8,260 research outputs found

    Three-body properties of low-lying 12^{12}Be resonances

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    We compute the three-body structure of the lowest resonances of 12^{12}Be considered as two neutrons around an inert 10^{10}Be core. This is an extension of the bound state calculations of 12^{12}Be into the continuum spectrum. We investigate the lowest resonances of angular momenta and parities, 0±0^{\pm}, 11^{-} and 2+2^{+}. Surprisingly enough, they all are naturally occurring in the three-body model. We calculate bulk structure dominated by small distance properties as well as decays determined by the asymptotic large-distance structure. Both 0+0^{+} and 2+2^{+} have two-body 10^{10}Be-neutron d-wave structure, while 11^{-} has an even mixture of pp and d-waves. The corresponding relative neutron-neutron partial waves are distributed among ss, pp, and d-waves. The branching ratios show different mixtures of one-neutron emission, three-body direct, and sequential decays. We argue for spin and parities, 0+0^{+}, 11^{-} and 2+2^{+}, to the resonances at 0.89, 2.03, 5.13, respectively. The computed structures are in agreement with existing reaction measurements.Comment: To be published in Physical Review

    Quantum theory of successive projective measurements

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    We show that a quantum state may be represented as the sum of a joint probability and a complex quantum modification term. The joint probability and the modification term can both be observed in successive projective measurements. The complex modification term is a measure of measurement disturbance. A selective phase rotation is needed to obtain the imaginary part. This leads to a complex quasiprobability, the Kirkwood distribution. We show that the Kirkwood distribution contains full information about the state if the two observables are maximal and complementary. The Kirkwood distribution gives a new picture of state reduction. In a nonselective measurement, the modification term vanishes. A selective measurement leads to a quantum state as a nonnegative conditional probability. We demonstrate the special significance of the Schwinger basis.Comment: 6 page

    Mechanism for flux guidance by micrometric antidot arrays in superconducting films

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    A study of magnetic flux penetration in a superconducting film patterned with arrays of micron sized antidots (microholes) is reported. Magneto-optical imaging (MOI) of a YBCO film shaped as a long strip with perpendicular antidot arrays revealed both strong guidance of flux, and at the same time large perturbations of the overall flux penetration and flow of current. These results are compared with a numerical flux creep simulation of a thin superconductor with the same antidot pattern. To perform calculations on such a complex geometry, an efficient numerical scheme for handling the boundary conditions of the antidots and the nonlocal electrodynamics was developed. The simulations reproduce essentially all features of the MOI results. In addition, the numerical results give insight into all other key quantities, e.g., the electrical field, which becomes extremely large in the narrow channels connecting the antidots.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Stock mechanics: predicting recession in S&P500, DJIA, and NASDAQ

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    An original method, assuming potential and kinetic energy for prices and conservation of their sum is developed for forecasting exchanges. Connections with power law are shown. Semiempirical applications on S&P500, DJIA, and NASDAQ predict a coming recession in them. An emerging market, Istanbul Stock Exchange index ISE-100 is found involving a potential to continue to rise.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    The role of antibiotics in the treatment of chronic prostatitis: A consensus statement

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    Practical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of chronic prostatitis are presented. Chronic prostatitis is classified as chronic bacterial prostatitis (culture-positive) and chronic inflammatory prostatitis (culture-negative). If chronic bacterial prostatitis is suspected, based on relevant symptoms or recurrent UTIs, underlying urological conditions should be excluded by the following tests: rectal examination, midstream urine culture and residual urine. The diagnosis should be confirmed by the Meares and Stamey technique. Antibiotic therapy is recommended for acute exacerbations of chronic prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis and chronic inflammatory prostatitis, if there is clinical, bacteriological or supporting immunological evidence of prostate infection. Unless a patient presents with fever, antibiotic treatment should not be initiated immediately except in cases of acute prostatitis or acute episodes in a patient with chronic bacterial prostatitis. The work-up, with the appropriate investigations should be done first, within a reasonable time period which, preferably, should not be longer than 1 week. During this period, nonspecific treatment, such as appropriate analgesia to relieve symptoms, should be given. The minimum duration of antibiotic treatment should be 2-4 weeks. If there is no improvement in symptoms, treatment should be stopped and reconsidered. However, if there is improvement, it should be continued for at least a further 2-4 weeks to achieve clinical cure and, hopefully, eradication of the causative pathogen. Antibiotic treatment should not be given for 6-8 weeks without an appraisal of its effectiveness. Currently used antibiotics are reviewed. Of these, the fluoroquinolones ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin are recommended because of their favourable antibacterial spectrum and pharmacokinetic profile. A number of clinical trials are recommended and a standard study design is proposed to help resolve some outstanding issues

    Log-periodic route to fractal functions

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    Log-periodic oscillations have been found to decorate the usual power law behavior found to describe the approach to a critical point, when the continuous scale-invariance symmetry is partially broken into a discrete-scale invariance (DSI) symmetry. We classify the `Weierstrass-type'' solutions of the renormalization group equation F(x)= g(x)+(1/m)F(g x) into two classes characterized by the amplitudes A(n) of the power law series expansion. These two classes are separated by a novel ``critical'' point. Growth processes (DLA), rupture, earthquake and financial crashes seem to be characterized by oscillatory or bounded regular microscopic functions g(x) that lead to a slow power law decay of A(n), giving strong log-periodic amplitudes. In contrast, the regular function g(x) of statistical physics models with ``ferromagnetic''-type interactions at equibrium involves unbound logarithms of polynomials of the control variable that lead to a fast exponential decay of A(n) giving weak log-periodic amplitudes and smoothed observables. These two classes of behavior can be traced back to the existence or abscence of ``antiferromagnetic'' or ``dipolar''-type interactions which, when present, make the Green functions non-monotonous oscillatory and favor spatial modulated patterns.Comment: Latex document of 29 pages + 20 ps figures, addition of a new demonstration of the source of strong log-periodicity and of a justification of the general offered classification, update of reference lis

    Geochemical constraints on the origin of enigmatic cemented chalks, Norfolk, UK

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    Very hard cemented chalk stacks and crusts found locally in the upper part of the Cretaceous Chalk of north Norfolk, UK, are related to solution features. The solution features, mainly pipes and caves, formed after deposition of the overlying Middle Pleistocene Wroxham Crag, probably by routing of sub-glacial, or glacial, melt-waters derived from late Pleistocene glaciers. New geochemical (particularly stable isotope) data shows that cementation of the chalks, although related spatially to the solution features, was not caused by glacier-derived waters. The carbon isotope composition of the chalk cements is typically around -9.5‰, indicative of biologically active soils. Moreover, the oxygen isotope compositions of the cements, around -5‰, are incompatible with water d18O values much below -9 to -10‰ (which probably precludes isotopically negative glacier-derived water), as resulting palaeo-temperatures are below zero. Taken together, the isotope data suggest chalk cementation occurred under interglacial conditions similar to the present. Dissolved calcium carbonate for cementation came from dissolution of reworked chalk in overlying MIS 12 glacial tills

    Black swans or dragon kings? A simple test for deviations from the power law

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    We develop a simple test for deviations from power law tails, which is based on the asymptotic properties of the empirical distribution function. We use this test to answer the question whether great natural disasters, financial crashes or electricity price spikes should be classified as dragon kings or 'only' as black swans

    Shape Distortion by Irreversible Flux-Pinning-Induced Magnetostriction

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    Exact analytical results are obtained for the flux-pinning-induced magnetostriction in cylindrical type-II superconductors placed in parallel magnetic field. New modes of irreversible deformation are found: In contrast to the circular cylinder where shape is conserved, it is shown that a square cross-section deforms with considerable distortion. During a field cycle both concave, convex, and even more complicated distortions are predicted. Strong implications for dilatometric measurements on crystals are emphasized. The main results are valid for any critical-state model, j_c = j_c(B).Comment: 4 pages, 4 graph