19,420 research outputs found

    Magnetoresistivity Modulated Response in Bichromatic Microwave Irradiated Two Dimensional Electron Systems

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    We analyze the effect of bichromatic microwave irradiation on the magnetoresistivity of a two dimensional electron system. We follow the model of microwave driven Larmor orbits in a regime where two different microwave lights with different frequencies are illuminating the sample (w1w_{1} and w2w_{2}). Our calculated results demonstrate that now the electronic orbit centers are driven by the superposition of two harmonic oscillatory movements with the frequencies of the microwave sources. As a result the magnetoresisitivity response presents modulated pulses in the amplitude with a frequency of w1w22\frac{w_{1}-w_{2}}{2}, whereas the main response oscillates with w1+w22\frac{w_{1}+w_{2}}{2}.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures Accepted in Applied Physics Letter

    From zero resistance states to absolute negative conductivity in microwave irradiated 2D electron systems

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    Recent experimental results regarding a 2D electron gas subjected to microwave radiation reveal that magnetoresistivity, apart from presenting oscillations and zero resistance states, can evolve to negative values at minima. In other words, the current can evolve from flowing with no dissipation, to flow in the opposite direction of the dc bias applied. Here we present a theoretical model in which the existence of radiation-induced absolute negative conductivity is analyzed. Our model explains the transition from zero resistance states to absolute negative conductivity in terms of multiphoton assisted electron scattering due to charged impurities. It shows as well, how this transition can be driven by tuning microwave frequency and intensity. Then it opens the possibility of controlling the electron Larmor orbits dynamics (magnetoconductivity) in microwave driven nanodevices. The analysis of zero resistance states is therefore promising because new optical and transport properties in nanodevices will be expected.Comment: 5 pages and 4 figure

    Meta-Stable Brane Configurations by Adding an Orientifold-Plane to Giveon-Kutasov

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    In hep-th/0703135, they have found the type IIA intersecting brane configuration where there exist three NS5-branes, D4-branes and anti-D4-branes. By analyzing the gravitational interaction for the D4-branes in the background of the NS5-branes, the phase structures in different regions of the parameter space were studied in the context of classical string theory. In this paper, by adding the orientifold 4-plane and 6-plane to the above brane configuration, we describe the intersecting brane configurations of type IIA string theory corresponding to the meta-stable nonsupersymmetric vacua of these gauge theories.Comment: 21 pp, 6 figures; reduced bytes of figures, DBI action analysis added and to appear in JHE

    Submodular Maximization Meets Streaming: Matchings, Matroids, and More

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    We study the problem of finding a maximum matching in a graph given by an input stream listing its edges in some arbitrary order, where the quantity to be maximized is given by a monotone submodular function on subsets of edges. This problem, which we call maximum submodular-function matching (MSM), is a natural generalization of maximum weight matching (MWM), which is in turn a generalization of maximum cardinality matching (MCM). We give two incomparable algorithms for this problem with space usage falling in the semi-streaming range---they store only O(n)O(n) edges, using O(nlogn)O(n\log n) working memory---that achieve approximation ratios of 7.757.75 in a single pass and (3+ϵ)(3+\epsilon) in O(ϵ3)O(\epsilon^{-3}) passes respectively. The operations of these algorithms mimic those of Zelke's and McGregor's respective algorithms for MWM; the novelty lies in the analysis for the MSM setting. In fact we identify a general framework for MWM algorithms that allows this kind of adaptation to the broader setting of MSM. In the sequel, we give generalizations of these results where the maximization is over "independent sets" in a very general sense. This generalization captures hypermatchings in hypergraphs as well as independence in the intersection of multiple matroids.Comment: 18 page

    Supersymmetry Breaking Vacua from M Theory Fivebranes

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    We consider intersecting brane configurations realizing N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories broken to N=1 by multitrace superpotentials, and softly to N=0. We analyze, in the framework of M5-brane wrapping a curve, the supersymmetric vacua and the analogs of spontaneous supersymmetry breaking and soft supersymmetry breaking in gauge theories. We show that the M5-brane does not exhibit the analog of metastable spontaneous supersymmetry breaking, and does not have non-holomorphic minimal volume curves with holomorphic boundary conditions. However, we find that any point in the N=2 moduli space can be rotated to a non-holomorphic minimal volume curve, whose boundary conditions break supersymmetry. We interpret these as the analogs of soft supersymmetry breaking vacua in the gauge theory.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures, harvmac; v2: corrections in eq. 3.6 and in section 6, reference adde

    Screened hybrid functional applied to 3d^0-->3d^8 transition-metal perovskites LaMO3 (M=Sc-Cu): influence of the exchange mixing parameter on the structural, electronic and magnetic properties

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    We assess the performance of the Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof (HSE) screened hybrid density functional scheme applied to the perovskite family LaMO3 (M=Sc-Cu) and discuss the role of the mixing parameter alpha (which determines the fraction of exact Hartree-Fock exchange included in the density functional theory (DFT) exchange-correlation functional) on the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties. The physical complexity of this class of compounds, manifested by the largely varying electronic characters (band/Mott-Hubbard/charge-transfer insulators and metals), magnetic orderings, structural distortions (cooperative Jahn-Teller like instabilities), as well as by the strong competition between localization/delocalization effects associated with the gradual filling of the t_2g and e_g orbitals, symbolize a critical and challenging case for theory. Our results indicates that HSE is able to provide a consistent picture of the complex physical scenario encountered across the LaMO3 series and significantly improve the standard DFT description. The only exceptions are the correlated paramagnetic metals LaNiO3 and LaCuO3, which are found to be treated better within DFT. By fitting the ground state properties with respect to alpha we have constructed a set of 'optimum' values of alpha from LaScO3 to LaCuO3: it is found that the 'optimum' mixing parameter decreases with increasing filling of the d manifold (LaScO3: 0.25; LaTiO3 & LaVO3: 0.10-0.15; LaCrO3, LaMnO3, and LaFeO3: 0.15; LaCoO3: 0.05; LaNiO3 & LaCuO3: 0). This trend can be nicely correlated with the modulation of the screening and dielectric properties across the LaMO3 series, thus providing a physical justification to the empirical fitting procedure.Comment: 32 pages, 29 figure

    Strain Gradients in Epitaxial Ferroelectrics

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    X-ray analysis of ferroelectric thin layers of Ba1/2Sr1/2TiO3 with different thickness reveals the presence of internal strain gradients across the film thickness and allows us to propose a functional form for the internal strain profile. We use this to calculate the direct influence of strain gradient, through flexoelectric coupling, on the degradation of the ferroelectric properties of thin films with decreasing thickness, in excellent agreement with the observed behaviour. This work highlights the link between strain relaxation and strain gradients in epitaxial films, and shows the pressing need to avoid strain gradients in order to obtain thin ferroelectrics with bulk-like properties.Comment: 4 pages, 3 embedded figures (1 color), revTex

    TBA, NLO Luscher correction, and double wrapping in twisted AdS/CFT

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    The ground-state energy of integrably-twisted theories is analyzed in finite volume. We derive the leading and next-to-leading order (NLO) L\"uscher-type corrections for large volumes of the vacuum energy for integrable theories with twisted boundary conditions and twisted S-matrix. We then derive the twisted thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) equations to describe exactly the ground state, from which we obtain an untwisted Y-system. The two approaches are compared by expanding the TBA equations to NLO, and exact agreement is found. We give explicit results for the O(4) model and for the three-parameter family of γ\gamma-deformed (non-supersymmetric) planar AdS/CFT model, where the ground-state energy can be nontrivial and can acquire finite-size corrections. The NLO corrections, which correspond to double-wrapping diagrams, are explicitly evaluated for the latter model at six loops.Comment: 42 pages, 2 figures, v2: references added, v3: minor correction

    High capacity cathode materials for Li-S batteries

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    To enhance the stability of sulfur cathode for a high energy lithium-sulfur battery, sulfur-activated carbon (S-AC) composite was prepared by encapsulating sulfur into micropores of activated carbon using a solution-based processing technique. In the analysis using the prepared specimen of S-AC composite by the focused ion beam (FIB) technique, the elemental sulfur exists in a highly dispersed state inside the micropores of activated carbon, which has a large surface area and a narrow pore distribution. The S-AC composite was characterized through X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method, selected area electron diffraction (SAED), energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermogravimetry analysis (TGA), and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). A lithium-sulfur cell using the S-AC composite has a high first discharge capacity over 800 mA h g -1 S even at a high current density such as 2C (3200 mA g -1 S) and has good cycleability around 500 mA h g-1 S discharge capacity at the 50th cycle at the same current density. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry