13,887 research outputs found

    Exchange Bias driven by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions

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    The exchange bias effect in compensated IrMn3/Co(111) system is studied using multiscale modeling from "ab initio" to atomistic calculations. We evaluate numerically the out-of-plane hysteresis loops of the bi-layer for different thickness of the ferromagnetic layer. The results show the existence of a perpendicular exchange bias field and an enhancement of the coercivity of the system. In order to elucidate the possible origin of the exchange bias, we analyze the hysteresis loops of a selected bi-layer by tuning the different contributions to the exchange interactions across the interface. Our results indicate that the exchange bias is primarily induced by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions, while the coercivity is increased mainly due to a spin-flop mechanism

    Heat and work distributions for mixed Gauss-Cauchy process

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    We analyze energetics of a non-Gaussian process described by a stochastic differential equation of the Langevin type. The process represents a paradigmatic model of a nonequilibrium system subject to thermal fluctuations and additional external noise, with both sources of perturbations considered as additive and statistically independent forcings. We define thermodynamic quantities for trajectories of the process and analyze contributions to mechanical work and heat. As a working example we consider a particle subjected to a drag force and two independent Levy white noises with stability indices α=2\alpha=2 and α=1\alpha=1. The fluctuations of dissipated energy (heat) and distribution of work performed by the force acting on the system are addressed by examining contributions of Cauchy fluctuations to either bath or external force acting on the system

    Atomistic spin-model based on a new spin-cluster expansion technique: Application to the IrMn3/Co interface

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    In order to derive tensorial exchange interactions and local magnetic anisotropies in itinerant magnetic systems, an approach combining the Spin-Cluster Expansion with the Relativistic Disordered Local Moment scheme is introduced. The theoretical background and computational aspects of the method are described in detail. The exchange interactions and site resolved anisotropy contributions for the IrMn3/Co(111) interface, a prototype for an exchange bias system, are calculated including a large number of magnetic sites from both the antiferromagnet and ferromagnet. Our calculations reveal that the coupling between the two subsystems is fairly limited to the vicinity of the interface. The magnetic anisotropy of the interface system is discussed, including effects of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions that appear due to symmetry breaking at the interface.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Wroclaw neutrino event generator

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    A neutrino event generator developed by the Wroclaw Neutrino Group is described. The physical models included in the generator are discussed and illustrated with the results of simulations. The considered processes are quasi-elastic scattering and pion production modelled by combining the Δ\Delta resonance excitation and deep inelastic scattering.Comment: Talk given at 2nd Scandanavian Neutrino Workshop (SNOW 2006), Stockholm, Sweden, 2-6 May 2006. 3 pages, 6 figure

    Aerothermal tests of a 12.5 percent cone at Mach 6.7 for various Reynolds numbers, angles of attack and nose shapes

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    The effects of free-stream unit Reynolds number, angle of attack, and nose shape on the aerothermal environment of a 3-ft basediameter, 12.5 deg half-angle cone were investigated in the Langley 8-foot high temperature tunnel at Mach 6.7. The average total temperature was 3300 R, the freestream unit Reynolds number ranged from 400,000 to 1,400,000 per foot, and the angle of attack ranged from 0 deg to 10 deg. Three nose configurations were tested on the cone: a 3-in-radius tip, a 1-in-radius tip on an ogive frustum, and a sharp tip on an ogive frustum. Surface-pressure and cold-wall heating-rate distributions were obtained for laminar, transitional temperature in the shock layer were obtained. The location of the start of transition moved forward both on windward and leeward sides with increasing free-stream Reynolds numbers, increasing angle of attack, and decreasing nose bluntness

    Radiative, actively cooled panel tests results

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    The radiative, actively cooled panel designed to withstand a uniform incident heat flux of 136 kW/sq m to a 444 K surface temperature was evaluated. The test program consisted of preliminary static thermal mechanical loading and aerothermal flow tests. Test results are briefly discussed

    Constrained Monte Carlo Method and Calculation of the Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Anisotropy

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    We introduce a constrained Monte Carlo method which allows us to traverse the phase space of a classical spin system while fixing the magnetization direction. Subsequently we show the method's capability to model the temperature dependence of magnetic anisotropy, and for bulk uniaxial and cubic anisotropies we recover the low-temperature Callen-Callen power laws in M. We also calculate the temperature scaling of the 2-ion anisotropy in L10 FePt, and recover the experimentally observed M^2.1 scaling. The method is newly applied to evaluate the temperature dependent effective anisotropy in the presence of the N'eel surface anisotropy in thin films with different easy axis configurations. In systems having different surface and bulk easy axes, we show the capability to model the temperature-induced reorientation transition. The intrinsic surface anisotropy is found to follow a linear temperature behavior in a large range of temperatures

    Distinguishing the opponents in the prisoner dilemma in well-mixed populations

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    Here we study the effects of adopting different strategies against different opponent instead of adopting the same strategy against all of them in the prisoner dilemma structured in well-mixed populations. We consider an evolutionary process in which strategies that provide reproductive success are imitated and players replace one of their worst interactions by the new one. We set individuals in a well-mixed population so that network reciprocity effect is excluded and we analyze both synchronous and asynchronous updates. As a consequence of the replacement rule, we show that mutual cooperation is never destroyed and the initial fraction of mutual cooperation is a lower bound for the level of cooperation. We show by simulation and mean-field analysis that for synchronous update cooperation dominates while for asynchronous update only cooperations associated to the initial mutual cooperations are maintained. As a side effect of the replacement rule, an "implicit punishment" mechanism comes up in a way that exploitations are always neutralized providing evolutionary stability for cooperation

    Low-energy interactions of Nambu-Goldstone bosons with DD mesons in covariant chiral perturbation theory

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    We calculate the scattering lengths of Nambu-Goldstone bosons interacting with DD mesons in a covariant formulation of chiral perturbation theory, which satisfies heavy-quark spin symmetry and analytical properties of loop amplitudes. We compare our results with previous studies performed using heavy meson chiral perturbation theory and show that recoil corrections are sizable in most cases.Comment: 3 figures and 4 table

    Enhancement of cooperation in highly clustered scale-free networks

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    We study the effect of clustering on the organization of cooperation, by analyzing the evolutionary dynamics of the Prisoner's Dilemma on scale-free networks with a tunable value of clustering. We find that a high value of the clustering coefficient produces an overall enhancement of cooperation in the network, even for a very high temptation to defect. On the other hand, high clustering homogeneizes the process of invasion of degree classes by defectors, decreasing the chances of survival of low densities of cooperator strategists in the network.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure