15,423 research outputs found

    Dirofilariasis canina y otras parasitosis filariales : incidencia, diagnóstico, tratamiento y prevención

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    El objeto del presente trabajo es hacer una revisión de la incidencia, cuadro clínico, diagnóstico, tratamiento y prevención de la Dirofilariasis canina, además de su diagnóstico diferencial con otros parásitos filariales que afectan a nuestros perros y que también tienen cierta entidad nosológica. Se expone 7 casos clínicos sobre los que se muestran los diferentes aspectos de la enfermedad.This study tries to make a review of the incidence, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment and profilaxis of Heartworm disease, plus the differential diagnosis with other filarial parasites tha infect our dogs which also have certain pathologic entity. Seven study cases are shown on which different aspects of the disease are discussed

    Associations between sedentary time, physical activity and bone health among older people using compositional data analysis

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    Introduction : Aging is associated with a progressive decrease in bone mass (BM), and being physical active is one of the main strategies to combat this continuous loss. Nonetheless, because daily time is limited, time spent on each movement behavior is co-dependent. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between BM and movement behaviors in elderly people using compositional data analysis. Methods : We analyzed 871 older people [395 men (76.9 +/- 5.3y) and 476 women (76.7 +/- 4.7y)]. Time spent in sedentary behavior (SB), light physical activity (LPA) and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), was assessed using accelerometry. BM was determined by bone densitometry (DXA). The sample was divided according to sex and bone health indicators. Results : The combined effect of all movement behaviors (PA and SB) was significantly associated with whole body, leg and femoral region BM in the whole sample (p<0.05), with leg and pelvic BM (p<0.05) in men and, with whole body, arm and leg BM (p<0.05) in women. In men, arm and pelvic BM were negatively associated with SB and whole body, pelvic and leg BM were positively associated with MVPA (p<0.05). In women, whole body and leg BM were positively associated with SB. Arm and whole body BM were positively associated and leg BM was negatively associated with LPA and arm BM was negatively associated with MVPA (p<0.05). Women without bone fractures spent less time in SB and more in LPA and MVPA than the subgroup with bone fractures. Conclusion : We identified that the positive effect of MVPA relative to the other behaviors on bone mass is the strongest overall effect in men. Furthermore, women might decrease bone fracture risk through PA increase and SB reduction, despite the fact that no clear benefits of PA for bone mass were found

    Macaronichnus ‘co-occurrence’ in offshore transition settings: Discussing the role of tidal versus fluid muds influence

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    We thank the Associate-Editor, Emmanuel Fara, and the reviewer, Alfred Uchman, for their detailed and useful comments that significantly contributed to improve the manuscript. This research was funded by Grants PID2019-104625RB-100 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and Grants BRNM-072-UGR18, A-RNM-368-UGR20 and P18-RT-4074 funded by Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. Research Group RNM178 (Junta de Andalucía), as well as the “Ichnology and Paleoenvironmental Research Group” (UGR). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada / CBUA.Macaronichnus is a key trace fossil in palaeoceanographic, palaeoclimatic, and petroleum exploration research. Small ichnosubspecies such as Macaronichnus segregatis segregatis, M. s. lineiformins, M. s. maeandriformis and M. s. spiriformis, typically occur in wave-dominated foreshore sands where large M. s. degiberti was never found. The latter shows a wide environmental distribution, occurring in sandy deposits of tidal channels, tidal bar sand sandridges, tidal-flat sand sheets, shorefaces, bioturbated sandy shelf, shelf storm-sheets, shelf sand ridges, and upper slopes. Small M. segregatis and large M. s. degiberti have not been observed to date due the ecological segregation of the tracemakers. An abundant record of large M. s. degiberti in a Tortonian (Late Miocene) mixed carbonate-siliciclastic unit from the Betic Cordillera (southern Spain) has been studied. Occurrence of M. s. degiberti is the result of the interaction of tidal and waves, storm influenced environment determining high-energy conditions and associated palaeoenvironmental parameters as shifting substrates, organic matter availability, and oxygenated pore and bottom-waters. Locally, associated to M. s. degiberti appear small, sinuous traces infilled by light material that were originally assigned to M. s. maeandriformis, and very rare M. s. spiriformis. However, the absence of the typical rim of Macaronichnus avoid a conclusive assignment. The coexistence of both small traces (?M. s. maeandriformis) and large M. s. degiberti is identified in the deposits underlying mudstone layers, revealing the importance of mud deposition during tidal slack water intervals or linked to fluid mud events favouring the co-occurrence of the trace makers of both Macaronichnus ichnosubespecies. This fact would have significant palaeobiological and palaeoecological implications, and could be the first record of both ichnosubspecies in the same intervals.MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033: PID2019-104625RB-100Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación BRNM-072-UGR18, A-RNM-368-UGR20, P18-RT-4074“ERDF A way of making Europe”Junta de Andalucía: Research Group RNM178“Ichnology and Paleoenvironmental Research Group” (UGR)Universidad de Granada / CBU

    The wage gap between immigrant and native workers in Spain: an analysis using matched employer-employee data

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    The fact that Spain has witnessed a sharp increase in the number of immigrants over the past decade has generated considerable interest, particularly as regards wages earned by immigrants in host industries. We analyze whether controlling for both observable and unobservable characteristics of employers —in addition to individual variables and the economic context— makes any difference as regards the debate regarding the existence of wage differences between immigrant and native workers in Spain. As we show, doing this considerably reduces (or even eliminates) the inequalities found in previous research, thereby questioning the results attained by previous studies on this issue.Immigration, salaries, assimilation.

    On the relation between the IR continuum and the active galactic nucleus in Seyfert galaxies

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    A sample of the brightest known Seyfert galaxies from the CfA sample is analyzed on the basis of ISO photometric and spectroscopic data. Regardless of the Seyfert type, the mid-IR continuum emission from these galaxies is found to be correlated with the coronal line emission arising in the nuclear active region. Conversely, the correlation degrades progressively when moving from the mid- to the far-IR emission, where it ends to vanish. It is concluded that the mid-IR emission is largely dominated by dust heated by processes associated with the active nucleus whereas the far-IR is a different component most probably unrelated with the active region. We suggest that the far-IR component is due to dust heated by the stellar population in the disks of these galaxies.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures To be published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Segregation-induced grain boundary electrical potential in ionic oxide materials: A first principles model

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    A first principles continuum analytical model for cationic segregation to the grain boundaries in complex ceramic oxides is presented. The model permits one to determine the electric charge density and the segregation-induced electric potential profiles through the grain and can be extrapolated to the range of nanostructured grain sizes. The theoretical predictions are compared with existing data for yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystals. The implications for physical properties (mainly high temperature plasticity and hardening behaviour) are then discussed.Gobierno de España MAT2009-14351-C02-01, MAT2009-14351-C02-0

    Cosmological Bianchi Class A models in S\'aez-Ballester theory

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    We use the S\'aez-Ballester (SB) theory on anisotropic Bianchi Class A cosmological model, with barotropic fluid and cosmological constant, using the Hamilton or Hamilton-Jacobi approach. Contrary to claims in the specialized literature, it is shown that the S\'aez-Ballester theory cannot provide a realistic solution to the dark matter problem of Cosmology for the dust epoch, without a fine tunning because the contribution of the scalar field in this theory is equivalent to a stiff fluid (as can be seen from the energy--momentum tensor for the scalar field), that evolves in a different way as the dust component. To have similar contributions of the scalar component and the dust component implies that their past values were fine tunned. So, we reinterpreting this null result as an indication that dark matter plays a central role in the formation of structures and galaxy evolution, having measureable effects in the cosmic microwave bound radiation, and than this formalism yield to this epoch as primigenius results. We do the mention that this formalism was used recently in the so called K-essence theory applied to dark energy problem, in place to the dark matter problem. Also, we include a quantization procedure of the theory which can be simplified by reinterpreting the theory in the Einstein frame, where the scalar field can be interpreted as part of the matter content of the theory, and exact solutions to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation are found, employing the Bianchi Class A cosmological models.Comment: 24 pages; ISBN: 978-953-307-626-3, InTec