977 research outputs found

    The Origins of Fluorescent H_2 Emission From T Tauri Stars

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    We survey fluorescent H_2 emission in HST STIS spectra of the classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs) TW Hya, DF Tau, RU Lupi, T Tau, and DG Tau, and the weak-lined T Tauri star (WTTS) V836 Tau. From each of those sources we detect between 41 and 209 narrow H_2 emission lines, most of which are pumped by strong Lyα emission. H_2 emission is not detected from the WTTS V410 Tau. The fluorescent H_2 emission appears to be common to circumstellar environments around all CTTSs, but high spectral and spatial resolution STIS observations reveal diverse phenomenon. Blueshifted H_2 emission detected from RU Lupi, T Tau, and DG Tau is consistent with an origin in an outflow. The H_2 emission from TW Hya, DF Tau, and V836 Tau is centered at the radial velocity of the star and is consistent with an origin in a warm disk surface. The H_2 lines from RU Lupi, DF Tau, and T Tau also have excess blueshifted H_2 emission that extends to as much as -100 km s^(-1). The strength of this blueshifted component from DF Tau and T Tau depends on the upper level of the transition. In all cases, the small aperture and attenuation of H_2 emission by stellar winds restricts the H_2 emission to be formed close to the star. In the observation of RU Lupi, the Lyα emission and the H_2 emission that is blueshifted by 15 km s^(-1) are extended to the SW by ~0".07, although the faster H_2 gas that extends to ~100 km s^(-1) is not spatially extended. We also find a small reservoir of H_2 emission from TW Hya and DF Tau consistent with an excitation temperature of ~2.5 × 10^4 K

    The Far-Ultraviolet Spectra of TW Hya. II. Models of H2 Fluorescence in a Disk

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    We measure the temperature of warm gas at planet-forming radii in the disk around the classical T Tauri star (CTTS) TW Hya by modelling the H2 fluorescence observed in HST/STIS and FUSE spectra. Strong Ly-alpha emission irradiates a warm disk surface within 2 AU of the central star and pumps certain excited levels of H2. We simulate a 1D plane-parallel atmosphere to estimate fluxes for the 140 observed H2 emission lines and to reconstruct the Ly-alpha emission profile incident upon the warm H2. The excitation of H2 can be determined from relative line strengths by measuring self-absorption in lines with low-energy lower levels, or by reconstructing the Ly-alpha profile incident upon the warm H2 using the total flux from a single upper level and the opacity in the pumping transition. Based on those diagnostics, we estimate that the warm disk surface has a column density of log N(H2)=18.5^{+1.2}_{-0.8}, a temperature T=2500^{+700}_{-500} K, and a filling factor of H2, as seen by the source of Ly-alpha emission, of 0.25\pm0.08 (all 2-sigma error bars). TW Hya produces approximately 10^{-3} L_\odot in the FUV, about 85% of which is in the Ly-alpha emission line. From the H I absorption observed in the Ly-alpha emission, we infer that dust extinction in our line of sight to TW Hya is negligible.Comment: Accepted by ApJ. 26 pages, 17 figures, 6 table

    Starspot-induced optical and infrared radial velocity variability in T Tauri star Hubble 4

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    We report optical (6150 Ang) and K-band (2.3 micron) radial velocities obtained over two years for the pre-main sequence weak-lined T Tauri star Hubble I 4. We detect periodic and near-sinusoidal radial velocity variations at both wavelengths, with a semi-amplitude of 1395\pm94 m/s in the optical and 365\pm80 m/s in the infrared. The lower velocity amplitude at the longer wavelength, combined with bisector analysis and spot modeling, indicates that there are large, cool spots on the stellar surface that are causing the radial velocity modulation. The radial velocities maintain phase coherence over hundreds of days suggesting that the starspots are long-lived. This is one of the first active stars where the spot-induced velocity modulation has been resolved in the infrared.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The Magnetic Fields of Classical T Tauri Stars

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    We report new magnetic field measurements for 14 classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs). We combine these data with one previous field determination in order to compare our observed field strengths with the field strengths predicted by magnetospheric accretion models. We use literature data on the stellar mass, radius, rotation period, and disk accretion rate to predict the field strength that should be present on each of our stars according to these magnetospheric accretion models. We show that our measured field values do not correlate with the field strengths predicted by simple magnetospheric accretion theory. We also use our field strength measurements and literature X-ray luminosity data to test a recent relationship expressing X-ray luminosity as a function of surface magnetic flux derived from various solar feature and main sequence star measurements. We find that the T Tauri stars we have observed have weaker than expected X-ray emission by over an order of magnitude on average using this relationship. We suggest the cause for this is actually a result of the very strong fields on these stars which decreases the efficiency with which gas motions in the photosphere can tangle magnetic flux tubes in the corona.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figure

    Accretion-powered Stellar Winds as a Solution to the Stellar Angular Momentum Problem

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    We compare the angular momentum extracted by a wind from a pre-main-sequence star to the torques arising from the interaction between the star and its Keplerian accretion disk. We find that the wind alone can counteract the spin-up torque from mass accretion, solving the mystery of why accreting pre-main-sequence stars are observed to spin at less than 10% of break-up speed, provided that the mass outflow rate in the stellar winds is ~10% of the accretion rate. We suggest that such massive winds will be driven by some fraction Ï”\epsilon of the accretion power. For observationally constrained typical parameters of classical T-Tauri stars, Ï”\epsilon needs to be between a few and a few tens of percent. In this scenario, efficient braking of the star will terminate simultaneously with accretion, as is usually assumed to explain the rotation velocities of stars in young clusters.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letter

    Precision radial velocities with CSHELL

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    Radial velocity identification of extrasolar planets has historically been dominated by optical surveys. Interest in expanding exoplanet searches to M dwarfs and young stars, however, has motivated a push to improve the precision of near infrared radial velocity techniques. We present our methodology for achieving 58 m/s precision in the K band on the M0 dwarf GJ 281 using the CSHELL spectrograph at the 3-meter NASA IRTF. We also demonstrate our ability to recover the known 4 Mjup exoplanet Gl 86 b and discuss the implications for success in detecting planets around 1-3 Myr old T Tauri stars.Comment: 31 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in Ap

    Spectropolarimetry of the Classical T Tauri Star TW Hydrae

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    We present high resolution (R ~ 60,000) circular spectropolarimetry of the classical T Tauri star TW Hydrae. We analyze 12 photospheric absorption lines and measure the net longitudinal magnetic field for 6 consecutive nights. While no net polarization is detected the first five nights, a significant photospheric field of Bz = 149 \pm 33 G is found on the sixth night. To rule out spurious instrumental polarization, we apply the same analysis technique to several non-magnetic telluric lines, detecting no significant polarization. We further demonstrate the reality of this field detection by showing that the splitting between right and left polarized components in these 12 photospheric lines shows a linear trend with Lande g-factor times wavelength squared, as predicted by the Zeeman effect. However, this longitudinal field detection is still much lower than that which would result if a pure dipole magnetic geometry is responsible for the mean magnetic field strength of 2.6 kG previously reported for TW Hya. We also detect strong circular polarization in the He I 5876 and the Ca II 8498 emission lines, indicating a strong field in the line formation region of these features. The polarization of the Ca II line is substantially weaker than that of the He I line, which we interpret as due to a larger contribution to the Ca II line from chromospheric emission in which the polarization signals cancel. However, the presence of polarization in the Ca II line indicates that accretion shocks on Classical T Tauri stars do produce narrow emission features in the infrared triplet lines of Calcium.Comment: One tar file. The paper has 22 pages, 5 figures. Accepted by AJ on Sep 10, 200

    Observations of T Tauri Disks at Sub-AU Radii: Implications for Magnetospheric Accretion and Planet Formation

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    We determine inner disk sizes and temperatures for four solar-type (1-2 M⊙_{\odot}) classical T Tauri stars (AS 207A, V2508 Oph, AS 205A, and PX Vul) using 2.2 ÎŒ\mum observations from the Keck Interferometer. Nearly contemporaneous near-IR adaptive optics imaging photometry, optical photometry, and high-dispersion optical spectroscopy are used to distinguish contributions from the inner disks and central stars in the interferometric observations. In addition, the spectroscopic and photometric data provide estimates of stellar properties, mass accretion rates, and disk co-rotation radii. We model our interferometric and photometric data in the context of geometrically flat accretion disk models with inner holes, and flared disks with puffed-up inner walls. Models incorporating puffed-up inner disk walls generally provide better fits to the data, similar to previous results for higher-mass Herbig Ae stars. Our measured inner disk sizes are larger than disk truncation radii predicted by magnetospheric accretion models, with larger discrepancies for sources with higher mass accretion rates. We suggest that our measured sizes correspond to dust sublimation radii, and that optically-thin gaseous material may extend further inward to the magnetospheric truncation radii. Finally, our inner disk measurements constrain the location of terrestrial planet formation as well as potential mechanisms for halting giant planet migration.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (May 1, 2005 issue

    The FUV spectrum of TW Hya. I. Observations of H2_2 Fluorescence

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    We observed the classical T Tauri star TW Hya with \textit{HST}/STIS using the E140M grating, from 1150--1700 \AA, with the E230M grating, from 2200--2900 \AA, and with \FUSE from 900--1180 \AA. Emission in 143 Lyman-band H2_2 lines representing 19 progressions dominates the spectral region from 1250--1650 \AA. The total H2_2 emission line flux is 1.94×10−121.94 \times 10^{-12} erg cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1}, which corresponds to 1.90×10−41.90\times10^{-4} L⊙L_\odot at TW Hya's distance of 56 pc. A broad stellar \Lya line photoexcites the H2_2 from excited rovibrational levels of the ground electronic state to excited electronic states. The \ion{C}{2} 1335 \AA doublet, \ion{C}{3} 1175 \AA\ multiplet, and \ion{C}{4} 1550 \AA doublet also electronically excite H2_2. The velocity shift of the H2_2 lines is consistent with the photospheric radial velocity of TW Hya, and the emission is not spatially extended beyond the 0\farcs05 resolution of \textit{HST}. The H2_2 lines have an intrinsic FWHM of 11.91±0.1611.91\pm0.16 \kms. One H2_2 line is significantly weaker than predicted by this model because of \ion{C}{2} wind absorption. We also do not observe any H2_2 absorption against the stellar \Lya profile. From these results, we conclude that the H2_2 emission is more consistent with an origin in a disk rather than in an outflow or circumstellar shell. We also analyze the hot accretion-region lines (e.g., \ion{C}{4}, \ion{Si}{4}, \ion{O}{6}) of TW Hya, which are formed at the accretion shock, and discuss some reasons why Si lines appear significantly weaker than other TR region lines.Comment: accepted by ApJ, 42 pages -- 20 text, 11 figure

    Star Spot Induced Radial Velocity Variability in LkCa 19

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    We describe a new radial velocity survey of T Tauri stars and present the first results. Our search is motivated by an interest in detecting massive young planets, as well as investigating the origin of the brown dwarf desert. As part of this survey, we discovered large-amplitude, periodic, radial velocity variations in the spectrum of the weak line T Tauri star LkCa 19. Using line bisector analysis and a new simulation of the effect of star spots on the photometric and radial velocity variability of T Tauri stars, we show that our measured radial velocities for LkCa19 are fully consistent with variations caused by the presence of large star spots on this rapidly rotating young star. These results illustrate the level of activity-induced radial velocity noise associated with at least some very young stars. This activity-induced noise will set lower limits on the mass of a companion detectable around LkCa 19, and similarly active young stars.Comment: ApJ accepted, 27 pages, 12 figures, aaste
