3,043 research outputs found

    Tweets on the road

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    The pervasiveness of mobile devices, which is increasing daily, is generating a vast amount of geo-located data allowing us to gain further insights into human behaviors. In particular, this new technology enables users to communicate through mobile social media applications, such as Twitter, anytime and anywhere. Thus, geo-located tweets offer the possibility to carry out in-depth studies on human mobility. In this paper, we study the use of Twitter in transportation by identifying tweets posted from roads and rails in Europe between September 2012 and November 2013. We compute the percentage of highway and railway segments covered by tweets in 39 countries. The coverages are very different from country to country and their variability can be partially explained by differences in Twitter penetration rates. Still, some of these differences might be related to cultural factors regarding mobility habits and interacting socially online. Analyzing particular road sectors, our results show a positive correlation between the number of tweets on the road and the Average Annual Daily Traffic on highways in France and in the UK. Transport modality can be studied with these data as well, for which we discover very heterogeneous usage patterns across the continent.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figure

    Llenguatge jurídic i llenguatge poètic: les gosadies del comte-bisbe Miró Bonfill

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    En aquest treball s'estudia l'originalitat poètica del comte de Besalú i Bisbe de Girona, Miró Bonfill (segle X), en un dels documents que hom li atribueix: l'acta de confirmació de la dotació de l'església de Sant Pere de Besalú. L'anàlisi dels 27 versos identificats en aquest document posen en relleu una clara dependència de Miró Bonfill d'altres poetes com Paulí d'Aquileia o Venanci Fortunat, però també l'existència de relacions amb altres obres, anteriors, contemporànies i posteriors, circumstància que obre nous interrogants sobre les relacions literàries de Catalunya amb Europa al segle X

    Geologia del Montsec

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    Gabriel Oliver Coll (1937-2006)

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    Hidrologia del Montsec

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