751 research outputs found

    Why Are Ring Galaxies Interesting?

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    Compared with ordinary spirals, the ISM in ring galaxies experiences markedly different physical conditions and evolution. As a result, ring galaxies provide interesting perspectives on the triggering/quenching of large scale star formation and the destructive effects of massive stars on molecular cloud complexes. We use high resolution radio, sub-millimeter, infrared, and optical data to investigate the role of gravitational stability in star formation regulation, factors influencing the ISM's molecular fraction, and evidence of peculiar star formation laws and efficiencies in two highly evolved ring galaxies: Cartwheel and the Lindsay-Shapley ring.Comment: 6 pages with 4 figures (2 color). To appear in the conference proceedings for "Galaxy Wars: Stellar Populations and Star Formation in Interacting Galaxies"

    Star Formation and the Interstellar Medium In Nearby Tidal Streams (SAINTS): Spitzer Mid-infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging of Intergalactic Star-forming Objects

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    A spectroscopic analysis of 10 intergalactic star forming objects (ISFOs) and a photometric analysis of 67 ISFOs in a sample of 14 interacting systems is presented. The majority of the ISFOs have relative polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) band strengths similar to those of nearby spiral and starburst galaxies. In contrast to what is observed in blue compact dwarfs (BCDs) and local giant HII regions in the Milky Way (NGC 3603) and the Magellanic Clouds (30 Doradus and N 66), the relative PAH band strengths in ISFOs correspond to models with a significant PAH ion fraction (<50%) and bright emission from large PAHs (~100 carbon atoms). The [NeIII]/[NeII] and [SIV]/[SIII] line flux ratios indicate moderate levels of excitation with an interstellar radiation field that is harder than the majority of the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey and starburst galaxies, but softer than BCDs and local giant HII regions. The ISFO neon line flux ratios are consistent with a burst of star formation < 6 million years ago. Most of the ISFOs have ~million solar masses of warm molecular hydrogen with a likely origin in photo-dissociation regions (PDRs). Infrared Array Camera photometry shows the ISFOs to be bright at 8 um, with one third having [4.5] - [8.0] > 3.7, i.e., enhanced non-stellar emission, most likely due to PAHs, relative to normal spirals, dwarf irregulars and BCD galaxies. The relative strength of the 8 um emission compared to that at 3.6 um or 24 um separates ISFOs from dwarf galaxies in Spitzer two color diagrams. The infrared power in two thirds of the ISFOs is dominated by emission from grains in a diffuse interstellar medium. One in six ISFOs have significant emission from PDRs, contributing ~30 % - 60 % of the total power. ISFOs are young knots of intense star formation.Comment: Accepted in ApJ. 49 pages 9 figure

    Molecular Gas and Star Formation in the Cartwheel

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    Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) 12CO(J=1-0) observations are used to study the cold molecular ISM of the Cartwheel ring galaxy and its relation to HI and massive star formation (SF). CO moment maps find (2.69±0.05)×109(2.69\pm0.05)\times10^{9} M_{\odot} of H2_2 associated with the inner ring (72%) and nucleus (28%) for a Galactic I(CO)-to-N(H2) conversion factor (αCO\alpha_{\rm CO}). The spokes and disk are not detected. Analysis of the inner ring's CO kinematics show it to be expanding (Vexp=68.9±4.9V_{\rm exp}=68.9\pm4.9 km s1^{-1}) implying an 70\approx70 Myr age. Stack averaging reveals CO emission in the starburst outer ring for the first time, but only where HI surface density (ΣHI\Sigma_{\rm HI}) is high, representing MH2=(7.5±0.8)×108M_{\rm H_2}=(7.5\pm0.8)\times10^{8} M_{\odot} for a metallicity appropriate αCO\alpha_{\rm CO}, giving small ΣH2\Sigma_{\rm H_2} (3.73.7 M_{\odot} pc2^{-2}), molecular fraction (fmol=0.10f_{\rm mol}=0.10), and H2_2 depletion timescales (τmol50600\tau_{\rm mol} \approx50-600 Myr). Elsewhere in the outer ring ΣH22\Sigma_{\rm H_2}\lesssim 2 M_{\odot} pc2^{-2}, fmol0.1f_{\rm mol}\lesssim 0.1 and τmol140540\tau_{\rm mol}\lesssim 140-540 Myr (all 3σ3\sigma). The inner ring and nucleus are H2_2-dominated and are consistent with local spiral SF laws. ΣSFR\Sigma_{\rm SFR} in the outer ring appears independent of ΣH2\Sigma_{\rm H_2}, ΣHI\Sigma_{\rm HI} or ΣHI+H2\Sigma_{\rm HI+H_2}. The ISM's long confinement in the robustly star forming rings of the Cartwheel and AM0644-741 may result in either a large diffuse H2_2 component or an abundance of CO-faint low column density molecular clouds. The H2_2 content of evolved starburst rings may therefore be substantially larger. Due to its lower ΣSFR\Sigma_{\rm SFR} and age the Cartwheel's inner ring has yet to reach this state. Alternately, the outer ring may trigger efficient SF in an HI-dominated ISM.Comment: 10-pages text; 5-figure

    Redshifts from Spitzer Spectra for Optically Faint, Radio Selected Infrared Sources

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    Spectra have been obtained with the Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope for 18 optically faint sources (R > 23.9,mag) having f(nu) (24um) > 1.0,mJy and having radio detections at 20 cm to a limit of 115 microJy. Sources are within the Spitzer First Look Survey. Redshifts are determined for 14 sources from strong silicate absorption features (12 sources) or strong PAH emission features (2 sources), with median redshift of 2.1. Results confirm that optically faint sources of ~1 mJy at 24um are typically at redshifts z ~ 2, verifying the high efficiency in selecting high redshift sources based on extreme infrared to optical flux ratio, and indicate that 24um sources which also have radio counterparts are not systematically different than samples chosen only by their infrared to optical flux ratios. Using the parameter q = log[f(nu)(24um)/f(nu)(20 cm)] 17 of the 18 sources observed have values of 0<q<1, in the range expected for starburst-powered sources, but only a few of these show strong PAH emission as expected from starbursts, with the remainder showing absorbed or power-law spectra consistent with an AGN luminosity source. This confirms previous indications that optically faint Spitzer sources with f(nu)(24um) > 1.0mJy are predominately AGN and represent the upper end of the luminosity function of dusty sources at z ~ 2. Based on the characteristics of the sources observed so far, we predict that the nature of sources selected at 24um will change for f(nu)(24um) < 0.5 mJy to sources dominated primarily by starbursts.Comment: Accepted ApJ 20 February 2006, v638 2 issue, 10pages including 3 figure

    Radio continuum imaging of the R CrA star-forming region with the ATCA

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the nature of radio sources associated with young stellar objects (YSOs) belonging to the R CrA cluster. By combining the centimetre radio data with the wealth of shorter wavelength data accumulated recently we wish to refine estimates of the evolutionary stages of the YSOs. Fluxes and spectral indices for the brightest radio sources were derived from the observations at 3, 6, and 20 cm using the ATCA. Seven of detected sources can be assigned to YSOs, which have counterparts in the X-rays, infrared or submm. One of the YSOs, Radio Source 9, is a Class 0 candidate, and another, IRS 7B, is suggested to be in the Class 0/I transition stage. IRS 7B is associated with extended radio lobes at 6 and 20 cm. The lobes may have a gyrosynchrotron emission component, which could be understood in terms of Fermi accleration in shocks. The Class I objects detected here seem to be a mixed lot. One of these, the wide binary IRS 5, shows a negative spectral index, rapid variability, and a high degree of circular polarisation with V/I33V/I\approx33 % on one of the days of observation. These signs of magnetic activity suggest that at least one of the binary components has advanced beyond the Class I stage. The radio source without YSO assigment, Radio Source 5, has been suggested to be a brown dwarf. The radio properties, in particular its persistent strong emission, do not support this classification. The radio characteristics of the detected YSOs roughly agree with the scheme where the dominant emission mechanism changes with age. The heterogeneity of the Class I group can possibly be explained by a drastic decline in the jet activity during this stage, which also changes the efficiency of free-free absorption around the protostar.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (8 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables

    First mid-infrared spectrum of a faint high-z galaxy: Observations of CFRS 14.1157 with the Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope

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    The unprecedented sensitivity of the Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope allows for the first time the measurement of mid-infrared spectra from 14 to 38 microns of faint high-z galaxies. This unique capability is demonstrated with observations of sources having 16 micron fluxes of 3.6 mJy (CFRS 14.1157) and 0.35 mJy (CFRS 14.9025). A spectral-fitting technique is illustrated which determines the redshift by fitting emission and absorption features characteristic of nearby galaxies to the spectrum of an unknown source. For CFRS 14.1157, the measured redshift is z = 1.00+/-0.20 in agreement with the published result of z = 1.15. The spectrum is dominated by emission from an AGN, similar to the nucleus of NGC 1068, rather than a typical starburst with strong PAH emission like M82. Such spectra will be crucial in characterizing the nature of newly discovered distant galaxies, which are too faint for optical follow-up.Comment: Accepted in ApJ Sup. Spitzer Special Issue, 4 pages, 5 figure