1,761 research outputs found

    Application of participatory rural appraisal methods for action research on water management

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    Irrigation managementWater managementParticipatory rural appraisalWater usersSalinitySodic soilsWatershed managementFarmers' associationsWater users' associationsDeveloping countries

    Utilizing remote sensing of Thematic Mapper data to improve our understanding of estuarine processes and their influence on the productivity of estuarine-dependent fisheries

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    LANDSAT thematic mapper (TM) data are being used to refine and validate a stochastic spatial computer model to be applied to coastal resource management problems in Louisiana. Two major aspects of the research are: (1) the measurement of area of land (or emergent vegetation) and water and the length of the interface between land and water in TM imagery of selected coastal wetlands (sample marshes); and (2) the comparison of spatial patterns of land and water in the sample marshes of the imagery to that in marshes simulated by a computer model. In addition to activities in these two areas, the potential use of a published autocorrelation statistic is analyzed

    Multiple Parton Interactions, top--antitop and W+4j production at the LHC

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    The expected rate for Multiple Parton Interactions (MPI) at the LHC is large. This requires an estimate of their impact on all measurement foreseen at the LHC while opening unprecendented opportunities for a detailed study of these phenomena. In this paper we examine the MPI background to top-antitop production, in the semileptonic channel, in the early phase of data taking when the full power of bb--tagging will not be available. The MPI background turns out to be small but non negligible, of the order of 20% of the background provided by W+4j production through a Single Parton Interaction. We then analyze the possibility of studying Multiple Parton Interactions in the W+4j channel, a far more complicated setting than the reactions examined at lower energies. The MPI contribution turns out to be dominated by final states with two energetic jets which balance in transverse momentum, and it appears possible, thanks to the good angular resolution of ATLAS and CMS, to separate the Multiple Parton Interactions contribution from Single Parton Interaction processes. The large cross section for two jet production suggests that also Triple Parton Interactions (TPI) could provide a non negligible contribution. Our preliminary analysis suggests that it might be indeed possible to investigate TPI at the LHC.Comment: Typos fixed. Published in JHE

    Avoiding or reversing Hartmann's procedure provides improved quality of life after perforated diverticulitis

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    INTRODUCTION: The existing literature regarding acute perforated diverticulitis only reports about short-term outcome; long-term following outcomes have not been assessed before. The aim of this study was to assess long-term quality of life (QOL) after emergency surgery for perforated diverticulitis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Validated QOL questionnaires (EQ-VAS, EQ-5D index, QLQ-C30, and QLQ-CR38) were sent to all eligible patients who had undergone emergency surgery for perforated diverticulitis in five teaching hospitals between 1990 and 2005. Differences were compared between patients that had undergone Hartmann's procedure (HP) or resection with primary anastomosis (PA) and also compared to a sex- and age-matched sample of healthy subjects. RESULTS: Of a total of 340 patients, only 150 patients (44%) were found still alive in July 2007 (median follow-up 71 months). The response rate was 87%. In patients with PA, QOL was similar to the general population, whereas QOL after HP was significantly lower. The presence of a stoma was found to be an independent factor related to worse QOL. The deterioration in QOL was mainly due to problems in physical function and body image. CONCLUSIONS: Survivors after perforated diverticulitis had a worse QOL than the general population, which was mainly due to the presence of an end colostomy. QOL may improve if these stomas are reversed or not be performed in the first place

    Поліфонічні прийоми в духовних творах Ігоря Мацієвського

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    У пропонованій статті розглядаються поліфонічні прийоми в деяких зразках духовної вокально-хорової та інструментальної музики сучасного представника української діаспори в Петербурзі, провідного вченого-етноінструментознавця й композитора Ігоря Мацієвського. Знання глибинних законів етномузики слов’янських народів дозволило йому стати не лише фундатором української й російської етноорганології, але й автором оригінальних композицій, у мові яких органічно поєднуються академічність, авангардизм, елементи гуцульської, лемківської, підляської, білоруської, польської та російської народної музики.В статье рассматриваются полифонические приёмы в некоторых образцах духовной вокально-хоровой и инструментальной музыки современного представителя украинськой диаспоры в Санкт-Петербурге, выдающегося учёного и композитора Игоря Мациевского.The polyphonic methods in some examples of the spiritual vocal-choral and instrumental music of Igor Matsiyevsky, a modern representative of the Ukrainian Diaspora in St. Petersburg, are studied in the article. The profound knowledge of the very nature of Slavonic ethnical music helped him to become not only a founder of the Ukrainian and Russian ethnoorganology, but also an author of the genuine compositions, in language of which academicism, avant-gardism and the elements of Guzulska, Lemkivska, Pidlyaska, Belorussian, Polish and Russian folk music are organically combined

    Electro-oxidative depolymerisation of technical lignin in water using platinum, nickel oxide hydroxide and graphite electrodes

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    In order to improve the lignin exploitation to added-value bioproducts, a mild chemical conversion route based on electrochemistry was investigated. For the first time, soda lignin Protobind™ 1000 (technical lignin from the pulp & paper industry) was studied by cyclic voltammetry to preliminarily investigate the effect of the main reaction parameters, such as the type of electrode material (platinum, nickel oxide hydroxide, graphite), the pH (12, 13, 14), the scan rate (10, 50, 100, 250 mV s-1), the substrate concentration (2, 20 g L-1) and the oxidation/reduction potential (from -0.8 to +0.8 V). Under the optimal reaction conditions among those tested (NiOOH electrode, pH 14, lignin 20 g L-1, 0.4 V), the electro-oxidative depolymerisation of lignin by electrolysis was performed in a divided cell. The reaction products were identified and quantified by ultra-pressure liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The main products were sinapic acid, vanillin, vanillic acid, and acetovanillone. The obtained preliminary results demonstrated the potential feasibility of this innovative electrochemical route for lignin valorisation for the production of bio-aromatic chemicals

    Variation in metapopulation dynamics of a wetland mammal: The effect of hydrology.

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    Key factors affecting metapopulation dynamics of animals include patch size, isolation, and patch quality. For wetland-associated species, hydrology can affect patch availability, connectivity, and potentially habitat quality; and therefore drive metapopulation dynamics. Wetlands occurring on natural river floodplains typically have more dynamic hydrology than anthropogenic wetlands. Our overall objective was to assess the multiyear spatial and temporal variation in occupancy and turnover rates of a semi-aquatic small mammal at two hydrologically distinct wetland complexes. We live-trapped marsh rice rats (Oryzomys palustris) for 3 yr and \u3e50 000 trap nights at nine wetland patches on the Mississippi River floodplain and 14 patches at a reclaimed surface mine in southern Illinois. We used dynamic occupancy modeling to estimate initial occupancy, detection, colonization, and extinction rates at each complex. Catch per unit effort (rice rats captured/1000 trap nights) was markedly higher at the floodplain site (28.1) than the mining site (8.1). We found no evidence that temperature, rainfall, or trapping effort affected detection probability. Probability of initial occupancy was similar between sites and positively related to patch size. Patch colonization probability at both sites was related negatively to total rainfall 3 weeks prior to trapping, and varied across years differently at each site. We found interacting effects of site and rainfall on extinction probability: extinction increased with total rainfall 3 months prior to trapping but markedly more at the floodplain site than at the mining site. These site-specific patterns of colonization and extinction are consistent with the rice rat metapopulation in the floodplain exhibiting a habitat-tracking dynamic (occupancy dynamics driven by fluctuating quality), whereas the mineland complex behaved more as a classic metapopulation (stochastic colonization & extinction). Our study supports previous work demonstrating metapopulation dynamics in wetland systems being driven by changes in patch quality (via hydrology) rather than solely area and isolation

    Bioactive growth hormone in humans: Controversies, complexities and concepts

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    Objective: To revisit a finding, first described in 1978, which documented existence of a pituitary growth factor that escaped detection by immunoassay, but which was active in the established rat tibia GH bioassay. Methods: We present a narrative review of the evolution of growth hormone complexity, and its bio-detectability, from a historical perspective. Results: In humans under the age of 60, physical training (i.e. aerobic endurance and resistance training) are stressors which preferentially stimulate release of bioactive GH (bGH) into the blood. Neuroanatomical studies indicate a) that nerve fibers directly innervate the human anterior pituitary and b) that hind limb muscle afferents, in both humans and rats, also modulate plasma bGH. In the pituitary gland itself, molecular variants of GH, somatotroph heterogeneity and cell plasticity all appear to play a role in regulation of this growth factor. Conclusion: This review considers more recent findings on this often forgotten/neglected subject. Comparison testing of a) human plasma samples, b) sub-populations of separated rat pituitary somatotrophs or c) purified human pituitary peptides by GH bioassay vs immunoassay consistently yield conflicting results