parcollet and Hooley [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 66}, 085315 (2002)].Comment: Small modifications added to figure and tex

    The representation of scientific research in the national curriculum and secondary school pupils’ perceptions of research, its function, usefulness and value to their lives

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    Young people’s views on what research is, how it is conducted and whether it is important, influences the decisions they make about their further studies and career choices. In this paper we report the analysis of questionnaire data with a particular focus on pupil perceptions of research in the sciences and of the scientific method. The questionnaire was a 25-item Likert Scale (1-5) distributed to seven collaborating schools. We received 2634 returns from pupils across key stages 3, 4 and 5. We also asked teachers to complete the questionnaire in order to explore how they thought their pupils would respond. We received 54 teacher responses. Statistically significant differences in the responses were identified through a chi-square test on SPSS. As what is being taught influences secondary pupil views on research we also consider how the term ‘research’ appears in the national curriculum for England and Wales and the three main English exam boards. The main theoretical construct that informs our analysis of the questionnaire data and the national curriculum is Angela Brew’s 4-tier descriptor of perceptions of research (domino, trading, layer, journey). We use this framework in order to map what, when and how research is presented to school pupils in England and Wales. We also use this framework in order to highlight and discuss certain pupil views that emerged from the questionnaire data and which indicate areas where curriculum and pedagogy intervention may be necessary: pupils seem less confident in their understanding of research as involving the identification of a research question; and, they often see research as a means to confirm one’s own opinion. They do however understand research as involving the generation of new knowledge and the collection of new data, such as interviews and questionnaires as well as laboratory work, field trips and library searches and they appear relatively confident in their statements about their ability to do research, their school experiences of research and the importance of research in their future career choice

    Rationalising "for" and "against" a policy of school-led careers guidance in STEM in the U.K. : a teacher perspective

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    This paper reports on teacher attitudes to changes in the provision of careers guidance in the U.K., particularly as it relates to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). It draws on survey data of n = 94 secondary-school teachers operating in STEM domains and their attitudes towards a U.K. and devolved policy of internalising careers guidance within schools. The survey presents a mixed message of teachers recognising the significance of their unique position in providing learners with careers guidance yet concern that their ‘relational proximity’ to students and ‘informational distance’ from higher education and STEM industry may produce bias and misinformation that is harmful to their educational and occupational futures

    ‘ … and now it’s over to you’: recognising and supporting the role of careers leaders in schools in England

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    There is a long history of teachers and schools being involved in the delivery of career education and guidance. As the breadth of career education and guidance activity in English schools grew throughout the twentieth century it became increasingly necessary to have an individual within the school responsible for leading and managing this activity (the careers leader). The transfer of responsibility for career guidance from local authorities to schools following the Education Act 2011 has intensified the need for this role. There have been various attempts to conceptualise and professionalise the role of careers leader and to develop appropriate training and support. This article defines the role and the rationale for the role, sets out its history and makes recommendations for the future professionalisation of the role. It is argued that this will include recognition of the role by policy, professionalisation and the development of a career structure and the development of appropriate training and CPD.N/

    Synchronous online CPD: empirical support for the value of webinars in career settings

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    The careers profession in England is facing unprecedented challenges. Initiatives to improve service delivery while keeping costs low are attractive and online training holds the promise of high impact at low cost. The present study employs a qualitative methodology to evaluate a series of online ‘webinars’ conducted with 15 careers advisers. Results showed that the technology itself could impede learning, and participants missed out on the peer-to-peer interaction that takes place in a ‘bricks and mortar’ setting, but overall participants found that access to relevant, good quality training from the convenience of their workplace more than compensated for the challenges. The article offers conceptual support for the viability of online learning through the theory of equivalency, andragogy and transactional distance theory, and makes recommendations for practice

    On the perturbative expansion of the magnetization in the out-of-equilibrium Kondo model

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    This paper is concerned with the out-of-equilibrium two-lead Kondo model, considered as a model of a quantum dot in the Kondo regime. We revisit the perturbative expansion of the dot's magnetization, and conclude that, even at order 0 in the Kondo interactions, the magnetization is not given by the usual equilibrium result. We use the Schwinger-Keldysh method to derive a Dyson equation describing the steady state induced by the voltage between the two leads, and thus present the correct procedure for calculating perturbative expansions of steady-state properties of the system.Comment: Minor corrections forgotten in v