101 research outputs found

    Compatibility of Intercropping with Mechanized Agriculture: Effects of Strip Intercropping of Pinto Beans and Sweet Corn on Insect Abundance in Colorado

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    The potential for management of insect pest densities by regulation of crop diversity through intercropping was examined in sweet corn and pinto beans. Insect abundance was monitored in corn and beans in alternating multiple-row patterns of 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 rows. Insect responses to intercropping treatments were variable, with positive, negative, and neutral responses observed, depending on species of insect and crop. In some cases, insect abundance was affected by strip-intercropping widths of up to eight rows, suggesting that strip intercropping may be compatible with some types of mechanized agriculture

    Compatibility of Intercropping with Mechanized Agriculture: Effects of Strip Intercropping of Pinto Beans and Sweet Corn on Insect Abundance in Colorado

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    The potential for management of insect pest densities by regulation of crop diversity through intercropping was examined in sweet corn and pinto beans. Insect abundance was monitored in corn and beans in alternating multiple-row patterns of 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 rows. Insect responses to intercropping treatments were variable, with positive, negative, and neutral responses observed, depending on species of insect and crop. In some cases, insect abundance was affected by strip-intercropping widths of up to eight rows, suggesting that strip intercropping may be compatible with some types of mechanized agriculture

    The multifunctional roles of vegetated strips around and within agricultural fields : A systematic map protocol.

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    Background: Agriculture and agricultural intensification can have significant negative impacts on the environment, including nutrient and pesticide leaching, spreading of pathogens, soil erosion and reduction of ecosystem services provided by terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity. The establishment and management of vegetated strips adjacent to farmed fields (including various field margins, buffer strips and hedgerows) are key mitigation measures for these negative environmental impacts and environmental managers and other stakeholders must often make decisions about how best to design and implement vegetated strips for a variety of different outcomes. However, it may be difficult to obtain relevant, accurate and summarised information on the effects of implementation and management of vegetated strips, even though a vast body of evidence exists on multipurpose vegetated strip interventions within and around fields. To improve the situation, we describe a method for assembling a database of relevant research relating to vegetated strips undertaken in boreo-temperate farming systems (arable, pasture, horticulture, orchards and viticulture). Methods: We will search 13 bibliographic databases, 1 search engine and 37 websites for stakeholder organisations using a predefined and tested search string that focuses on a comprehensive list of vegetated strip synonyms. Non-English language searches in Danish, Finnish, German, Spanish, and Swedish will also be undertaken using a web-based search engine. We will screen search results at title, abstract and full text levels, recording the number of studies deemed non-relevant (with reasons at full text). A systematic map database that displays the meta-data (i.e. descriptive summary information about settings and methods) of relevant studies will be produced following full text assessment. The systematic map database will be displayed as a web-based geographical information system (GIS). The nature and extent of the evidence base will be discussed

    Male Weaponry in a Fighting Cricket

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    Sexually selected male weaponry is widespread in nature. Despite being model systems for the study of male aggression in Western science and for cricket fights in Chinese culture, field crickets (Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Gryllinae) are not known to possess sexually dimorphic weaponry. In a wild population of the fall field cricket, Gryllus pennsylvanicus, we report sexual dimorphism in head size as well as the size of mouthparts, both of which are used when aggressive contests between males escalate to physical combat. Male G. pennsylvanicus have larger heads, maxillae and mandibles than females when controlling for pronotum length. We conducted two experiments to test the hypothesis that relatively larger weaponry conveys an advantage to males in aggressive contests. Pairs of males were selected for differences in head size and consequently were different in the size of maxillae and mandibles. In the first experiment, males were closely matched for body size (pronotum length), and in the second, they were matched for body mass. Males with proportionately larger weaponry won more fights and increasing differences in weaponry size between males increased the fighting success of the male with the larger weaponry. This was particularly true when contests escalated to grappling, the most intense level of aggression. However, neither contest duration nor intensity was related to weaponry size as predicted by models of contest settlement. These results are the first evidence that the size of the head capsule and mouthparts are under positive selection via male-male competition in field crickets, and validate 800-year-old Chinese traditional knowledge

    Seed size variation: magnitude, distribution, and ecological correlates

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    We examined seed-mass variation in 39 species (46 populations) of plants in eastern-central Illinois, USA. The coefficient of variation of seed mass commonly exceeded 20%. Significant variation in mean seed mass occurred among conspecific plants in most species sampled (by hierarchical ANOVA), averaging 38% of total variance. For most species, within-plant variation was the larger component of total variance, averaging 62% of total variance. Variation in seed mass among fruits within crops was significant in most species tested.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42741/1/10682_2005_Article_BF02067274.pd

    Starvation resistance of gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae): tradeoffs among growth, body size, and survival

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    Survival and body composition of starving gypsy moth larvae initially reared on aspen foliage or artificial diet differeing in nitrogen (N) and carbohydrate concentration were examined under laboratory conditions. Diet nitrogen concentration strongly affected starvation resistance and body composition, but diet carbohydrate content had no effects on these. Within any single diet treatment, greater body mass afforded greater resistance to starvation. However, starving larvae reared on 1.5% N diet survived nearly three days longer than larvae reared on 3.5% N diet. Larvae reared on artificial diet survived longer than larvae reared on aspen. Differences in survival of larvae reared on artificial diet with low and high nitrogen concentrations could not be attributed to variation in respiration rates, but were associated with differences in body composition. Although percentage lipid in larvae was unaffected by diet nitrogen concentration, larvae reared on 1.5% N diet had a higher percentage carbohydrate and lower percentage protein in their bodies prior to starvation than larvae reared on 3.5% N diet. Hence, larger energy reserves of larvae reared on low nitrogen diet may have contributed to their greater starvation resistance. Whereas survival under food stress was lower for larvae reared on high N diets, growth rates and pupal weights were higher, suggesting a tradeoff between rapid growth and survival. Larger body size does not necessarily reflect larger energy reserves, and, in fact, larger body size accured via greater protein accumulation may be at the expense of energy reserves. Large, fast-growing larvae may be more fit when food is abundant, but this advantage may be severely diminished under food stress. The potential ecological and evolutionary implications of a growth/survival tradeoff are discussed.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47792/1/442_2004_Article_BF00317588.pd

    Potencial inseticida de plantas da famĂ­lia Annonaceae

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