15,970 research outputs found

    New records, nomenclatural changes, and taxonomic notes for select North American leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

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    New records, nomenclatural changes and taxonomic notes are presented for select North American leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). The following genera are newly recorded from the United States: Nesaecrepida Blake, 1964; Acallepitrix Bechyne, 1959; Margaridisa Bechyne, 1958; Parchicola Bechyne and Springlova de Bechyne, 1975; (all Galerucinae: Alticini); and Demotina Baly, 1874 (Eumolpinae). The following species are newly recorded from the United States: Neolema dorsalis (Olivier, 1791) (Criocerinae); Charidotella bifossulata Boheman, 1855 (Hispinae: Cassidini); Syphrea flauicollis (Jacoby, 1884) (Galerucinae: Alticini); and Promecosoma inflatum Lefevre, 1877, and Demotina modesta Baly, 1874 (Eumolpinae). The following new synonymies are proposed: Deloyala clauata, var. diuersicollis Schaeffer, 1925, transferred from synonymy with Plagiometriona clauata (Fabricius, 1798) to synonymy withP. clauata testudinaria (Boheman, 1855); Chrysomela hybrida Say, 1824, downgraded from subspecies of Calligrapha lunata (Fabricius, 1787) to full synonym of CaZZigrapha lunata (Fabricius); Chrysomela casta Rogers, 1856, downgraded from subspecies of Zygogramma suturalis (Fabricius, 1775) to full synonym of Zygogrammasuturalis (Fabricius); Trirhabdagurneyi Blake, 1951, downgraded to synonym of Trirhabda caduca Horn, 1893; Scelida mimula Wilcox, 1965, downgraded to synonym of Scelida nigricornis (Jacoby, 1888); Exoracalifornica Wilcox, 1953, downgraded to synonym of Pte leon breuicornis (Jacoby, 1887); alaeothonaarizonensis Blake, 1950, downgraded to synonym ofLupraea discrepans (Schaeffer, 1932); Haltica nigritula Linell, 1898, downgraded to synonym of Nesaecrepida asphalt ina (Suffrian, 1868); Cryptocephalus reinhardi Sundman, 1965, downgraded to synonym of Cryptocephalus nwtabilis Melsheimer, 1847. The tribes Chalepini Wiese, 1910, and Uroplatini Weise, 1910 (Hispinae), are synonymized, and both of these family-group names are recognized as nomina protecta. The family-group name Octotomites Chapuis, 1875, is recognized as a nomen oblitum. Coptocycla testudinaria Boheman, 1855, is downgraded from specific status to a subspecies of Plagiometriona clauata (Fabricius, 1798); Cassida bicolor (Fabricius, 1798) is recognized as a valid subspecies of Charidotellasexpunctata (Fabricius). The genus Hemiphrynus Horn, 1889, is removed from synonymy with Phrynocepha and reinstated as a valid genus; Rhabdopterus weisei (Schaeffer, 1920) is removed from synonymy with Rhabdopterus praetextus (Say) and reinstated as a valid species. The following new combinations are proposed: Synetocephalus wallacei (Wilcox, 1965), transferred from Pseudoluperus; Nesaecrepida infuscata (Schaeffer, 1906), transferred from Monomacra; Acallepitrix nitens (Horn, 1889), transferred from Epitrix; Margaridisa atriuentris (Melsheimer, 1847), transferred from Hornaltica; Parchicola iris (Olivier, 1808) and P. tibialis (Olivier, 1808), transferred from Monomacra; and Coleothorpa panochensis (Gilbert, 1981), transferred from Coscinoptera; Promecosoma arizonae (Crotch, 1873), transferred from Metaxyonycha; Tymnes chrysis (Olivier, 1808), T. oregonensis (Crotch, 1873), and T. thaleia (Blake, 1977), transferred from Colaspis. The following new replacement name is proposed: Triarius nigroflaulls, for Luperodes flauoniger Blake, 1942 (not Laboissiere, 1925). The identities of Griburius equestris (Olivier, 1808) and G. laruatlls (Newman, 1840) are discussed

    Metrology: Measurement Assurance Program Guidelines

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    The 5300.4 series of NASA Handbooks for Reliability and Quality Assurance Programs have provisions for the establishment and utilization of a documented metrology system to control measurement processes and to provide objective evidence of quality conformance. The intent of these provisions is to assure consistency and conformance to specifications and tolerances of equipment, systems, materials, and processes procured and/or used by NASA, its international partners, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers. This Measurement Assurance Program (MAP) guideline has the specific objectives to: (1) ensure the quality of measurements made within NASA programs; (2) establish realistic measurement process uncertainties; (3) maintain continuous control over the measurement processes; and (4) ensure measurement compatibility among NASA facilities. The publication addresses MAP methods as applied within and among NASA installations and serves as a guide to: control measurement processes at the local level (one facility); conduct measurement assurance programs in which a number of field installations are joint participants; and conduct measurement integrity (round robin) experiments in which a number of field installations participate to assess the overall quality of particular measurement processes at a point in time

    Application of an Electronic Analog Computer for the Simulation of Hydrologic Events on a Southwest Watershed

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    The hydrologic characteristics of watersheds in semiarid regions are dependent upon many variable and often interrelated factors. A quantitative knowledge of these factors and of their relative influence upon the system as a whole is needed in order to improve the efficiency of watershed management in these areas. In an attempt to develop a comprehensive simulation model of a semiarid watershed, research workers in the Agricultural Research Service considered the electronic quently signed with Utah State University. Analog modeling concepts are based upon the development of basic relationships which describe the various processes which occur within the surface hydrologic system of a semiarid watershed. Once established, the model is applicable to any particular geographic unit by determining the appropriate constants of the hydrologic equations. The analog computer is ideally suited to the many time-dependent differential equations which are encountered in hydrologic systems. To test individual equations and to verify the model, a subbasin of Walnut Gulch watershed in southern Arizona was simulated. In preliminary tests, close agreement was achieved between the observed and computed runoff hydrographs for a single storm. Some progress is also reported in the development of an analog technique to plot isohyetal lines corresponding to selected time intervals during the course of a storm

    Application of an Electronic Analog Computer to the Problems of River Basin Hydrology

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    As demands upon available water supplies increase, there is an accompanying increase in the need to assess the downstream consequences resulting from chances at specific locations within a hydrologic system. This problem was approached by electronic analog simulation of the hydrologic system. The complexity of a hydrologic model depends to a large extent upon the magnitude of the time and spatial increments utilized in the model. The increment size selected depends upon the types of problems to be solved. Three models are described, and in each succeeding model the definition in terms of time and/or space is improved. While the problems as its predecessor, it is also capable of solving many additional problems which require a higher degree of definition. Preliminary verification studies for both the second and third models have shown close agreement between observed and computed discharge hydrographs from prototype basins

    Continuity equation and local gauge invariance for the N3LO nuclear Energy Density Functionals

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    Background: The next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N3LO) nuclear energy density functional extends the standard Skyrme functional with new terms depending on higher-order derivatives of densities, introduced to gain better precision in the nuclear many-body calculations. A thorough study of the transformation properties of the functional with respect to different symmetries is required, as a step preliminary to the adjustment of the coupling constants. Purpose: Determine to which extent the presence of higher-order derivatives in the functional can be compatible with the continuity equation. In particular, to study the relations between the validity of the continuity equation and invariance of the functional under gauge transformations. Methods: Derive conditions for the validity of the continuity equation in the framework of time-dependent density functional theory. The conditions apply separately to the four spin-isospin channels of the one-body density matrix. Results: We obtained four sets of constraints on the coupling constants of the N3LO energy density functional that guarantee the validity of the continuity equation in all spin-isospin channels. In particular, for the scalar-isoscalar channel, the constraints are the same as those resulting from imposing the standard U(1) local-gauge-invariance conditions. Conclusions: Validity of the continuity equation in the four spin-isospin channels is equivalent to the local-gauge invariance of the energy density functional. For vector and isovector channels, such validity requires the invariance of the functional under local rotations in the spin and isospin spaces.Comment: 12 Latex pages, submitted to Physical Review

    Experiment K-6-09. Morphological and biochemical investigation of microgravity-induced nerve and muscle breakdown. Part 1: Investigation of nerve and muscle breakdown during spaceflight; Part 2: Biochemical analysis of EDL and PLT muscles

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    The present findings on rat hindlimb muscles suggest that skeletal muscle weakness induced by prolonged spaceflight can result from a combination of muscle fiber atrophy, muscle fiber segmental necrosis, degeneration of motor nerve terminals and destruction of microcirculatory vessels. Damage was confined to the red adductor longus (AL) and soleus muscles. The midbelly region of the AL muscle had more segmental necrosis and edema than the ends. Macrophages and neutrophils were the major mononucleated cells infiltrating and phagocytosing the cellular debris. Toluidine blue-positive mast cells were significantly decreased in Flight AL muscles compared to controls; this indicated that degranulation of mast cells contributed to tissue edema. Increased ubiquitination of disrupted myofibrils may have promoted myofilament degradation. Overall, mitochondria content and SDH activity were normal, except for a decrease in the subsarcolemmal region. The myofibrillar ATPase activity shifted toward the fast type in the Flight AL muscles. Some of the pathological changes may have occurred or been exacerbated during the 2 day postflight period of readaptation to terrestrial gravity. While simple atrophy should be reversible by exercise, restoration of pathological changes depends upon complex processes of regeneration by stem cells. Initial signs of muscle and nerve fiber regeneration were detected. Even though regeneration proceeds on Earth, the space environment may inhibit repair and cause progressive irreversible deterioration during long term missions. Muscles obtained from Flight rats sacrificed immediately (within a few hours) after landing are needed to distinguish inflight changes from postflight readaptation

    Wheat, barley, oat and corn silage rations for growing steers

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    Eleven wheat, barley, oat and corn silages were evaluated in two steers growing trials in 1975 and 1976. In both trials, steers fed barley or corn silages had similar rate and efficiency of gains. Also, barley and corn silages supported greater performance than any of the seven wheat or oat silages. In the 1976 trial steers fed Trio or Lodi oat silage had the lowest feed consumption and made the slowest and least efficient gains. For an average of the two trials barley and corn silages had similar feeding values. Wheat silages had 90 and 80% the relative feeding value of corn silage in 1975 and 1976, respectively. Oat silages had only 48% the feeding value of corn silage in 1976

    A novel metric for coronal MHD models

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    [1] In the interest of quantitatively assessing the capabilities of coronal MHD models, we have developed a metric that compares the structures of the white light corona observed with SOHO LASCO C2 to model predictions. The MAS model is compared to C2 observations from two Carrington rotations during solar cycle 23, CR1913 and CR1984, which were near the minimum and maximum of solar activity, respectively, for three radial heights, 2.5 R⊙, 3.0 R⊙, and 4.5 R⊙. In addition to simulated polarization brightness images, we create a synthetic image based on the field topology along the line of sight in the model. This open-closed brightness is also compared to LASCO C2 after renormalization. In general, the model\u27s magnetic structure is a closer match to observed coronal structures than the model\u27s density structure. This is expected from the simplified energy equations used in current global corona MHD models
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