203 research outputs found

    The Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov State in the Organic Superconductor k-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2 as Observed in Magnetic Torque Experiments

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    We present magnetic-torque experiments on the organic superconductor k-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2 for magnetic fields applied parallel to the 2D superconducting layers. The experiments show a crossover from a second-order to a first-order transition when the upper critical field reaches 21 T. Beyond this field, which we interpret as the Pauli limit for superconductivity, the upper critical field line shows a pro-nounced upturn and a phase transition line separates the superconducting state into a low- and a high-field phase. We interpret the data in the framework of a Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figur

    Timber Felling Time, Costs, and Productivity in Arkansas

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    Sixteen stands were harvested by either clearcut, shelterwood, group selection, or single-tree selection methods. Harvest productivity was evaluated in four consecutive years (1991 through 1994). Three of the stands had uneven-aged structure, the other 13 were typical, mature, even-aged stands. Harvest intensity (proportion of basal area removed) ranged from 0.27 to 1.00. Logging contractors used one to three sawyers with production chain saws to fell trees on all 16 tracts. There was no statistical difference in production rate between sawyers on the same stand. Harvested sites were similar in slope, average diameter at breast height (DBH) and pre-harvest number of stems by two inch diameter class. Total felling time (including walk, acquire, fell, and limb-top times) was inversely related to harvesting intensity and directly related to stem DBH. Factors affecting total felling time (in decreasing order of importance) were DBH of harvested stems, intertree distance, and harvest intensity. Felling productivity (100 cubic feet/hour) was found to be highest under high intensity harvests oflarge trees and lowest under low intensity harvests of small trees. Productivity was more sensitive to stem diameter than harvest intensity. Felling cost was shown to have an inverse relationship with felling productivity

    On the Origin of the Double Superconducting Transition in Overdoped YBa2Cu3Ox

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    The superconducting transition in a single overdoped, detwinned YBa2Cu3Ox (YBCO) crystal is studied using four different probes. Whereas the AC and DC magnetic susceptibilities find a dominant transition at 88 K with a smaller effect near 92 K, the specific heat and electrical resistivity reveal only a single transition at 88 K and 92 K, respectively. Under hydrostatic pressures to 0.60 GPa these two transitions shift in opposite directions, their separation increasing. The present experiments clearly show that the bulk transition lies at 88 K and originates from fully oxygenated YBCO; the 92 K transition likely arises from filamentary superconductivity in a minority optimally doped phase (< 1 %) of YBCO located at or near the crystal surface.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Phonon Mode Spectroscopy, Electron-Phonon Coupling and the Metal-Insulator Transition in Quasi-One-Dimensional M2Mo6Se6

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    We present electronic structure calculations, electrical resistivity data and the first specific heat measurements in the normal and superconducting states of quasi-one-dimensional M2Mo6Se6 (M = Tl, In, Rb). Rb2Mo6Se6 undergoes a metal-insulator transition at ~170K: electronic structure calculations indicate that this is likely to be driven by the formation of a dynamical charge density wave. However, Tl2Mo6Se6 and In2Mo6Se6 remain metallic down to low temperature, with superconducting transitions at Tc = 4.2K and 2.85K respectively. The absence of any metal-insulator transition in these materials is due to a larger in-plane bandwidth, leading to increased inter-chain hopping which suppresses the density wave instability. Electronic heat capacity data for the superconducting compounds reveal an exceptionally low density of states DEF = 0.055 states eV^-1 atom^-1, with BCS fits showing 2Delta/kBTc >= 5 for Tl2Mo6Se6 and 3.5 for In2Mo6Se6. Modelling the lattice specific heat with a set of Einstein modes, we obtain the approximate phonon density of states F(w). Deconvolving the resistivity for the two superconductors then yields their electron-phonon transport coupling function a^2F(w). In Tl2Mo6Se6 and In2Mo6Se6, F(w) is dominated by an optical "guest ion" mode at ~5meV and a set of acoustic modes from ~10-30meV. Rb2Mo6Se6 exhibits a similar spectrum; however, the optical phonon has a lower intensity and is shifted to ~8meV. Electrons in Tl2Mo6Se6 couple strongly to both sets of modes, whereas In2Mo6Se6 only displays significant coupling in the 10-18meV range. Although pairing is clearly not mediated by the guest ion phonon, we believe it has a beneficial effect on superconductivity in Tl2Mo6Se6, given its extraordinarily large coupling strength and higher Tc compared to In2Mo6Se6.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Screw dynamo in a time-dependent pipe flow

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    The kinematic dynamo problem is investigated for the flow of a conducting fluid in a cylindrical, periodic tube with conducting walls. The methods used are an eigenvalue analysis of the steady regime, and the three-dimensional solution of the time-dependent induction equation. The configuration and parameters considered here are close to those of a dynamo experiment planned in Perm, which will use a torus-shaped channel. We find growth of an initial magnetic field by more than 3 orders of magnitude. Marked field growth can be obtained if the braking time is less than 0.2 s and only one diverter is used in the channel. The structure of the seed field has a strong impact on the field amplification factor. The generation properties can be improved by adding ferromagnetic particles to the fluid in order to increase its relative permeability,but this will not be necessary for the success of the dynamo experiment. For higher magnetic Reynolds numbers, the nontrivial evolution of different magnetic modes limits the value of simple `optimistic' and `pessimistic' estimates.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Superconductivity mediated by a soft phonon mode: specific heat, resistivity, thermal expansion and magnetization of YB6

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    The superconductor YB6 has the second highest critical temperature Tc among the boride family MBn. We report measurements of the specific heat, resistivity, magnetic susceptibility and thermal expansion from 2 to 300 K, using a single crystal with Tc = 7.2 K. The superconducting gap is characteristic of medium-strong coupling. The specific heat, resistivity and expansivity curves are deconvolved to yield approximations of the phonon density of states, the spectral electron-phonon scattering function and the phonon density of states weighted by the frequency-dependent Grueneisen parameter respectively. Lattice vibrations extend to high frequencies >100 meV, but a dominant Einstein-like mode at ~8 meV, associated with the vibrations of yttrium ions in oversized boron cages, appears to provide most of the superconducting coupling and gives rise to an unusual temperature behavior of several observable quantities. A surface critical field Hc3 is also observed.Comment: 29 pages, 5 tables, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    High-pressure effects on isotropic superconductivity in the iron-free layered pnictide superconductor BaPd2As2

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    While the layered 122 iron arsenide superconductors are highly anisotropic, unconventional, and exhibit several forms of electronic orders that coexist or compete with superconductivity in different regions of their phase diagrams, we find in the absence of iron in the structure that the superconducting characteristics of the end member BaPd2As2 are surprisingly conventional. Here we report on complementary measurements of specific heat, magnetic susceptibility, resistivity measurements, Andreev spectroscopy, and synchrotron high pressure x-ray diffraction measurements supplemented with theoretical calculations for BaPd2As2. Its superconducting properties are completely isotropic as demonstrated by the critical fields, which do not depend on the direction of the applied field. Under the application of high pressure, Tc is linearly suppressed, which is the typical behavior of classical phonon-mediated superconductors with some additional effect of a pressure-induced decrease in the electronic density of states and the electron-phonon coupling parameters. Structural changes in the layered BaPd2As2 have been studied by means of angle-dispersive diffraction in a diamond-anvil cell. At 12 GPa and 24.2 GPa we observed pressure induced lattice distortions manifesting as the discontinuity and, hence discontinuity in the Birch-Murnaghan equation of state. The bulk modulus is B0=40(6) GPa below 12 GPa and B0=142(3) GPa below 27.2 GPa

    On the importance of the electron-phonon coupling function on the superconducting transition temperature in dodecaboride superconductors: A comparison of LuB12 with ZrB12

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    We report a detailed study of specific heat, electrical resistivity and optical spectroscopy in the superconducting boride LuB12 (Tc = 0.4 K) and compare it to the higher Tc compound ZrB12 (Tc = 6 K). Both compounds have the same structure based on enclosed metallic Lu or Zr ions in oversized boron cages. The infrared reflectivity and ellipsometry in the visible range allow us to extract the optical conductivity from 6 meV to 4 eV in the normal state from 20 to 280 K. By extracting the superconducting properties, phonon density of states and electron-phonon coupling function from these measurements we discuss the important factors governing Tc and explain the difference between the two compounds. The phonon density of states seems to be insignificantly modified by substitution of Zr with Lu. However, the soft vibrations of the metal ions in boron cages, responsible for the relatively high Tc in ZrB12, have almost no contribution to the electron-phonon coupling in LuB12