1,758 research outputs found

    Adjustable tension wire guide Patent

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    Adjustable spiral wire winding devic

    Stimulated photon-photon scattering of three colliding high-energy Gaussian beams

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    Die Streuung von Licht an Licht in einem Lasersystem mit Hochenergie Pulsen (nicht notwendigerweise mit hoher Intensität), in dem drei Pulse kollidieren, wird untersucht. Zwei der kollidierenden Strahlen (mit Wellenlängen k1 und k2) streuen aneinander und der dritte Strahl (mit Wellenlänge k3) stimuliert diesen Prozess, weil die Anwesenheit des dritten Strahls die Emission von Photonen in seine Richtung induziert. Da zwei Photonen immer in zwei Photonen streuen und eines der gestreuten Photonen sich in die Richtung des dritten Strahls fortbewegt, wird eine vierte Welle mit Wellenlänge k4 = k1+k2-k3 erzeugt und kann gemessen werden. In dieser Arbeit soll nun untersucht werden, ob diese stimulierte Photon-Photon Streuung in Lasersystemen mit Hochenergie Pulsen wie OMEGA EP in Rochester (USA) gemessen werden kann. Die drei aufeinander treffenden Strahlen werden mit fokussierten Gauß-Pulsen modelliert und eine spezielle Geometrie der Strahlen wird gewählt. Eine analytische Näherung wird hergeleitet und für die kurzen Pulse von OMEGA EP wird eine Anzahl von N = 70:9 Photonen pro Kollision berechnet, was ein messbares Signal zu sein scheint

    Conductivity and the current-current correlation measure

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    We review various formulations of conductivity for one-particle Hamiltonians and relate them to the current-current correlation measure. We prove that the current-current correlation measure for random Schr\"odinger operators has a density at coincident energies provided the energy lies in a localization regime. The density vanishes at such energies and an upper bound on the rate of vanishing is computed. We also relate the current-current correlation measure to the localization length

    Thermal microwave emissions from vegetated fields: A comparison between theory and experiment

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    The radiometric measurements over bare field and fields covered with grass, soybean, corn, and alfalfa were made with 1.4 GHz and 5 GHz microwave radiometers during August - October 1978. The measured results are compared with radiative transfer theory treating the vegetated fields as a two layer random medium. It is found that the presence of a vegetation cover generally gives a higher brightness temperature T(B) than that expected from a bare soil. The amount of this T(B) excess increases in the vegetation biomass and in the frequency of the observed radiation. The results of radiative transfer calculations generally match well with the experimental data, however, a detailed analysis also strongly suggests the need of incorporating soil surface roughness effect into the radiative transfer theory in order to better interpret the experimental data

    Real-time atmospheric absorption spectra for in-flight tuning of an airborne dial system

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    Real-time measurements of atmospheric absorption spectra are displayed and used to precisely calibrate and fix the frequency of an Alexandrite laser to specific oxygen absorption features for airborne Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) measurements of atmospheric pressure and temperature. The DIAL system used contains two narrowband tunable Alexandrite lasers: one is electronically scanned to tune to oxygen absorption features for on-line signals while the second is used to obtain off-line (nonabsorbed) atmospheric return signals. The lidar operator may select the number of shots to be averaged, the altitude, and altitude interval over which the signals are averaged using single key stroke commands. The operator also determines exactly which oxygen absorption lines are scanned by comparing the line spacings and relative strengths with known line parameters, thus calibrating the laser wavelength readout. The system was used successfully to measure the atmospheric pressure profile on the first flights of this lidar, November 20, and December 9, 1985, aboard the NASA Wallops Electra aircraft

    Airborne Lidar measurements of the atmospheric pressure profile with tunable Alexandrite lasers

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    The first remote measurements of the atmospheric pressure profile made from an airborne platform are described. The measurements utilize a differential absorption lidar and tunable solid state Alexandrite lasers. The pressure measurement technique uses a high resolution oxygen A band where the absorption is highly pressure sensitive due to collision broadening. Absorption troughs and regions of minimum absorption were used between pairs of stongly absorption lines for these measurements. The trough technique allows the measurement to be greatly desensitized to the effects of laser frequency instabilities. The lidar system was set up to measure pressure with the on-line laser tuned to the absorption trough at 13147.3/cm and with the reference laser tuned to a nonabsorbing frequency near 13170.0/cm. The lidar signal returns were sampled with a 200 range gate (30 vertical resoltion) and averaged over 100 shots

    An example of spectral phase transition phenomenon in a class of Jacobi matrices with periodically modulated weights

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    We consider self-adjoint unbounded Jacobi matrices with diagonal q_n=n and weights \lambda_n=c_n n, where c_n is a 2-periodical sequence of real numbers. The parameter space is decomposed into several separate regions, where the spectrum is either purely absolutely continuous or discrete. This constitutes an example of the spectral phase transition of the first order. We study the lines where the spectral phase transition occurs, obtaining the following main result: either the interval (-\infty;1/2) or the interval (1/2;+\infty) is covered by the absolutely continuous spectrum, the remainder of the spectrum being pure point. The proof is based on finding asymptotics of generalized eigenvectors via the Birkhoff-Adams Theorem. We also consider the degenerate case, which constitutes yet another example of the spectral phase transition

    Spatial distribution of local density of states in vicinity of impurity on semiconductor surface

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    We present the results of detailed theoretical investigations of changes in local density of total electronic surface states in 2D anisotropic atomic semiconductor lattice in vicinity of impurity atom for a wide range of applied bias voltage. We have found that taking into account changes in density of continuous spectrum states leads to the formation of a downfall at the particular value of applied voltage when we are interested in the density of states above the impurity atom or even to a series of downfalls for the fixed value of the distance from the impurity. The behaviour of local density of states with increasing of the distance from impurity along the chain differs from behaviour in the direction perpendicular to the chain.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Transforming the Navy

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    Judged against the expectations created by President Bush and his defense team, the Navy’s transformation enterprise falls short. However, no compelling strategic rationale for military transformation has yet been articulated. A revolution in military affairs is not required for the maintenance of U.S. military dominance specifically or American primacy generally, or for fighting and winning the global war on terror

    GSFC short pulse radar, JONSWAP-75

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    In September 1975, the Goddard Space Flight Center operated a short pulse radar during ocean wave measuring experiments off the coast of West Germany in the North Sea. The experiment was part of JONSWAP-75. The radar system and operations during the experiment are described along with examples of data