173 research outputs found

    Autoestima como variable psicosocial predictora de la actividad física en personas mayores

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    Suplemento de artículos seleccionados con revisión del Congreso Andaluz de Psicología de la Actividad Física y el Deporte (13 : 2011 : Sevilla). Editores : José Carlos Caracuel ; Rocío Bohórquez.The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-esteem expressed by people over 65 years of age and taking part in physical activity. Self-concept and self-esteem are psychologically fundamental components of quality of life in adulthood and well-being. Selfesteem has been proposed as an area of intervention to improve the quality of life in the senior population. The sample was composed of more than 184 people, 92 of whom took part in physical activity on a regular basis and another 92, who developed sedentary lifestyles. The results of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Questionnaire applied to the sample showed different levels of self-esteem between seniors who are physically active and those who are not, with self-esteem being significantly higher in active seniors. Studies with similar objectives demonstrate and support the verification of the hypothesis that establishes a positive relationship between self-esteem and participation in physical activity

    Nuevos copolímeros a base de indol

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    Referencia OEPM: 9300155.-- Fecha de solicitud: 28/01/1993.-- Titular: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).Nuevos copolímeros a base de indol (ver figura en archivo de texto adjunto). La presente invención se refiere a un nuevo tipo de copolímeros de base indol de fórmula general (I), en la que R puede ser los heterociclos tiofeno y pirrol, DP son restos del agente oxidante que actúa como agente dopante. Para la obtención de los copolímeros se hace reaccionar indol con los heterociclos tiofeno o pirrol preferentemente a temperatura entre 25-30ºC en presencia de agente oxidante tal como el cloruro férrico, disueltos en cloroformo. En ambos casos se utilizan distintas relaciones molares de oxidante/monómero entre 1.5 y 5 y de comonómero/indol entre 1.5 y 9. Al final de la reacción se precipita el copolímero con una mezcla metanol/agua (1:1 en peso). Estos polímeros se caracterizan por presentar una marcada conductividad eléctrica y ser fácilmente solubles, lo que les hace ser aptos para diversas aplicaciones como conductores.Peer reviewe

    Requirement Engineering Activities in Smart Environments for Large Facilities

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    Developing a large, but smart environment is a complex task that requires the collaboration of experts of different disciplines. How to successfully attain such collaboration is not a trivial matter. The paper illustrates the problem with a case study where the manager of the facility intends to influence pedestrians so that they choose a task that requires certain effort, e.g. using staircases, instead of the current one that requires less effort, e.g. using the elevator. Defining requirements for such scenarios requires a strong multidisciplinary collaboration which is not currently well supported. This paper contributes with an approach to provide non-technician experts with tools so that they can provide feedback on the requirements and verify them in a systematic way

    Aprendendo a e-empreender: valorização da iniciativa empreendedora em futuros professores em e.s.o., bachillerato, f.p. e ensinamentos de línguas

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    Resumen: Introducción: El presente estudio analiza las diferencias en la intención emprendedora del alumnado de la rama de Educación Física en la primera y última semana de clases del MAES. Objetivos: El objetivo general de este trabajo es analizar la intención de emprendimiento en estudiantes universitarios del Máster Universitario de Profesorado de Educación Secundaria de la Universidad de Sevilla. Métodos: En el estudio participaron 24 alumnos, 5 mujeres y 19 hombres, de entre 22 y 28 años (M= 24,17; DT= 1,97). La intención emprendedora se evaluó a través del Cuestionario de Intención Emprendedora de Jaén y Liñán (2013). Resultados y discusión: Los resultados indicaron que no existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas antes y después de cursar el Máster Universitario en Profesorado en Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas, por lo que parece que este Máster no incide sobre el aspecto emprendedor expuesto en la Competencia General 12 “Fomentar el espíritu crítico, reflexivo y emprendedor”. Conclusiones: El estudio y análisis de las variables socio-demográficas indica que los hombres son algo más emprendedores que las mujeres, aunque no de forma significativa.Abstract: Introduction: The present study analyzes the differences in the entrepreneurial intention of the students of the Physical Education branch in the first and last week of MAES classes Aim: The general objective of this work is to analyze the intention of entrepreneurship in university students of the University Master's Degree in Secondary Education at the University of Seville. Methods: 24 students, 5 women and 19 men, aged between 22 and 28 years (M = 24.17; DT = 1.97) participated in the study. Entrepreneurial intention was evaluated through the Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire of Jaén and Liñán (2013). Results & discussion: The results indicated that there are no statistically significant differences before and after completing the University Master's Degree in Teaching in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate Vocational Training and Language Teaching, so it seems that this Master does not affect the entrepreneurial aspect exposed in the General Competence 12 "Promote a critical, reflective and entrepreneurial spirit". Conclusions: The study and analysis of socio-demographic variables indicates that men are somewhat more entrepreneurial than women, although not significantly.Resumo: Introdução: Este estudo analisa as diferenças de intenção empreendedora dos alunos do ramo de Educação Física na primeira e na última semana de aulas do MAES. Objectivos: O objetivo geral deste trabalho é analisar a intenção do empreendedorismo em estudantes universitários do Mestrado Universitário em Ensino Secundário da Universidade de Sevilha. Métodos: Participaram do estudo 24 estudantes, 5 mulheres e 19 homens, com idades entre 22 e 28 anos (M = 24,17; TD = 1,97). A intenção empreendedora foi avaliada através do Questionário de Intenção Empreendedora de Jaén e Liñán (2013). Resultados e discussão: Os resultados indicaram que não existem diferenças estatisticamente significantes antes e após a conclusão do Mestrado Universitário em Ensino no Ensino Secundário Obrigatório e Bacharelado em Formação Profissional e Ensino de Idiomas, pelo que parece que este Mestrado não afeta o aspecto empreendedor exposto na Competência Geral 12 "Promover um espírito crítico, reflexivo e empreendedor". Conclusões: O estudo e a análise de variáveis sociodemográficas indicam que os homens são um pouco mais empreendedores do que as mulheres, embora não sejam significativamente

    Synergistic activation of AMPK prevents from polyglutamine-inducedtoxicity inCaenorhabditis elegans

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    11 páginas, 4 figuras. Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the online version, at doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phrs.2020.105105.Expression of abnormally long polyglutamine (polyQ) tracks is the source of a range of dominant neurodegenerative diseases, such as Huntington disease. Currently, there is no treatment for this devastating disease, although some chemicals, e.g., metformin, have been proposed as therapeutic solutions. In this work, we show that metformin, together with salicylate, can synergistically reduce the number of aggregates produced after polyQ expression in Caenorhabditis elegans. Moreover, we demonstrate that incubation polyQ-stressed worms with low doses of both chemicals restores neuronal functionality. Both substances are pleitotropic and may activate a range of different targets. However, we demonstrate in this report that the beneficial effect induced by the combination of these drugs depends entirely on the catalytic action of AMPK, since loss of function mutants of aak-2/AMPKα2 do not respond to the treatment. To further investigate the mechanism of the synergetic activity of metformin/salicylate, we used CRISPR to generate mutant alleles of the scaffolding subunit of AMPK, aakb-1/AMPKβ1. In addition, we used an RNAi strategy to silence the expression of the second AMPKβ subunit in worms, namely aakb-2/AMPKβ2. In this work, we demonstrated that both regulatory subunits of AMPK are modulators of protein homeostasis. Interestingly, only aakb-2/AMPKβ2 is required for the synergistic action of metformin/salicylate to reduce polyQ aggregation. Finally, we showed that autophagy acts downstream of metformin/salicylate-related AMPK activation to promote healthy protein homeostasis in worms.We thank the CGC, funded by the NIH Office of ResearchInfrastructure Programs (P40 OD010440), for worm strains. [...] RPVMis aMiguel Servet type IIresearcher (CPII16/00004) funded by Institutode Salud Carlos III (ISCIII, Madrid, Spain). Grants from the ISCIII wereused to perform this work (PI14/00949 and PI17/00011). All grantsfrom ISCIII are co-financed by the European Development RegionalFund”A way to achieve Europe”(ERDF). JBY holds a grant from theGeneralitat Valenciana and the European Social Fund (ACIF/2019/249). Some equipment used in this work has been funded in partnershipbetween the Generalitat Valenciana (Conselleria de Sanitat I SalutPública, Valencian Community, Spain) and European Funds (ERDF/FSE), through the call "Improvement of research infrastructures for rarediseases”CV FEDER 2014-2020. This work has been partially supportedby a grant from the Fundació Telemarató de la TV3 (Reference 559),which covered the work of MDS. The funds from the ISCIII are partiallysupported by the European Regional Development Fund. RPVM is also aMarie Curie fellow (CIG322034, EU). This work has been partiallysupported by a grant from the CIBERER (ACCI2016), a grant from theFundación Ramón Areces (CIVP19S8119) and anAyuda Miguel Gilgrantto RPVM (VII Convocatoria Ayudas a la Investigación MHER, 2019Peer reviewe

    HAp Nanofibers Grown with Crystalline Preferential Orientation and Its Influence in Mechanical Properties of Organic-Inorganic Composite Materials

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    There are several synthesis techniques to obtain hydroxyapatite (HAp). Some use surfactant agents, amino acids or halogen salts to control structural nucleation and crystal growth. In others, the use of hydrothermal process to carry out the reaction is effective for HAp synthesis. Microwave-assisted hydrothermal method (MAHM) has been successfully applied in the synthesis of HAp nanostructures, which present well-defined morphologies, high crystallinity and high purity. This is important because nano-HAp is attracting interest as a biomaterial for use in prosthetic applications due to its similarity in size, crystallinity and chemical composition with human hard tissue. In this chapter, developments in obtaining HAp nanofibers, with a crystal growth with preferential orientation, as well as morphology control achieved by using the MAHM is discussed. Also, the synthesized fibers were used to cast ceramics with controlled and interconnected porosity through the modified gelcasting process. Then, these HAp ceramics were impregnated with a water solution of gelatin in order to obtain an organic-inorganic composite material, similar to natural bone tissue. The maximum compressive strengths were determined and the composite materials showed mechanical properties that make them suitable to be used as bone tissue implants

    Recensiones [Revista de Historia Económica Año XVII Invierno 1999 n. 1 pp. 213-246]

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    Editada en la Fundación Empresa PúblicaStephen Haber (ed.). How Latin American Fell Behind? (Por Aurora Gómez-Galvamato).-- José Ignacio Giménez Blanco. Privatización y apropiación de tierras municipales en la Baja Andalucía: Jerez de la Frontera, 1750-1995 (Por Antonio López Estudillo).-- María Teresa López Picazo (dir.). El agua en los regadíos mediterráneos. Nuevos enfoques y problemas (Por James Simpson).-- Manuel Santos Redondo. Los economistas y la empresa. Empresa y empresario en la historia del pensamiento económico (Por Pedro Fraile Balbín).-- José Luis García Ruiz (coord.). Hilario Casado Alonso, Pedro Fatjó Gómez y Gregorio Núñez Romero-Balmas. Historia de la empresa mundial y de España (Por Joan R. Roses).-- Francisco Bustelo. Historia económica: una ciencia en construcción (Por Tomás Martínez Vara).-- Jesús Huerta de Soto. Dinero, crédito bancario y ciclos económicos (Por Carlos Rodríguez Braun).-- José M. Alcalde Jiménez. El poder del señorío. Señorío y poderes locales en Soria entre el Antiguo "Régimen y el Liberalismo (Por Jesús Millán).-- Raanan Rein. La salvación de una dictadura (Por Raúl García Heras).-- Sofía A. Pérez. Banking on Privilege. The Politics of Spanish Financial Reform (Por Francisco Marcos)Publicad