164 research outputs found

    Estetika Tari Réndéng Bojong Karya Gugum Gumbira

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    Tari RĂ©ndĂ©ng Bojongyang diciptakan oleh Gugum Gumbira pada tahun 1978 dan sepanjang tahun 1980-an, sangat populer di kalangan masyarakat Sunda.Akan tetapi, sejak pertengahan tahun 1990-an bentuk tarian ini tidak pernah terlihat lagi.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui secara komprehensif mengenai berbagai unsur yang membentuknya.Penelitian kualitatif ini mengggunakan teori estetika instrumental dengan metode deskriptif analisis yang tahapan penggalian datanya dilakukan melalui studi pustaka, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi.Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh simpulan, bahwa tari jaiponganRĂ©ndĂ©ng Bojong itu wujudnya dibentuk oleh tiga unsur utama, yaitu “bentuk” terdiri dari struktur koreografi, struktur karawitan, dan penataan rias-busana; “bobot” terdiri dari eksistensi senimannya, konsep garap, dan proses garap; “penyajian” yaitu tarian berpasangan yang bernuansa pergaulan.Ketiga unsur tersebut terintegrasi menjadi sebuah kristalisasi estetika tari yang menjadi identitas tari RĂ©ndĂ©ng Bojong

    Kinerja Kepala Sekolah Menengah Atas Berbasis Islam

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    This study aims to find and analyze the factors that affect the headmaster\u27s performance of Islam-based senior high schools in West Java. The study is a cross-sectional research. In this study, the relationship between variables was analyzed by using statistical approach (path analysis). The testing consisted of simultanious and individual hypothesis testing with error level α = 5%. The sample was 57 schools it is the 15% of the 348 Islam-based schools as the total population that exists in West Java Province. The results showed that leadership behavior, motivation, managerial skills and compensation system are the four factors that directly or indirectly affect the headmaster\u27s performance of Islam-based senior high school in West Java. The degree of influence of each factor is as follows: 1) leadership was 25.6%; 2) motivation to work was 7.7%; 3) managerial capability was 22.6%, and 4) the system of compensation was 8.0%. Order of magnitude assessment of these factors is 4.17 with 90.35% degree of conformity; 4.01 with 83.34% degree of conformity; 4.34 with 92.18% degree of conformity; 3.48 with degree of conformity of 77.31%

    Parallel Batch-Dynamic Graph Connectivity

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    In this paper, we study batch parallel algorithms for the dynamic connectivity problem, a fundamental problem that has received considerable attention in the sequential setting. The most well known sequential algorithm for dynamic connectivity is the elegant level-set algorithm of Holm, de Lichtenberg and Thorup (HDT), which achieves O(log⁡2n)O(\log^2 n) amortized time per edge insertion or deletion, and O(log⁡n/log⁡log⁡n)O(\log n / \log\log n) time per query. We design a parallel batch-dynamic connectivity algorithm that is work-efficient with respect to the HDT algorithm for small batch sizes, and is asymptotically faster when the average batch size is sufficiently large. Given a sequence of batched updates, where Δ\Delta is the average batch size of all deletions, our algorithm achieves O(log⁡nlog⁡(1+n/Δ))O(\log n \log(1 + n / \Delta)) expected amortized work per edge insertion and deletion and O(log⁡3n)O(\log^3 n) depth w.h.p. Our algorithm answers a batch of kk connectivity queries in O(klog⁡(1+n/k))O(k \log(1 + n/k)) expected work and O(log⁡n)O(\log n) depth w.h.p. To the best of our knowledge, our algorithm is the first parallel batch-dynamic algorithm for connectivity.Comment: This is the full version of the paper appearing in the ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), 201

    Is Investment Policy Value-Enhancing Through CSR Disclosure?

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    This study aims to analysis the effect of funding policy, dividend, and investment oncorporate value and the influence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure as amoderating variable in the relationship between investment policy and firm value. Byusing purposive sampling methods, selected sample of this research are 6 property, realestate and construction companies listed on IDX within the period of 2012-2016. Dataanalysis using moderated regression analysis. From this study, it has been found thatfunding policy has no significant effect on firm value, dividend policy has significanteffect to firm value, and investment policy has significant effect to firm value. The resultalso signifficantly showed CSR disclosure proved to be a moderating variable of therelationship between investment policy to firm value. Disclosure of CSR should be consideredas a result of the implementation of the decision. Property, real estate and constructioncompanies should be more aware of the importance of implementing corporatesocial responsibility to increase corporate value. Disclosure of CSR should be consideredas a result of the implementation of the decision

    The Parallel Persistent Memory Model

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    We consider a parallel computational model that consists of PP processors, each with a fast local ephemeral memory of limited size, and sharing a large persistent memory. The model allows for each processor to fault with bounded probability, and possibly restart. On faulting all processor state and local ephemeral memory are lost, but the persistent memory remains. This model is motivated by upcoming non-volatile memories that are as fast as existing random access memory, are accessible at the granularity of cache lines, and have the capability of surviving power outages. It is further motivated by the observation that in large parallel systems, failure of processors and their caches is not unusual. Within the model we develop a framework for developing locality efficient parallel algorithms that are resilient to failures. There are several challenges, including the need to recover from failures, the desire to do this in an asynchronous setting (i.e., not blocking other processors when one fails), and the need for synchronization primitives that are robust to failures. We describe approaches to solve these challenges based on breaking computations into what we call capsules, which have certain properties, and developing a work-stealing scheduler that functions properly within the context of failures. The scheduler guarantees a time bound of O(W/PA+D(P/PA)⌈log⁥1/fW⌉)O(W/P_A + D(P/P_A) \lceil\log_{1/f} W\rceil) in expectation, where WW and DD are the work and depth of the computation (in the absence of failures), PAP_A is the average number of processors available during the computation, and f≀1/2f \le 1/2 is the probability that a capsule fails. Within the model and using the proposed methods, we develop efficient algorithms for parallel sorting and other primitives.Comment: This paper is the full version of a paper at SPAA 2018 with the same nam

    High-resolution magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance of intact zebrafish embryos detects metabolic changes following exposure to teratogenic polymethoxyalkenes from algae

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    Techniques based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for imaging and chemical analyses of in vivo, or otherwise intact, biological systems are rapidly emerging and finding diverse applications within a wide range of fields. Very recently, several NMR-based techniques have been developed for the zebrafish as a model animal system. In the current study, the novel application of high-resolution magic angle spinning (HR-MAS) NMR is presented as a means of metabolic profiling of intact zebrafish embryos. Toward investigating the utility of HR-MAS NMR as a toxicological tool, these studies specifically examined metabolic changes of embryos exposed to polymethoxy-1-alkenes (PMAs)-a recently identified family of teratogenic compounds from freshwater algae-as emerging environmental contaminants. One-dimensional and two-dimensional HR-MAS NMR analyses were able to effectively identify and quantify diverse metabolites in early-stage (≀36 h postfertilization) embryos. Subsequent comparison of the metabolic profiles between PMA-exposed and control embryos identified several statistically significant metabolic changes associated with subacute exposure to the teratogen, including (1) elevated inositol as a recognized component of signaling pathways involved in embryo development; (2) increases in several metabolites, including inositol, phosphoryl choline, fatty acids, and cholesterol, which are associated with lipid composition of cell membranes; (3) concomitant increase in glucose and decrease in lactate; and (4) decreases in several biochemically related metabolites associated with central nervous system development and function, including Îł-aminobutyric acid, glycine, glutamate, and glutamine. A potentially unifying model/hypothesis of PMA teratogenicity based on the data is presented. These findings, taken together, demonstrate that HR-MAS NMR is a promising tool for metabolic profiling in the zebrafish embryo, including toxicological applications.Solid state NMR/Biophysical Organic Chemistr

    Parallel Write-Efficient Algorithms and Data Structures for Computational Geometry

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    In this paper, we design parallel write-efficient geometric algorithms that perform asymptotically fewer writes than standard algorithms for the same problem. This is motivated by emerging non-volatile memory technologies with read performance being close to that of random access memory but writes being significantly more expensive in terms of energy and latency. We design algorithms for planar Delaunay triangulation, kk-d trees, and static and dynamic augmented trees. Our algorithms are designed in the recently introduced Asymmetric Nested-Parallel Model, which captures the parallel setting in which there is a small symmetric memory where reads and writes are unit cost as well as a large asymmetric memory where writes are ω\omega times more expensive than reads. In designing these algorithms, we introduce several techniques for obtaining write-efficiency, including DAG tracing, prefix doubling, reconstruction-based rebalancing and α\alpha-labeling, which we believe will be useful for designing other parallel write-efficient algorithms

    Fast Evaluation of Interlace Polynomials on Graphs of Bounded Treewidth

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    We consider the multivariate interlace polynomial introduced by Courcelle (2008), which generalizes several interlace polynomials defined by Arratia, Bollobas, and Sorkin (2004) and by Aigner and van der Holst (2004). We present an algorithm to evaluate the multivariate interlace polynomial of a graph with n vertices given a tree decomposition of the graph of width k. The best previously known result (Courcelle 2008) employs a general logical framework and leads to an algorithm with running time f(k)*n, where f(k) is doubly exponential in k. Analyzing the GF(2)-rank of adjacency matrices in the context of tree decompositions, we give a faster and more direct algorithm. Our algorithm uses 2^{3k^2+O(k)}*n arithmetic operations and can be efficiently implemented in parallel.Comment: v4: Minor error in Lemma 5.5 fixed, Section 6.6 added, minor improvements. 44 pages, 14 figure

    Prevalence of HIV among blood donors at Juba Teaching Hospital Blood Bank, South Sudan

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    Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of HIV among blood donors in Juba Teaching Hospital Blood Bank, South Sudan in 2013.Method and Materials: This is a retrospective study that involved the abstraction of data from registers at the blood bank. Data were collected onto data sheets and entered into a computer database. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Version 20 Software. A p value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: Out of 1095 blood donors, 1074 (98.1%) were males and 21 (1.9%) were females. The mean age and the range for the whole group was 29+7.16 (15-69) yrs. The prevalence of HIV was higher among males than females 85 (7.9%) vs 1 (4.8%) respectively but this was not statistical significant (p=0.6). The 20 to 29 year age group had the highest prevalence of 49 (57%) with no statistical significance (p=0.3). The prevalence of HIV was 7. % (86) and there were co-infections between HIV and HBV, HCV and syphilis of14 (50%), 5 (18%), 9 (32%) with p=0.7, p=0.1, p=0.8 respectively. Blood group O positive had the highest percentage 58.1 % (n=50) and was the commonest group.Conclusion: In this study, HIV prevalence is very high among blood donors at the Juba Teaching Hospital blood bank
