54 research outputs found

    Polymer Structures on Surface Acoustic Wave Biosensors

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    The influence of surface structuring on surface acoustic wave (SAW) biosensor signals has been investigated. Polymer structures on the sensor surfaces were applied by lithography or by self-assembling of polystyrene microparticles. In first experiments, structured and unstructured sensors led to similar results in a model affinity assay using streptavidin and biotinylated protein. On the other hand, structuring had a strong effect on SAW sensor signals obtained by protein adsorption on parylene C coated sensors. Depending on the protein, both decreased (albumin, streptavidin) and increased (fibrinogen) signals were observed with structured SAW sensors. Particularly the latter could contribute to facilitated blood analysis in the future

    Algebraic solution of the supersymmetric hydrogen atom in d dimensions

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    In this paper the N = 2 supersymmetric extension of the Schrodinger Hamiltonian with 1/r-potential in arbitrary space-dimensions is constructed. The supersymmetric hydrogen atom admits a conserved Laplace–Runge–Lenz vector which extends the rotational symmetry SO(d) to a hidden SO(d+1) symmetry. This symmetry of the system is used to determine the discrete eigenvalues with their degeneracies and the corresponding bound state wave functions.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Física La Plat

    Energy Density of Vortices in the Schroedinger Picture

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    The one-loop energy density of an infinitely thin static magnetic vortex in SU(2) Yang-Mills theory is evaluated using the Schroedinger picture. Both the gluonic fluctuations as well as the quarks in the vortex background are included. The energy density of the magnetic vortex is discussed as a function of the magnetic flux. The center vortices correspond to local minima in the effective potential. These minima are degenerated with the perturbative vacuum if the fermions are ignored. Inclusion of fermions lifts this degeneracy, raising the vortex energy above the energy of the perturbative vacuum.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    Heat kernel coefficients for chiral bag boundary conditions

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    We study the asymptotic expansion of the smeared L2-trace of fexp(-tP^2) where P is an operator of Dirac type, f is an auxiliary smooth smearing function which is used to localize the problem, and chiral bag boundary conditions are imposed. Special case calculations, functorial methods and the theory of zeta and eta invariants are used to obtain the boundary part of the heat-kernel coefficients a1 and a2.Comment: Published in J. Phys. A38, 2259-2276 (2005). Record without file already exists on the SLAC recor

    Global Properties of Topological String Amplitudes and Orbifold Invariants

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    We derive topological string amplitudes on local Calabi-Yau manifolds in terms of polynomials in finitely many generators of special functions. These objects are defined globally in the moduli space and lead to a description of mirror symmetry at any point in the moduli space. Holomorphic ambiguities of the anomaly equations are fixed by global information obtained from boundary conditions at few special divisors in the moduli space. As an illustration we compute higher genus orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants for C^3/Z_3 and C^3/Z_4.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figure

    The read-across hypothesis and environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals

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    This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund. Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society.Pharmaceuticals in the environment have received increased attention over the past decade, as they are ubiquitous in rivers and waterways. Concentrations are in sub-ng to low Όg/L, well below acute toxic levels, but there are uncertainties regarding the effects of chronic exposures and there is a need to prioritise which pharmaceuticals may be of concern. The read-across hypothesis stipulates that a drug will have an effect in non-target organisms only if the molecular targets such as receptors and enzymes have been conserved, resulting in a (specific) pharmacological effect only if plasma concentrations are similar to human therapeutic concentrations. If this holds true for different classes of pharmaceuticals, it should be possible to predict the potential environmental impact from information obtained during the drug development process. This paper critically reviews the evidence for read-across, and finds that few studies include plasma concentrations and mode of action based effects. Thus, despite a large number of apparently relevant papers and a general acceptance of the hypothesis, there is an absence of documented evidence. There is a need for large-scale studies to generate robust data for testing the read-across hypothesis and developing predictive models, the only feasible approach to protecting the environment.BBSRC Industrial Partnership Award BB/ I00646X/1 and BBSRC Industrial CASE Partnership Studentship BB/I53257X/1 with AstraZeneca Safety Health and Environment Research Programme

    Streamwise-travelling viscous waves in channel flows

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    The unsteady viscous flow induced by streamwise-travelling waves of spanwise wall velocity in an incompressible laminar channel flow is investigated. Wall waves belonging to this category have found important practical applications, such as microfluidic flow manipulation via electro-osmosis and surface acoustic forcing and reduction of wall friction in turbulent wall-bounded flows. An analytical solution composed of the classical streamwise Poiseuille flow and a spanwise velocity profile described by the parabolic cylinder function is found. The solution depends on the bulk Reynolds number R, the scaled streamwise wavelength (Formula presented.), and the scaled wave phase speed U. Numerical solutions are discussed for various combinations of these parameters. The flow is studied by the boundary-layer theory, thereby revealing the dominant physical balances and quantifying the thickness of the near-wall spanwise flow. The Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin–Jeffreys (WKBJ) theory is also employed to obtain an analytical solution, which is valid across the whole channel. For positive wave speeds which are smaller than or equal to the maximum streamwise velocity, a turning-point behaviour emerges through the WKBJ analysis. Between the wall and the turning point, the wall-normal viscous effects are balanced solely by the convection driven by the wall forcing, while between the turning point and the centreline, the Poiseuille convection balances the wall-normal diffusion. At the turning point, the Poiseuille convection and the convection from the wall forcing cancel each other out, which leads to a constant viscous stress and to the break down of the WKBJ solution. This flow regime is analysed through a WKBJ composite expansion and the Langer method. The Langer solution is simpler and more accurate than the WKBJ composite solution, while the latter quantifies the thickness of the turning-point region. We also discuss how these waves can be generated via surface acoustic forcing and electro-osmosis and propose their use as microfluidic flow mixing devices. For the electro-osmosis case, the Helmholtz–Smoluchowski velocity at the edge of the Debye–HĂŒckel layer, which drives the bulk electrically neutral flow, is obtained by matched asymptotic expansion
