69 research outputs found
Mapping the temporary and perennial character of whole river networks
Knowledge of the spatial distribution of temporary and perennial river channels in a whole catchment is important for effective integrated basin management and river biodiversity conservation. However, this information is usually not available or is incomplete. In this study, we present a statistically based methodology to classify river segments from a whole river network (Deva-Cares catchment, Northern Spain) as temporary or perennial. This method is based on an a priori classification of a subset of river segments as temporary or perennial, using field surveys and aerial images, and then running Random Forest models to predict classification membership for the rest of the river network. The independent variables and the river network were derived following a computer-based geospatial simulation of riverine landscapes. The model results show high values of overall accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity for the evaluation of the fitted model to the training and testing data set (?0.9). The most important independent variables were catchment area, area occupied by broadleaf forest, minimum monthly precipitation in August, and average catchment elevation. The final map shows 7525 temporary river segments (1012.5 km) and 3731 perennial river segments (662.5 km). A subsequent validation of the mapping results using River Habitat Survey data and expert knowledge supported the validity of the proposed maps. We conclude that the proposed methodology is a valid method for mapping the limits of flow permanence that could substantially increase our understanding of the spatial links between terrestrial and aquatic interfaces, improving the research, management, and conservation of river biodiversity and functioning.We would like to thank the Journal Editor and the three referees for their comments and suggestions, which
have greatly improved the manuscript. This study was partly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and
Competitiveness as part of the RIVERLANDS (Ref: BIA-2012â33572) and HYDRA (Ref: BIA-2015â71197)
projects. Alexia MarĂa GonzĂĄlez-Ferreras is supported by a predoctoral research grant (Ref: BES-2013â065770) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and JosĂ© BarquĂn was supported by a Ramon y Cajal grant (Ref: RYC-2011â08313) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. We would like to thank the Government of Cantabria, the Principado de Asturias and the forest guards of the study areas for providing useful information. We would also like to acknowledge the Interautonomic
Consortium of the Picos de Europa National Park and the Biodiversity Foundation from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, for their advice and project support. Finally, we would also like to thank all the people involved in the field data collection, and those who read an early draft of the manuscript and suggested several improvements. The data and the data sources used in this study are cited and explained in the text. Readers can obtain further information about the data supporting the analysis and conclusions by contacting the corresponding author
La résolution en profondeur des profils de pulvérisation a été déterminée en utilisant des multicouches Ni-Cr. Nous avons aussi développé une méthode pour l'évaluation quantitative des résultats. La résolution en profondeur mesurée à l'aide des couches métalliques polycristallines, est fortement influencée par la diffusion intermétallique entre couches.The depth resolution of sputter depth profiling has beenanalysed using Ni-Cr multilayer structures. A new method has been developed toquantify the results. The depth resolution measured using polycrystallinemetallic layers is strongly influenced by mutual diffusion of thelayers
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