8,608 research outputs found

    Analysis of SPAR 8 single-axis levitation experiment

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    The melting and resolidification of SPAR 8 payload melting and resolidification of a glass specimen from the in a containerless condition and the retrieval and examination of the specimen from the. The absence of container contact was assured by use of a single-axis acoustic levitation system. However, the sample contacted a wire cage after being held without container contact by the acoustic field for only approximately 87 seconds. At this time, the sample was still molten and, therefore, flowed aroung the wire and continued to adhere to it. An analysis of why the sample did not remain levitated free of container contact is presented. The experiment is described, and experimental observations are discussed and analyzed

    Digital control of magnetic bearings supporting a multimass flexible rotor

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    The characteristics of magnetic bearings used to support a three mass flexible rotor operated at speeds up to 14,000 RPM are discussed. The magnetic components of the bearing are of a type reported in the literature previously, but the earlier analog controls were replaced by digital ones. Analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters and digital control software were installed in an AT&T PC. This PC-based digital controller was used to operate one of the magnetic bearings on the test rig. Basic proportional-derivative control was applied to the bearings, and the bearing stiffness and damping characteristics were evaluated. Particular attention is paid to the frequency dependent behavior of the stiffness and damping properties, and comparisons are made between the actual controllers and ideal proportional-derivative control

    Upper Holocene Paleoceanography of Inner Miramichi Bay

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    Changes in sediment texture and in foraminiferal and molluscan assemblages observed in three vibracores collected in Miramichi Inner Boy reflect the development of a barrier island system across the mouth of the Bayt and the opening and closing of channels between the islands. The barrier island system apparently developed initially between 4400 and 3600 C14 years B.P. Opening and infilling of Buckleberry Gulley during the past 1300 years is indicated by changes in the proportions of estuarine and open bay assemblages of benthonic foraminifera. Mollusc and foraminifera data do not always suggest the same paleoenvironmental conditions at any given place and time, but they are in good agreement with respect to the direction of paleoenvironmental trends

    Attosecond pulse shaping around a Cooper minimum

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    High harmonic generation (HHG) is used to measure the spectral phase of the recombination dipole matrix element (RDM) in argon over a broad frequency range that includes the 3p Cooper minimum (CM). The measured RDM phase agrees well with predictions based on the scattering phases and amplitudes of the interfering s- and d-channel contributions to the complementary photoionization process. The reconstructed attosecond bursts that underlie the HHG process show that the derivative of the RDM spectral phase, the group delay, does not have a straight-forward interpretation as an emission time, in contrast to the usual attochirp group delay. Instead, the rapid RDM phase variation caused by the CM reshapes the attosecond bursts.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Alternativity and reciprocity in the Cayley-Dickson algebra

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    We calculate the eigenvalue \rho of the multiplication mapping R on the Cayley-Dickson algebra A_n. If the element in A_n is composed of a pair of alternative elements in A_{n-1}, half the eigenvectors of R in A_n are still eigenvectors in the subspace which is isomorphic to A_{n-1}. The invariant under the reciprocal transformation A_n \times A_{n} \ni (x,y) -> (-y,x) plays a fundamental role in simplifying the functional form of \rho. If some physical field can be identified with the eigenspace of R, with an injective map from the field to a scalar quantity (such as a mass) m, then there is a one-to-one map \pi: m \mapsto \rho. As an example, the electro-weak gauge field can be regarded as the eigenspace of R, where \pi implies that the W-boson mass is less than the Z-boson mass, as in the standard model.Comment: To be published in J. Phys. A: Mathematical and Genera

    Above threshold ionization by few-cycle spatially inhomogeneous fields

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    We present theoretical studies of above threshold ionization (ATI) produced by spatially inhomogeneous fields. This kind of field appears as a result of the illumination of plasmonic nanostructures and metal nanoparticles with a short laser pulse. We use the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation (TDSE) in reduced dimensions to understand and characterize the ATI features in these fields. It is demonstrated that the inhomogeneity of the laser electric field plays an important role in the ATI process and it produces appreciable modifications to the energy-resolved photoelectron spectra. In fact, our numerical simulations reveal that high energy electrons can be generated. Specifically, using a linear approximation for the spatial dependence of the enhanced plasmonic field and with a near infrared laser with intensities in the mid- 10^{14} W/cm^{2} range, we show it is possible to drive electrons with energies in the near-keV regime. Furthermore, we study how the carrier envelope phase influences the emission of ATI photoelectrons for few-cycle pulses. Our quantum mechanical calculations are supported by their classical counterparts

    Carrier and Light Trapping in Graded Quantum Well Laser Structures

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    We investigated the carrier and light trapping in GaInAs/AlGaAs single quantum well laser structures by means of time resolved photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy. The influence of the shape and depth of the confinement potential and of the cavity geometry was studied by using different AlGaAs/GaAs short-period superlattices as barriers. Our results show that grading the optical cavity improves considerably both carrier and light trapping in the quantum well, and that the trapping efficiency is enhanced by increasing the graded confining potential.Comment: PDF-format, 15 pages (including 4 figures), Applied Physics Letters (June 2000
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