3,487 research outputs found

    Stability of Relativistic Matter With Magnetic Fields

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    Stability of matter with Coulomb forces has been proved for non-relativistic dynamics, including arbitrarily large magnetic fields, and for relativistic dynamics without magnetic fields. In both cases stability requires that the fine structure constant alpha be not too large. It was unclear what would happen for both relativistic dynamics and magnetic fields, or even how to formulate the problem clearly. We show that the use of the Dirac operator allows both effects, provided the filled negative energy `sea' is defined properly. The use of the free Dirac operator to define the negative levels leads to catastrophe for any alpha, but the use of the Dirac operator with magnetic field leads to stability.Comment: This is an announcement of the work in cond-mat/9610195 (LaTeX

    Reaction Networks For Interstellar Chemical Modelling: Improvements and Challenges

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    We survey the current situation regarding chemical modelling of the synthesis of molecules in the interstellar medium. The present state of knowledge concerning the rate coefficients and their uncertainties for the major gas-phase processes -- ion-neutral reactions, neutral-neutral reactions, radiative association, and dissociative recombination -- is reviewed. Emphasis is placed on those reactions that have been identified, by sensitivity analyses, as 'crucial' in determining the predicted abundances of the species observed in the interstellar medium. These sensitivity analyses have been carried out for gas-phase models of three representative, molecule-rich, astronomical sources: the cold dense molecular clouds TMC-1 and L134N, and the expanding circumstellar envelope IRC +10216. Our review has led to the proposal of new values and uncertainties for the rate coefficients of many of the key reactions. The impact of these new data on the predicted abundances in TMC-1 and L134N is reported. Interstellar dust particles also influence the observed abundances of molecules in the interstellar medium. Their role is included in gas-grain, as distinct from gas-phase only, models. We review the methods for incorporating both accretion onto, and reactions on, the surfaces of grains in such models, as well as describing some recent experimental efforts to simulate and examine relevant processes in the laboratory. These efforts include experiments on the surface-catalysed recombination of hydrogen atoms, on chemical processing on and in the ices that are known to exist on the surface of interstellar grains, and on desorption processes, which may enable species formed on grains to return to the gas-phase.Comment: Accepted for publication in Space Science Review

    Effective superpotentials for B-branes in Landau-Ginzburg models

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    We compute the partition function for the topological Landau-Ginzburg B-model on the disk. This is done by treating the worldsheet superpotential perturbatively. We argue that this partition function as a function of bulk and boundary perturbations may be identified with the effective D-brane superpotential in the target spacetime. We point out the relationship of this approach to matrix factorizations. Using these methods, we prove a conjecture for the effective superpotential of Herbst, Lazaroiu and Lerche for the A-type minimal models. We also consider the Landau-Ginzburg theory of the cubic torus where we show that the effective superpotential, given by the partition function, is consistent with the one obtained by summing up disk instantons in the mirror A-model. This is done by explicitly constructing the open-string mirror map.Comment: 57p, 7 figs, harvma

    Discrete element modelling of rock communition in a cone crusher using a bonded particle model

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    It is known that discrete element method modelling (DEM) of rock size reduction can be achieved by two approaches: the population balance model (PBM) and the bonded particle model (BPM). However, only PBM has been successfully used in DEM modelling cone crusher in the literature. The aim of this paper is to explore the feasibility of using the BPM to represent the size reduction of rock experienced within the cone crusher chamber. The feed rock particles were represented by isotropic dense random packing agglomerates. The simulation results were compared with the PBM simulation results, and it was shown that the BPM cone crusher model was able to satisfactorily replicate the performance of a cone crusher as well and it can provide more accurate prediction of the percentage of the fine products. In addition, the novel contribution here is that the rock feed material comprises particles of realistic shapes which break into more realistically shaped fragments compared with the fragments with defined shapes in the PBM model

    First astronomical detection of the CF+ ion

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    We report the first astronomical detection of the CF+ (fluoromethylidynium) ion obtained by recent observations of its J = 1 - 0 (102.6 GHz), J = 2 - 1 (205.2 GHz), and J = 3 - 2 (307.7 GHz) pure rotational emissions toward the Orion Bar. Our search for CF+, carried out using the IRAM 30m and APEX 12m telescopes, was motivated by recent theoretical models that predict CF+ abundances of a few x E-10 in UV-irradiated molecular regions where C+ is present. The measurements confirm the predictions. They provide support for our current theories of interstellar fluorine chemistry, which suggest that hydrogen fluoride should be ubiquitous in interstellar gas clouds.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure (uses iaus.sty), to appear in IAU Symposium No. 231, Astrochemistry - Recent Successes and Current Challenges, eds. D. C. Lis, G. A. Blake & E. Herbst (Cambridge Univ. Press

    The Orbit and Occultations of KH 15D

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    The unusual flux variations of the pre-main-sequence binary star KH 15D have been attributed to occultations by a circumbinary disk. We test whether or not this theory is compatible with newly available data, including recent radial velocity measurements, CCD photometry over the past decade, and photographic photometry over the past 50 years. We find the model to be successful, after two refinements: a more realistic motion of the occulting feature, and a halo around each star that probably represents scattering by the disk. The occulting feature is exceptionally sharp-edged, raising the possibility that the dust in the disk has settled into a thin layer, and providing a tool for fine-scale mapping of the immediate environment of a T Tauri star. However, the window of opportunity is closing, as the currently visible star may be hidden at all orbital phases by as early as 2008.Comment: To appear in ApJ [16 pages, 13 figures

    D-brane Categories for Orientifolds -- The Landau-Ginzburg Case

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    We construct and classify categories of D-branes in orientifolds based on Landau-Ginzburg models and their orbifolds. Consistency of the worldsheet parity action on the matrix factorizations plays the key role. This provides all the requisite data for an orientifold construction after embedding in string theory. One of our main results is a computation of topological field theory correlators on unoriented worldsheets, generalizing the formulas of Vafa and Kapustin-Li for oriented worldsheets, as well as the extension of these results to orbifolds. We also find a doubling of Knoerrer periodicity in the orientifold context.Comment: 45 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum test of the Universality of Free Fall using rubidium and potassium

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    We report on an improved test of the Universality of Free Fall using a rubidium-potassium dual-species matter wave interferometer. We describe our apparatus and detail challenges and solutions relevant when operating a potassium interferometer, as well as systematic effects affecting our measurement. Our determination of the E\"otv\"os ratio yields ηRb,K=1.9×107\eta_{\,\text{Rb,K}}=-1.9\times10^{-7} with a combined standard uncertainty of ση=3.2×107\sigma_\eta=3.2\times10^{-7}

    Characterization of the Benchmark Binary NLTT 33370

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    We report the confirmation of the binary nature of the nearby, very low-mass system NLTT 33370 with adaptive optics imaging and present resolved near-infrared photometry and integrated light optical and near-infrared spectroscopy to characterize the system. VLT-NaCo and LBTI-LMIRCam images show significant orbital motion between 2013 February and 2013 April. Optical spectra reveal weak, gravity sensitive alkali lines and strong lithium 6708 Angstrom absorption that indicate the system is younger than field age. VLT-SINFONI near-IR spectra also show weak, gravity sensitive features and spectral morphology that is consistent with other young, very low-mass dwarfs. We combine the constraints from all age diagnostics to estimate a system age of ~30-200 Myr. The 1.2-4.7 micron spectral energy distribution of the components point toward T_eff=3200 +/- 500 K and T_eff=3100 +/- 500 K for NLTT 33370 A and B, respectively. The observed spectra, derived temperatures, and estimated age combine to constrain the component spectral types to the range M6-M8. Evolutionary models predict masses of 113 +/- 8 M_Jup and 106 +/- 7 M_Jup from the estimated luminosities of the components. KPNO-Phoenix spectra allow us to estimate the systemic radial velocity of the binary. The Galactic kinematics of NLTT 33370AB are broadly consistent with other young stars in the Solar neighborhood. However, definitive membership in a young, kinematic group cannot be assigned at this time and further follow-up observations are necessary to fully constrain the system's kinematics. The proximity, age, and late-spectral type of this binary make it very novel and an ideal target for rapid, complete orbit determination. The system is one of only a few model calibration benchmarks at young ages and very low-masses.Comment: 25 pages, 3 tables, 13 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    D-brane superpotentials and RG flows on the quintic

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    The behaviour of D2-branes on the quintic under complex structure deformations is analysed by combining Landau-Ginzburg techniques with methods from conformal field theory. It is shown that the boundary renormalisation group flow induced by the bulk deformations is realised as a gradient flow of the effective space time superpotential which is calculated explicitly to all orders in the boundary coupling constant.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, v2:Typo in (3.14) correcte