496 research outputs found

    Virheiden havaitseminen ja korjaus tiedonvaihdossa

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    Tiivistelmä. Datan elektronisessa välityksessä voi usein tapahtua virheitä johtuen tiedonvälitystavasta. Tutkielma käsittelee matemaattista lähestymistapaa näiden virheiden havaitsemiseen ja korjaamiseen vastaanottavan osapuolen päässä

    Ilmalaivojen historia:ilmalaivojen käyttöfunktiot ja ilmalaivojen välittämät aatteet

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän pro gradun aiheena on ilmalaivojen historian ja erityisesti ilmalaivojen käyttöfunktioiden ja ilmalaivoihin kytkeytyvien aatteiden tarkastelu. Tavoitteena tässä työssä on vastata tutkimuskysymyksiin eli siihen mitä käyttöfunktioita ilmalaivoilla on ollut ja mitä aatteita ilmalaivat ovat välittäneet. Lähteinä tässä pro gradussa on käytetty vanhoja ilmalaivavalokuvia, uusia aihetta käsitteleviä kirjoja sekä vanhaa aikalaismateriaalia valokuvakirjojen muodossa. Eräänä päälähteenä on hyödynnetty Max Pinuccin teosta Airships: Designed for Greatness vuodelta 2018 ja sen yksityiskohtaisia ilmalaivojen profiilipiirroksia on analysoitu erityisesti ilmalaivojen ulkoisia tunnuksia tarkastelevassa pro gradun luvussa. Menetelminä on hyödynnetty tässä työssä monipuolisen aineiston hankkimista kuten kyselyä suomalaiselle Kelluu Oy -ilmalaivafirmalle ja aineistoon tutustumista. Erityisesti on tehty visuaalisen aineiston sisällönanalyysia kuva-aineistoa läpi käyden ja arvioita on muodostettu sen perusteella. Aate- ja oppihistoria on antanut tulkinnallista viitekehystä työlle. Tuloksina on havaittu, että alkuun ilmalaivoissa vaikuttaa olleen vähän ulkoisia merkintöjä. Eräs päähuomio on lisäksi se, että 1930-luvun puolivälin jälkeen ilmalaivat Graf Zeppelin eli LZ 127 ja Hindenburg eli LZ 129 kantoivat näyttävästi hakaristejä perissään tuoden esiin natsipuoluetta, arjalaista rotua, nationalismia sekä kansakunnan nationalistista rakennusta ja ilmalaivat olivat kansallisen ylpeyden airueitakin. Uusissa ilmalaivoissa puolestaan vaikuttaa olevan näyttäviä tunnuksia mainostustarkoituksessa. Työssä todetaan ilmalaivojen käyttöfunktioiksi matkustajien kuljetus, käyttö rahdin kuljetusvälineenä, käyttö sotatoimissa ja käyttö tutkimuksessa sekä tutkimusretkissä. Myös nykykäytön piirteitä on analysoitu. Työssä todetaan lisäksi, että ilmalaivoilla on pyritty maailman herruuden esiintuontiin ja kansakunnan nationalistishenkiseen rakennukseen. Työssä luodaan katsausta ilmalaivojen nimiin, ilmalaivojen hyödynnykseen propagandatarkoituksessa ja ulkoisten tunnusten käyttöön aatteiden välittäjänä. Usein ilmalaivoihin on lisäksi liitetty militaristisia, nationalistisia ja patrioottisia tunnuksia. Monarkistiset tunnukset Britanniassa ja Neuvostoliitossa kommunistiset tunnukset ovat nekin olleet osa ilmalaivojen ulkoisten tunnusten historiaa

    Dry demagnetization cryostat for sub-millikelvin helium experiments: Refrigeration and thermometry

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    We demonstrate successful “dry” refrigeration of quantum fluids down to T = 0.16 mK by using copper nuclear demagnetization stage that is pre-cooled by a pulse-tube-based dilution refrigerator. This type of refrigeration delivers a flexible and simple sub-mK solution to a variety of needs including experiments with superfluid 3He. Our central design principle was to eliminate relative vibrations between the high-field magnet and the nuclear refrigeration stage, which resulted in the minimum heat leak of Q = 4.4 nW obtained in field of 35 mT. For thermometry, we employed a quartz tuning fork immersed into liquid 3He. We show that the fork oscillator can be considered as self-calibrating in superfluid 3He at the crossover point from hydrodynamic into ballistic quasiparticle regime.Peer reviewe

    Laparoscopic ventral rectopexy in male patients with external rectal prolapse is associated with a high reoperation rate

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    Background Laparoscopic ventral rectopexy has been used to treat male patients with external rectal prolapse, but evidence to support this approach is scarce. The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of this new abdominal rectopexy surgical technique in men. Methods This was a retrospective multicenter study. Adult male patients who were operated on for external rectal prolapse using ventral rectopexy in five tertiary hospitals in Finland between 2006 and 2014 were included in the study. Patient demographics, detailed operative, postoperative and short-term follow-up data were collected from patient registers in participating hospitals. A questionnaire and informed consent form was sent to all patients. The questionnaire included scores for anal incontinence, obstructed defecation syndrome, urinary symptoms and sexual dysfunction. The main outcome measure was the incidence of recurrent rectal prolapse. Surgical morbidity, the need for surgical repair due to recurrent symptoms and functional outcomes were secondary outcome measures. Results A total of 52 adult male patients with symptoms caused by external rectal prolapse underwent ventral rectopexy. The questionnaire response rate was 64.4 %. Baseline clinical characteristics and perioperative results were similar in the responder and non-responder groups. A total of 9 (17.3 %) patients faced complications. There were two (3.8 %) serious surgical complications during the 30-day period after surgery that necessitated reoperation. None of the complications were mesh related. Recurrence of the prolapse was noticed in nine patients (17 %), and postoperative mucosal anal prolapse symptoms persisted in 11 patients (21 %). As a result, the reoperation rate was high. Altogether, 17 patients (33 %) underwent reoperation during the follow-up period due to postoperative complications or recurrent rectal or mucosal prolapse. According to the postoperative questionnaire data, patients under 40 had good functional results in terms of anal continence, defecation, urinary functions and sexual activity. Conclusions Laparoscopic ventral rectopexy is a safe surgical procedure in male patients with external prolapse. However, a high overall reoperation rate was noticed due to recurrent rectal and residual mucosal prolapse. This suggests that the ventral rectopexy technique should be modified or combined with other abdominal or perineal methods when treating male rectal prolapse patients.Peer reviewe

    Quantum degeneracy in mesoscopic matter: Casimir effect and Bose-Einstein condensation

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    The ground-state phonon pressure is an analogue to the famous Casimir pressure of vacuum produced by zero-point photons. The acoustic Casimir forces are, however, many orders of magnitude weaker than the electromagnetic Casimir forces, as the typical speed of sound is 100 000 times smaller than the speed of light. Because of its weakness, zero-point acoustic Casimir pressure was never observed, although the pressure of artificially introduced sound noise on a narrow aperture has been reported. However, the magnitude of Casimir pressure increases as 1/L31/L^3 with the decrease of the sample size LL, and reaches picoNewtons in the sub-micron scales. We demonstrate and measure the acoustic Casimir pressure induced by zero-point phonons in solid helium adsorbed on a carbon nanotube. We have also observed Casimir-like "pushing out" thermal phonons with the decreasing temperature or the length. We also show that all thermodynamic quantities are size-dependent, and therefore in the mesoscopic range Lc/(kBT)L\lesssim\hbar{c}/(k_BT) quadruple points are possible on the phase diagram where four different phases coexist. Due to the smallness of solid helium sample, temperature of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of vacancies is relatively high, 1010010-100 mK. This allowed us to experimentally discover the BEC in a system of zero-point vacancies, predicted more than 50 years ago

    Redo ventral rectopexy : is it worthwhile?

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    Background Minimally invasive ventral mesh rectopexy (VMR) is a widely used surgical treatment for posterior pelvic organ prolapse; however, evidence of the utility of revisional surgery is lacking. Our aim was to assess the technical details, safety and outcomes of redo minimally invasive VMR for patients with external rectal prolapse (ERP) recurrence or relapsed symptoms of internal rectal prolapse (IRP). Methods This is a retrospective cohort study of patients with recurrent ERP or symptomatic IRP who underwent redo minimally invasive VMR between 2011 and 2016. The study was conducted at three hospitals in Finland. Data collected retrospectively included patient demographics, in addition to perioperative and short-term postoperative findings. At follow-up, all living patients were sent a questionnaire concerning postoperative disease-related symptoms and quality of life. Results A total of 43 redo minimally invasive VMR were performed during the study period. The indication for reoperation was recurrent ERP in 22 patients and relapsed symptoms of IRP in 21 patients. In most operations (62.8%), the previously used mesh was left in situ and a new one was placed. Ten (23.3%) patients experienced complications, including 2 (4.7%) mesh-related complications. The recurrence rate was 4.5% for ERP. Three patients out of 43 were reoperated on for various reasons. One patient required postoperative laparoscopic hematoma evacuation. Patients operated on for recurrent ERP seemed to benefit more from the reoperation. Conclusions Minimally invasive redo VMR appears to be a safe and effective procedure for treating posterior pelvic floor dysfunction with acceptable recurrence and reoperation rates.Peer reviewe

    Drug diffusivities in nanofibrillar cellulose hydrogel by combined time-resolved Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy

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    Hydrogels, natural and synthetic origin, are actively studied for their use for implants and payload carriers. These biomaterials for delivery systems have enormous potential in basic biomedical research, drug development, and long-term delivery of biologics. Nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC) hydrogels, both natural and anionic (ANFC) ones, allow drug loading for immediate and controlled release via the slow drug dissolution of solid drug crystals into hydrogel and its subsequent release. This property makes NFC originated hydrogels an interesting non-toxic and non-human origin material as drug reservoir for long-term controlled release formulation or implant for patient care. A compelling tool for studying NFC hydrogels is Raman spectroscopy, which enables to resolve the chemical structures of different molecules in a high-water content like hydrogels, since Raman spectroscopy is insensitive to water molecules. That offers real time investigation of label-free drugs and their release in high-water-content media. Despite the huge potential of Raman spectroscopy in bio-pharmaceutical applications, the strong fluorescence background of many drug samples masking the faint Raman signal has restricted the widespread use of it. In this study we used a Raman spectrometer capable of suppressing the unpleasant fluorescence background by combining a pulsed laser and time-resolved complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) singlephoton avalanche diode (SPAD) line sensor for the label-free investigation of Metronidazole and Vitamin C diffusivities in ANFC. The results show the possibility to modulate the ANFC-based implants and drug delivery systems, when the release rate needs to be set to a desired value. More importantly, the now developed label free real-time method is universal and can be adapted to any hydrogel/drug combination for producing reliable drug diffusion coefficient data in complex and heterogeneous systems, where traditional sampling-based methods are cumbersome to use. The wide temporal range of the time-resolved CMOS SPAD sensors makes it possible to capture also the fluorescence decay of samples, giving rise to a combined time-resolved Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy, which provides additional information on the chemical, functional and structural changes in samples.Peer reviewe

    Parvovirus nonstructural protein 2 interacts with chromatin-regulating cellular proteins

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    Autonomous parvoviruses encode at least two nonstructural proteins, NS1 and NS2. While NS1 is linked to important nuclear processes required for viral replication, much less is known about the role of NS2. Specifically, the function of canine parvovirus (CPV) NS2 has remained undefined. Here we have used proximity-dependent biotin identification (BioID) to screen for nuclear proteins that associate with CPV NS2. Many of these associations were seen both in noninfected and infected cells, however, the major type of interacting proteins shifted from nuclear envelope proteins to chromatin-associated proteins in infected cells. BioID interactions revealed a potential role for NS2 in DNA remodeling and damage response. Studies of mutant viral genomes with truncated forms of the NS2 protein suggested a change in host chromatin accessibility. Moreover, further studies with NS2 mutants indicated that NS2 performs functions that affect the quantity and distribution of proteins linked to DNA damage response. Notably, mutation in the splice donor site of the NS2 led to a preferred formation of small viral replication center foci instead of the large coalescent centers seen in wild-type infection. Collectively, our results provide insights into potential roles of CPV NS2 in controlling chromatin remodeling and DNA damage response during parvoviral replication.Peer reviewe

    ANO7 rs77559646 Is Associated With First-line Docetaxel Treatment Response in Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer

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    Background: Identification of genetic prognostic biomarkers, such as germline variants, are urgently needed to choose optimal treatment for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). Patients and Methods: The prognostic value of anoctamin 7 (ANO7) rs77559646 on docetaxel response was tested in a prospective PROSTY randomized trial and a retrospective Auria Biobank set. The variant rs77559646 was genotyped and its association with progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) was tested. Results: In comparison with the non-carriers, the variant carriers had longer PFS (p=0.005) and OS (p=0.003) in the PROSTY cohort. In the retrospective cohort, there was a borderline association with PFS (p=0.09), but not in OS (p=0.9). In both cohorts, Cox regression multivariate models revealed that rs77559646 was an independent prognostic factor for favourable PFS. Conclusion: The rs77559646 was shown to be a prognostic germline biomarker for better response to docetaxel treatments. To our knowledge, this is the first time that a non-coding germline variant has been associated with chemotherapy of mCRPC

    Metabolic profiling of fatty liver in young and middle-aged adults : Cross-sectional and prospective analyses of the Young Finns Study

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver is associated with obesity-related metabolic disturbances, but little is known about the metabolic perturbations preceding fatty liver disease. We performed comprehensive metabolic profiling to assess how circulating metabolites, such as lipoprotein lipids, fatty acids, amino acids, and glycolysis-related metabolites, reflect the presence of and future risk for fatty liver in young adults. Sixty-eight lipids and metabolites were quantified by nuclear magnetic resonance metabolomics in the population-based Young Finns Study from serum collected in 2001 (n = 1,575), 2007 (n = 1,509), and 2011 (n = 2,002). Fatty liver was diagnosed by ultrasound in 2011 when participants were aged 34-49 years (19% prevalence). Cross-sectional associations as well as 4-year and 10-year risks for fatty liver were assessed by logistic regression. Metabolites across multiple pathways were strongly associated with the presence of fatty liver (P <0.0007 for 60 measures in age-adjusted and sex-adjusted cross-sectional analyses). The strongest direct associations were observed for extremely large very-low-density lipoprotein triglycerides (odds ratio [OR] = 4.86 per 1 standard deviation, 95% confidence interval 3.48-6.78), other very-low-density lipoprotein measures, and branched-chain amino acids (e.g., leucine OR = 2.94, 2.51-3.44). Strong inverse associations were observed for high-density lipoprotein measures, e.g., high-density lipoprotein size (OR = 0.36, 0.30-0.42) and several fatty acids including omega-6 (OR = 0.37, 0.32-0.42). The metabolic associations were attenuated but remained significant after adjusting for waist, physical activity, alcohol consumption, and smoking (P <0.0007). Similar aberrations in the metabolic profile were observed already 10 years before fatty liver diagnosis. Conclusion: Circulating lipids, fatty acids, and amino acids reflect fatty liver independently of routine metabolic risk factors; these metabolic aberrations appear to precede the development of fatty liver in young adults. (Hepatology 2017;65:491-500).Peer reviewe