4,101 research outputs found

    Optical properties of irregular interstellar grains

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    In order to study the interaction of light with interstellar grains, the authors represent an irregular particle by a network of interacting dipoles whose polarizability is determined in a first approach by the Clausius-Mossoti relationship. Typically, 10,000 dipoles are considered. In the case of spherical particles, the results from Mie theory are fully recovered. The main interest of this method is to study with good accuracy the implications of surface roughness and/or inhomogeneities on optical properties in the infrared spectral range, particularly of the silicate emission features

    Light scattering of large rough particles application to cometary grains

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    While the electromagnetic field scattered by a spherical particle is classically obtained by the Helmholtz equation, the general case of an arbitrary particle may be investigated in the general framework of the interaction of a wave with a scattering potential. A wave function then satisfies the Schroedinger equation. The general solution of the Schroedinger equation is given. The main disadvantage of this approach are its restriction to large particles and its scalar nature preventing the calculation of the polarization. However, Perrin and Lamy have shown how to avoid the second limitation and retrieve a vectorial description. They proved that in the case of large spheres when the ad hoc assumptions are satisfied, the expression of the scattering amplitude may be approximated by an expansion series in partial waves, i.e., on a discrete basis. The analogy may be generalized, and the ratio of the two components for a rough particle obtained by taking the ratio of the reflectivities for the two directions of polarization. These reflectivities involve the simple and double reflections calculated following the method developed by Wolff for rough surfaces. The theory is further detailed

    Writing Reusable Digital Geometry Algorithms in a Generic Image Processing Framework

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    Digital Geometry software should reflect the generality of the underlying mathe- matics: mapping the latter to the former requires genericity. By designing generic solutions, one can effectively reuse digital geometry data structures and algorithms. We propose an image processing framework focused on the Generic Programming paradigm in which an algorithm on the paper can be turned into a single code, written once and usable with various input types. This approach enables users to design and implement new methods at a lower cost, try cross-domain experiments and help generalize resultsComment: Workshop on Applications of Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology, Istanb : France (2010

    The effect of load in a contact with boundary lubrication

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    The effect of the transition load on the wear in a contact with boundary lubrication was investigated. An experimental method was developed for this purpose, and parameters affecting the boundary lubrication under industrial operating conditions were identified. These parameters are the adsorbed boundary film, the contact microgeometry (surface roughness), macrogeometry, and hardness of materials used. It was found that the curve of the tops of the surface protrustion affect the transition load, and thus the boundary lubrication. The transition load also depends on the chemical nature of the contact and its geometrical and mechanical aspects

    Evolution of the Dust Coma in Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Before 2009 Perihelion

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    Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is the main target of ESA's Rosetta mission and will be encountered in May 2014. As the spacecraft shall be in orbit the comet nucleus before and after release of the lander {\it Philae}, it is necessary necessary to know the conditions in the coma. Study the dust environment, including the dust production rate and its variations along its preperihelion orbit. The comet was observed during its approach to the Sun on four epochs between early-June 2008 and mid-January 2009, over a large range of heliocentric distances that will be covered by the mission in 2014. An anomalous enhancement of the coma dust density was measured towards the comet nucleus. The scalelength of this enhancement increased with decreasing heliocentric distance of the comet. This is interpreted as a result of an unusually slow expansion of the dust coma. Assuming a spherical symmetric coma, the average amount of dust as well as its ejection velocity have been derived. The latter increases exponentially with decreasing heliocentric distance (\rh), ranging from about 1 m/s at 3 AU to about 25-35 m/s at 1.4 AU. Based on these results we describe the dust environment at those nucleocentric distances at which the spacecraft will presumably be in orbit. Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pressComment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Polarimetry and photometry of the peculiar main-belt object 7968 = 133P/Elst-Pizarro

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    133P/Elst-Pizarro is an object that has been described as either an active asteroid or a cometary object in the main asteroid belt. Here we present a photometric and polarimetric study of this object in an attempt to infer additional information about its origin. With the FORS1 instrument of the ESO VLT, we have performed during the 2007 apparition of 133P/Elst-Pizarro quasi-simultaneous photometry and polarimetry of its nucleus at nine epochs in the phase angle range 0 - 20 deg. For each observing epoch, we also combined all available frames to obtain a deep image of the object, to seek signatures of weak cometary activity. Polarimetric data were analysed by means of a novel physical interference modelling. The object brightness was found to be highly variable over timescales <1h, a result fully consistent with previous studies. Using the albedo-polarization relationships for asteroids and our photometric results, we found for our target an albedo of about 0.06-0.07 and a mean radius of about 1.6 km. Throughout the observing epochs, our deep imaging of the comet detects a tail and an anti-tail. Their temporal variations are consistent with an activity profile starting around mid May 2007 of minimum duration of four months. Our images show marginal evidence of a coma around the nucleus. The overall light scattering behaviour (photometry and polarimetry) resembles most closely that of F-type asteroids.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    European research activities on charge state breeding related to radioactive ion beam facilities

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    International audienceEuropean effort on charge breeders is mainly dedicated to present and future Radioactive Ion Beam facilities. The main projects are High Intensity and Energy-ISOLDE at CERN, SPIRAL2 at GANIL and EURISOL. Most of the experimental developments are funded by the European programmes EURONS (EUROpean Nuclear Structure) and EURISOL (European Isotope Separation On-Line Radioactive Ion Beam Facility). Two ion source types (EBIS and ECRIS) have been adapted to accept the injection and the capture of an ion beam, in order to increase its charge with the highest efficiency within the shortest time. Both charge breeders are advantages and disadvantages with regard to their use in a Radioactive Ion Beam facility. The most important parameters studied are acceptance (in emittance and intensity) of the charge breeder, efficiency and charge breeding time of a specific n+ charge state, emittance of the extracted n+ beam. The charge breeder parameters are studied with different 1+ ion sources dedicated to 1+ radioactive ion beam production and the tuning procedure of the charge breeder as a beam line section of a specific accelerator is established and measured too
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