69 research outputs found

    Controlled Heterometallic Composition in Linear Trinuclear [LnCeLn] Lanthanide Molecular Assemblies.

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    The combination of two different β-diketone ligands facilitates the size-controlled assembly of pure heterometallic [LnLn'Ln] linear compounds thanks to two different coordination sites present in the molecular scaffold. [HoCeHo], [ErCeEr], and [YbCeYb] analogues are presented here and are characterized both in the solid state and in solution, demonstrating the selectivity of this unique method to produce heterometallic 4f molecular entities

    Designed asymmetric coordination helicates with bis-β-diketonate ligands.

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    A new bis-(β-diketone) ligand featuring built-up structural asymmetry yields non-symmetric Fe(iii) and Ga(iii) dinuclear, triple-stranded helicates by design. Their structural properties have been studied, both in solid state and in solution, and compared with their corresponding symmetric analogues. The robustness observed shows the potential of this synthetic strategy to develop non-symmetric helicoidal motifs with specific functional groups

    Molecular prototypes for spin-based CNOT quantum gates

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    We show that a chemically engineered structural asymmetry in [Tb2] molecular clusters renders the two weakly coupled Tb3+ spin qubits magnetically inequivalent. The magnetic energy level spectrum of these molecules meets then all conditions needed to realize a universal CNOT quantum gate.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Accessing Lanthanide-to-Lanthanide Energy Transfer in a Family of Site-Resolved [LnIIILnIII'] Heterometallic Complexes

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    The ligand H3 L (6-[3-oxo-3-(2-hydroxyphenyl)propionyl]pyridine-2-carboxylic acid), which exhibits two different coordination pockets, has been exploited to engender and study energy transfer (ET) in two dinuclear [LnIII LnIII '] analogues of interest, [EuYb] and [NdYb]. Their structural and physical properties have been compared with newly synthesised analogues featuring no possible ET ([EuLu], [NdLu], and [GdYb]) and with the corresponding homometallic [EuEu] and [NdNd] analogues, which have been previously reported. Photophysical data suggest that ET between EuIII and YbIII does not occur to a significant extent, whereas emission from YbIII originates from sensitisation of the ligand. In contrast, energy migration seems to be occurring between the two NdIII centres in [NdNd], as well as in [NdYb], in which YbIII luminescence is thus, in part, sensitised by ET from Nd. This study shows the versatility of this molecular platform to further the investigation of lanthanide-to-lanthanide ET phenomena in defined molecular systems

    Selective Lanthanide Distribution within a Comprehensive Series of Heterometallic [LnPr] Complexes

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    The preparation of heterometallic, lanthanide-only complexes is an extremely difficult synthetic challenge. By a ligandbased strategy, a complete isostructural series of dinuclear heterometallic [LnPr] complexes has been synthesized and structurally characterized. The two different coordination sites featured in this molecular entity allow study of the preferences of the praseodymium ion for a specific position depending on the ionic radii of the accompanying lanthanide partner. The purity of each heterometallic moiety has been evaluated in the solid state and in solution by means of crystallographic and spectrometric methods, respectively, revealing the limits of this strategy for ions with similar sizes. DFT calculations have been carried out to support the experimental results, confirming the nature of the siteselective lanthanide distribution. The predictable selectivity of this system has been exploited to assess the magnetic properties of the [DyPr] and [LuPr] derivatives, showing that the origin of the slow dynamics observed in the former arises from the dysprosium ion

    Dolor de genoll: utilització apropiada de les proves de diagnòstic per la imatge

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    Dolor de genoll; Diagnòstic per la imatgeknee pain; Diagnostic imagingDolor de rodilla; Diagnóstico por la imagenObjectius: L’objectiu d’aquest document va ser consensuar els procediments diagnòstics a utilitzar en situacions clíniques comunes en el dolor del genoll no traumàtic, per tal de reduir la variabilitat de la pràctica clínica i adequar les tecnologies segons la seva capacitat diagnòstica i la patologia a estudiar, tenint en compte els riscos per a la salut. Metodologia: S’ha utilitzat el mètode Delphi per assolir el consens en un grup de clínics sobre l’adequació de les proves de diagnòstic per la imatge. Es van convidar 40 clínics de diverses especialitats (radiòlegs, reumatòlegs, ortopedes, rehabilitadors i metges d’atenció primària) a participar en l’estudi per puntuar d’1 (poc apropiat) a 9 (molt apropiat) l’ús de cinc tecnologies de diagnòstic per imatge en sis situacions clíniques diferents considerades com a freqüents en el nostre context, durant tres rondes consecutives. Resultats: La radiologia simple, la ressonància magnètica i l’ecografia poden ser apropiades en les diferents situacions clíniques descrites. La tomografia computada i la gammagrafia no es valoren com apropiades en cap dels escenaris proposats. Conclusions: La radiologia simple és l’exploració indicada en els pacients amb sospita clínica d’artrosi, la ressonància magnètica en lesions meniscals i l’ecografia en lesions d’estructures toves extraarticulars.Objetivos: El objetivo de este documento fue consensuar los procedimientos diagnósticos a utilizar en situaciones clínicas comunes en el dolor de la rodilla no traumático, con el fin de reducir la variabilidad de la práctica clínica y adecuar las tecnologías según su capacidad diagnóstica y la patología a estudiar, teniendo en cuenta los riesgos para la salud. Metodología: Se ha utilizado el método Delphi para alcanzar el consenso en un grupo de clínicos sobre la adecuación de las pruebas de diagnóstico por la imagen. Se invitaron a 40 clínicos de diversas especialidades (radiólogos, reumatólogos, ortopedas, rehabilitadores y médicos de atención primaria) a participar en el estudio para puntuar de 1 (poco apropiado) a 9 (muy apropiado) el uso de cinco tecnologías de diagnóstico por la imagen en seis situaciones clínicas diferentes consideradas como frecuentes en nuestro contexto, durante tres rondas consecutivas. Resultados: La radiología simple, la resonancia magnética y la ecografía pueden ser apropiadas en las diferentes situaciones clínicas descritas. La tomografía computarizada y la gammagrafía no se valoran como apropiadas en ninguno de los escenarios propuestos. Conclusiones: La radiología simple es la exploración indicada en los pacientes con sospecha clínica de artrosis, la resonancia magnética en lesiones meniscales y la ecografía en lesiones de estructuras blandas extraarticulares.Objectives: The aim was seeking consensus to diagnostic procedures used in common clinical situations in non-traumatic knee pain, to reduce the variability of clinical practice and adapt technologies according to diagnostic and pathology in study, taking into account risks to human health. Methodology: We used the Delphi method to achieve consensus in a group of physicians on the appropriateness of diagnostic imaging tests. Were invited to 40 different clinical specialties (radiologists, rheumatologists, orthopedists, rehabilitation and primary care physicians) to participate in the study rated from 1 (not appropriate) to 9 (very appropriate) use of five technologies diagnostic imaging in six different clinical situations considered common in our context, for 3 consecutive rounds. Results: In knee pain conventional radiology, magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound may be appropriate in the different described clinical situations. The tomography hasn’t been valued like appropriate in any of the proposed scenarios. Conclusions: Conventional radiology examination is appropriate in patients with clinical suspicion of osteoarthritis, magnetic resonance imaging in meniscal lesions and ultrasound in soft tissue in lesions of extraarticular structures

    Controlled heterometallic composition in linear trinuclear [LnCeLn] lanthanide molecular assemblies

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    The combination of two different β-diketone ligands facilitates the size-controlled assembly of pure heterometallic [LnLn′Ln] linear compounds thanks to two different coordination sites present in the molecular scaffold. [HoCeHo], [ErCeEr], and [YbCeYb] analogues are presented here and are characterized both in the solid state and in solution, demonstrating the selectivity of this unique method to produce heterometallic 4f molecular entitie

    A Dissymmetric [Gd2] Coordination Molecular Dimer Hosting six Addressable Spin Qubits

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    Artificial magnetic molecules can host several spin qubits, which could then implement small-scale algorithms. In order to become of practical use, such molecular spin processors need to increase the available computational space and warrant universal operations. Here, we design, synthesize and fully characterize dissymetric molecular dimers hosting either one or two Gadolinium(III) ions. The strong sensitivity of Gadolinium magnetic anisotropy to its local coordination gives rise to different zero-field splittings at each metal site. As a result, the [LaGd] and [GdLu] complexes provide realizations of distinct spin qudits with eight unequally spaced levels. In the [Gd2] dimer, these properties are combined with a Gd-Gd magnetic interaction, sufficiently strong to lift all level degeneracies, yet sufficiently weak to keep all levels within an experimentally accessible energy window. The spin Hamiltonian of this dimer allows a complete set of operations to act as a 64-dimensional all-electron spin qudit, or, equivalently, as six addressable qubits. Electron paramagnetic resonance experiments show that resonant transitions between different spin states can be coherently controlled, with coherence times TM of the order of 1 µs limited by hyperfine interactions. Coordination complexes with embedded quantum functionalities are promising building blocks for quantum computation and simulation hybrid platforms