127 research outputs found

    Impact of streamflow variability on the Colorado River system operation

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    May 2007.Includes bibliographical references (pages 80-81).The water supply provided by the Colorado River system is critical to millions of residents in the arid and semiarid western United States. Understanding the response of the system to possible hydrologic occurrences is important to water planners and managers for short, medium, and long term planning and operation of the system. A long sequence of historical streamflow records is available for the river system; however, this sequence is not sufficient to capture the complex temporal and spatial variability of the river system. The overall objective of the study is to determine the effect of alternative possible future hydrologic scenarios on water supply availability throughout the entire river system. Another objective is to estimate the sustainable yield of the Upper Colorado River basin. This study demonstrates that the traditional definition of the Upper Basin's sustainable yield must be reevaluated in order to determine any sort of sustainable yield volume under stochastic simulation

    Vortex dynamics in high Froude number variable-density flows

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    Outline of the presentation : 1.Introduction - Illustrative examples from experiments and simulations 2.The baroclinic torque in high Froude number flows, its organization, scale and order of magnitude 3.Transition of the inhomogeneous mixing--layer and the 2D secondary baroclinici instability 4.The strain field of 2D light jets and the question of side-jets 5.Mass segregation in 2D turbulence and the baroclinic instability of massive of vortice

    Turbulence et vortex à densité variable

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    Présentation en cinq points: 1. Mélange inhomogène : exemples et modèle de description 2. Méthodes de projection et code pseudo-spectral, 3. Dynamique rotationnelle en milieu inhomogène, 4. Vortex lourd versus vortex léger (2D), 5. Ségrégation de masse en turbulence bidimensionnell

    Rare gas flow structuration in plasma jet experiments

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    Modifications of rare gas flow by plasma generated with a plasma gun (PG) are evidenced through simultaneous time-resolved ICCD imaging and schlieren visualization. The geometrical features of the capillary inside which plasma propagates before in-air expansion, the pulse repetition rate and the presence of a metallic target are playing a key role on the rare gas flow at the outlet of the capillary when the plasma is switched on. In addition to the previously reported upstream offset of the laminar to turbulent transition, we document the reverse action leading to the generation of long plumes at moderate gas flow rates together with the channeling of helium flow under various discharge conditions. For higher gas flow rates, in the l min−1 range, time-resolved diagnostics performed during the first tens of ms after the PG is turned on, evidence that the plasma plume does not start expanding in a laminar neutral gas flow. Instead, plasma ignition leads to a gradual laminar-like flow build-up inside which the plasma plume is generated. The impact of such phenomena for gas delivery on targets mimicking biological samples is emphasized, as well as their consequences on the production and diagnostics of reactive species

    Estimating the economic value of interannual reservoir storage in water resource systems

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    Reservoir operators face pressures on timing releases of water. Releasing too much water immediately can threaten future supplies and costs, but not releasing enough creates immediate economic hardship downstream. This paper examines how the economic valuation of end‐of‐year carryover storage can lead to optimal amounts of carryover storage in complex large water resource systems. Economic carryover storage value functions (COSVFs) are developed to represent the value of storage in the face of interannual inflow uncertainty and variability within water resource optimization models. The approach divides a perfect foresight optimization problem into year‐long (limited foresight) subproblems solved sequentially by a within‐year optimization engine to find optimal short‐term operations. The final storage state from the previous year provides the initial condition to each annual problem, and end‐of‐year COSVFs are the final condition. Here the COSVF parameters that maximize the interannual benefits from river basin operations are found by evolutionary search. This generalized approach can handle nonconvexity in large‐scale water resources systems. The approach is illustrated with a regional model of the California Central Valley water system including 30 reservoirs, 22 aquifers, and 51 urban and agricultural demand sites. Head‐dependent pumping costs make the optimization problem nonconvex. Optimized interannual reservoir operation improves over more cautious operation in the historical approximation, reducing the average annual scarcity volume and costs by 80% and 98%, respectively, with more realistic representation of hydrologic foresight for California's Mediterranean climate. The economic valuation of storage helps inform water storage decisions

    Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in the presence of variable viscosity for mudflow resuspension in estuaries

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    The temporal stability of a parallel shear flow of miscible fluid layers of dif- ferent density and viscosity is investigated through a linear stability analysis and direct numerical simulations. The geometry and rheology of this Newto- nian fluid mixing can be viewed as a simplified model of the behavior of mud- flow at the bottom of estuaries for suspension studies. In this study, focus is on the stability and transition to turbulence of an initially laminar configuration. A parametric analysis is performed by varying the values of three control pa- rameters, namely the viscosity ratio, the Richardson and Reynolds numbers, in the case of initially identical thickness of the velocity, density and viscosity profiles. The range of parameters has been chosen so as to mimic a wide variety of real configurations. This study shows that the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability is controlled by the local Reynolds and Richardson numbers of the inflection point. In addition, at moderate Reynolds number, viscosity strat- ification has a strong influence on the onset of instability, the latter being enhanced at high viscosity ratio, while at high Reynolds number, the influ- ence is less pronounced. In all cases, we show that the thickness of the mixing layer (and thus resuspension) is increased by high viscosity stratification, in particular during the non-linear development of the instability and especially pairing processes. This study suggests that mud viscosity has to be taken into account for resuspension parameterizations because of its impact on the inflec- tion point Reynolds number and the viscosity ratio, which are key parameters for shear instabilities

    Secondary crystalline phases identification in Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films: contributions from Raman scattering and photoluminescence

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    In this work, we present the Raman peak positions of the quaternary pure selenide compound Cu2ZnSnSe4 (CZTSe) and related secondary phases that were grown and studied under the same conditions. A vast discussion about the position of the X-ray diffraction (XRD) reflections of these compounds is presented. It is known that by using XRD only, CZTSe can be identified but nothing can be said about the presence of some secondary phases. Thin films of CZTSe, Cu2SnSe3, ZnSe, SnSe, SnSe2, MoSe2 and a-Se were grown, which allowed their investigation by Raman spectroscopy (RS). Here we present all the Raman spectra of these phases and discuss the similarities with the spectra of CZTSe. The effective analysis depth for the common back-scattering geometry commonly used in RS measurements, as well as the laser penetration depth for photoluminescence (PL) were estimated for different wavelength values. The observed asymmetric PL band on a CZTSe film is compatible with the presence of CZTSe single-phase and is discussed in the scope of the fluctuating potentials’ model. The estimated bandgap energy is close to the values obtained from absorption measurements. In general, the phase identification of CZTSe benefits from the contributions of RS and PL along with the XRD discussion.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Wide band-gap tuning Cu2ZnSn1-xGexS4 single crystals: Optical and vibrational properties

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    7 págs.; 7 figs.; 3 tabs.The linear optical properties of Cu2ZnSn1¿xGexS4 high quality single crystals with a wide range of Ge contents (x=0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9 and 1) have been investigated in the ultraviolet and near infrared range using spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements. From the analysis of the complex dielectric function spectra it has been found that the bandgap E0 increases continuously from 1.49 eV to 2.25 eV with the Ge content. Furthermore, the evolution of the interband transitions E1A and E1B has been also determined. Raman scattering using three different excitation wavelengths and its analysis have been performed to confirm the absence of secondary phases in the samples, and to distinguish between stannite, wurtzite, wurzstannite and kesterite structures. Additionally, the analysis of the high resolution Raman spectra obtained in samples with different [Ge]/([Ge]+[Sn]) ratios allows describing a bimodal behavior of the dominant A modes. The understanding of the incorporation of Ge into the Cu2ZnSnS4 lattice is fundamental in order to develop efficient bandgap engineering of these compounds towards the fabrication of kesterite based solar cells with enhanced performance. & 2015 Elsevier B.V.This work was supported by the Marie Curie-ITN project (KESTCELL, GA: 316488), Marie Curie-IRSES project (PVICOKEST, GA: 269167), AMALIE (TEC2012-38901-C02-01) and SUNBEAM (ENE2013-49136-C4-3-R) project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. RC acknowledges financial support from Spanish MINECO within the Ramón y Cajal Program (RYC-2011-08521).Peer Reviewe