31,695 research outputs found

    Ionized polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in space

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    The mid-infrared spectrum of a continuously increasing number of stellar objects, planetary and reflection nebulae, H-II regions and extragalactic sources show a distinctive set of broad emission features at 3.3, 3.4, 6.2, 7.7, 8.6, and 11.3 micron known collectively as the unidentified infrared emission bands. A model is summarized in which the bands arise from positively charged polycyclic hydrocarbons (PAH's) on the basis of their low ionization potential and the excellent agreement between the emission bands and laboratory spectra of auto exhaust which contains these types of molecules. The proposed presence of PAHs in such a variety of objects points to their presence in the interstellar medium. Out of a previously published collection of solid state PAH radical cation spectra five were selected on the basis of the unique thermodynamic stability of their carrier and compared directly to the wavelengths of the DIB's. Although the match seems quite favorable, strongly suggesting that PAH radicals are the long sought after carrier of the diffuse interstellar absorption bands, much laboratory work must be done to test this hypothesis

    The hydrogen coverage of interstellar PAHs

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    The rate at which the CH bond in interstellar Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) rupture due to the absorption of a UV photon has been calculated. The results show that small PAHs (less than or equal to 25 carbon atoms) are expected to be partially dehydrogenated in regions with intense UV fields, while large PAHs (greater than or equal to 25 atoms) are expected to be completely hydrogenated in those regions. Because estimate of the carbon content of interstellar PAHs lie in the range of 20 to 25 carbon atoms, dehydrogenation is probably not very important. Because of the absence of other emission features besides the 11.3 micrometer feature in ground-based 8 to 13 micrometer spectra, it has been suggested that interstellar PAHs are partially dehydrogenated. However, IRAS 8 to 22 micrometer spectra of most sources that show strong 7.7 and 11.2 micrometer emission features also show a plateau of emission extending from about 11.3 to 14 micrometer. Like the 11.3 micrometer feature, this new feature is attributed to the CH out of plane bending mode in PAHs. This new feature shows that interstellar PAHs are not as dehydrogenated as estimated from ground-based 8 to 13 micrometer spectra. It also constrains the molecular structure of interstellar PAHs. In particular, it seems that very condensed PAHs, such as coronene and circumcoronene, dominate the interstellar PAH mixture as expected from stability arguments

    Infrared absorption and emission characteristics of interstellar PAHs

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    The mid-infrared interstellar emission spectrum with features at 3.28, 6.2, 7.7, 8.7 and 11.3 microns is discussed in terms of the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) hypothesis, which is based on the suggestive, but inconclusive comparison between the interstellar emission spectrum with the infrared absorption and Raman spectra of a few PAHs. The fundamental vibrations of PAHs and PAH-like species which determine the IR and Raman properties are discussed. Interstellar IR band emission is due to relaxation from highly vibrationally excited PAHs excited by ultraviolet photons. The excitation/emission process is described and the IR fluorescence from one PAH, chrysene, is traced. Generally, there is sufficient energy to populate several vibrational levels in each mode. Molecular vibrational potentials are anharmonic and emission from these higher levels will fall at lower frequencies and produce weak features to the red of the stronger fundamentals. This process is also described and can account for some spectroscopic details of the interstellar emission spectra previously unexplained. Analysis of the interstellar spectrum shows that PAHs contain between 20 and 30 carbon atoms are responsible for the emission

    Hydrographic charting from LANDSAT Satellite: A comparison with aircraft imagery

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    The relative capabilities of two remote-sensing systems in measuring depth and, consequently, bottom contours in sandy-bottomed and sediment-laden coastal waters were determined quantitatively. The multispectral scanner (MSS), orbited on the LANDSAT-2 Satellite, and the ocean color scanner (OCS), flown on U-2 aircraft, were used. Analysis of imagery taken simultaneously indicates a potential for hydrographic charting of marine coastal and shallow shelf areas, even when water turbidity is a factor. Several of the eight optical channels examined on the OCS were found to be sensitive to depth or depth-related information. The greatest sensitivity was in OCS-4(0.544 + or - 0.012 microns) from which contours corresponding to depths up to 12m were determined. The sharpness of these contours and their spatial stability through time suggests that upwelling radiance is a measure of bottom reflectance and not of water turbidity. The two visible channels on LANDSAT's MSS were less sensitive in the discrimination of contours, with depths up to 8m in the high-gain mode (3x) determined in MSS-4(0.5 to 0.6 microns)

    A user-oriented and computerized model for estimating vehicle ride quality

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    A simplified empirical model and computer program for estimating passenger ride comfort within air and surface transportation systems are described. The model is based on subjective ratings from more than 3000 persons who were exposed to controlled combinations of noise and vibration in the passenger ride quality apparatus. This model has the capability of transforming individual elements of a vehicle's noise and vibration environment into subjective discomfort units and then combining the subjective units to produce a single discomfort index typifying passenger acceptance of the environment. The computational procedures required to obtain discomfort estimates are discussed, and a user oriented ride comfort computer program is described. Examples illustrating application of the simplified model to helicopter and automobile ride environments are presented

    Use of synchrotron tomographic techniques in the assessment of diffusion parameters for solute transport in groundwater flow

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    This technical note describes the use of time-resolved synchrotron radiation tomographic energy dispersive diffraction imaging (TEDDI) and tomographic X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) for examining ion diffusion in porous media. The technique is capable of tracking the diffusion of several ion species simultaneously. This is illustrated by results which compare the movement of Cs+, Ba2+ and La3+ ions from solution into a typical sample of English chalk. The results exhibited somewhat anomalous (non-Fickian) behaviour and revealed heterogeneities (in 1D) on the scale of a few millimetres

    Late biological effects of heavy charged particles: Cataracts, vascular injury and life shortening in mice

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    Risks associated with extended habitation in a space environment, particularly hazards to space workers that might result from exposure to high energy heavy ion particles (HZE), were studied. Biological effects of HZE were investigated in mice to assess their potential adverse health hazards. The potential effects of HZE particles on the crystalline lens of the eye and the carcinogenic effects and blood vessel (vascular) damage from radiation were evaluated by a risk assessment. Animal experiments to evaluate dose response relationships for tumor induction/promotion and for vascular injury were introduced. Cataract productions and preliminary results on cacinogenic and vascular effects are presented for perspective
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