36 research outputs found

    Transmission congénitale de la brucellose bovine d’une génération à l’autre

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    Plommet M., Renoux G., Philippon Alain, Gestin J., Fenster-Bank R. Transmission congénitale de la brucellose bovine d’une génération à l’autre. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 124 n°1, 1971. pp. 53-59

    Traitement préventif de l’avortement brucellique de la vache par le chlorhydrate d’oxytétracycline

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    Quarante-cinq génisses réparties en 3 lots (A, B, C) de 15 ont été inoculées par voie conjonctivale par la souche Brucella abortus 544, respectivement aux 2e, 4e et 6e mois de la gestation. Dans chaque lot, un groupe 1 (5 génisses) n’a reçu aucun traitement ; un groupe 2 (5 génisses) a reçu une injection intrapéritonéale de 10 g d’oxyté- tracycline en solution aqueuse un mois après l’inoculation ; un groupe 3 a reçu 3 injections aux 3e, 5e et 7e mois de gestation. Alors qu’une seule vache du groupe témoin 1 a donné un veau normal à terme, il y en a eu 3 dans le groupe 2 dont 2 dans le lot A et 6 dans le groupe 3, dont 4 dans le lot A. Les vaches ont été abattues six semaines après leur vêlage, et le degré d’infection des carcasses établi par numération des Brucella dans les organes et ganglions. Les vaches des groupes 1 et 2 sont en moyenne infectées au même degré ; par contre, celles du groupe 3 sont très peu infectées. Cinq vaches sont indemnes de brucellose à l’abattage (4 dans les groupes traités 3 fois, 1 dans un groupe traité une fois). Ces résultats, ajoutés à ceux obtenus dans un travail antérieur, permettent de proposer deux schémas de traitement préventif des avortements brucelliques dans la nature, selon que dans le troupeau la maladie est d’apparition récente ou ancienne. Dans le 1er cas, traitement simultané de tous les animaux par une injection intrapéri¬ tonéale de 10 g d’oxytétracycline ; dans le second, 2 ou 3 injections de 10 g au début de la gestation (2-3e mois) espacées de 1 mois-lmois et demi.Plommet M., Fenster-Bank R., Gestin J., Lagneau Fernand. Traitement préventif de l’avortement brucellique de la vache par le chlorhydrate d’oxytétracycline. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 124 n°10, 1971. pp. 495-503

    Quantitative real-time PCR tests for diagnostic and prognostic purposes in cases of legionellosis

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    AbstractThe usefulness of two quantitative real-time PCR assays (qrt-PCRmip targeting Legionella pneumophila, and qrt-PCR16S targeting all Legionella species) performed on lower respiratory tract (LRT) samples for diagnostic and prognostic purposes in 311 patients hospitalized for community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in Rhône-Alpes (France) was evaluated. The Now Legionella urinary antigen test (UAT) from Binax (Portland, ME, USA) was used as a reference test. Samples were divided into two groups. Group A included 255 CAP patients admitted to Chambery hospital in 2005 and 2006. The Now Legionella UAT was positive in 14 patients. Sensitivities, specificities, positive predictive and negative predictive values for both qrt-PCR tests were 63.6, 98.7, 77.7 and 97.4%, respectively. Group B included 56 consecutive legionellosis patients diagnosed during a 4-year period (2003–2006) at the Grenoble University Hospital. The qrt-PCR16S and qrt-PCRmip displayed a sensitivity of 82.14 and 80.4%, respectively. Among the 70 legionellosis cases, L. pneumophila serogroup 1 was isolated in 15; qrt-PCRmip was positive in another 36, suggesting L. pneumophila infection, whereas the Legionella species involved could not be determined in the remaining 19 cases. The Legionella burden in LRT samples at the time of admission was determined in 46 patients using qrt-PCR16S tests, 44 for qrt-PCR mip groups A and B patients. It varied from 1.9 to 8.35 log10 DNA copies/mL of LRT sample for qrt-PCR16S and from 1.9 to 8.11 log10 DNA copies/mL of sample for qrt-PCRmip. High bacterial loads in LRT samples at hospital admission were significantly associated with higher Fine classes, the need for hospitalization in an intensive care unit and for prolonged hospitalization

    213Bi Radioimmunotherapy with an Anti-mCD138 Monoclonal Antibody in a Murine Model of Multiple Myeloma

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    Radioimmunotherapy (RIT) with beta-emetting emitting radionuclides is a promising treatment in lymphoma. Though However, the efficiency of beta-emitting radionuclides to kill isolated tumor cells is limited by the relatively long range of beta radiation in human tissue, resulting in deposition of most of the beta particle energy far from the targeted cell. For disease such as leukemia and for residual disease, the use of alpha emitters which deliver large amounts of energy (several MeV) in an area of less than 100 µm has been developed. Alpha emitting radionuclides such as 213Bi or 211At have short half-lives and therefore require a rapid targeting of the tumor. In this context, alpha RIT appears as a particularly attractive therapy in multiple myeloma (MM). Indeed, in MM since the marrow shows diffuse or focal radiosensitive plasma cells involvement, the use of a specific vector coupled with high energy particles such as alpha shall enable localized destruction of myeloma cells with limited damages to surrounding healthy tissues. Syndecan-1 (CD138), a heparan sulfate proteoglycan, is constantly expressed on tumor cells in MM. Therefore this surface antigen is an attractive candidate for targeted therapy. The aim of the study was to assess toxicity and efficacy of RIT using 213Bi-anti-mCD138 in a murine MM model. The model was obtained using the 5T33 line that spontaneously occurred in C57BL/KaLwRij mice and has been propagated in vivo by intravenous transfer into young syngeneic recipients. Mice were treated using 213Bi-anti-mCD138 at 4 injected activities (1.85, 3.7, 7.4 and 11.1 MBq). Groups treated with 3.7 and 7.4 MBq exhibited a median survival above 300 days and 227 days respectively compared to 45.5 days in control group. The highest activity (11.1 MBq) was rapidly toxic while the lowest activity (1.85 MBq) gave results similar to the control. With activities of 3.7 and 7.4 MBq, surviving mice exhibit a transient hematological toxicity and we observed at 7.4 MBq only, a temporary sign of low myelotoxicity. This study demonstrated excellent therapeutic efficacy of 213Bi-anti-mCD138 RIT in MM.JRC.E.5-Nuclear chemistr

    Geographical analysis for the integration of a microalgae production and biorefining unit in "Pays de la Loire"

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    International audienceMicroalgae are photosynthetic species able to transform carbon dioxide, for example from combustion processes, into biomass and valuable molecules (lipids, proteins, antioxidants, polysaccharides etc.). The team “Marine bioprocesses and separations” of GEPEA laboratory has been developing an integrated approach to valorise microalgae, from the culture to the biorefinery, for several years. A new collaboration was build with geographers (LETG-Nantes) to explore the French geographic areas where an industrial microalgae production and biorefining unit could be built. A database on the scale of metropolitan France was realized including the parameters for the culture of microalgae (light, water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, phosphorus, heat, available lands). Three sizes of production unit were taken into account to identify potential zones of installation. Maps were then produced to compare the most interesting sites. This first work was followed by a second, to study more details on the coast of Pays de la Loire. Besides the choice of the site, new criteria were added: regulatory requirements in the installation, perception of the project by local actors (local authorities, public, neighbourhood) that must be known to prepare a local integration