249 research outputs found

    Determining particle density using known material Hugeniot curves

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    A method is detailed to determine the density of particles wherein the closing velocity is known between the impacting particles and a plate of known material. Either the shock wave velocity or the material velocity produced in the plate upon impact by an unknown material particle is determined and compared with the corresponding shock wave or material velocity that would by produced by different known material particles having the same closing velocity upon impact with the plate. The unknown material particle density is derived by obtaining a coincidence of the shock wave velocity or material velocity conditions initially produced upon impact between the known material plate and one of the different material particles and from the fact that shock wave velocity and material velocity are ordered on the impacting particle material density alone

    Removal of spacecraft-surface particulate contaminants by simulated micrometeoroid impacts

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    A series of hypervelocity impacts has been conducted in an exploding lithium-wire accelerator to examine with a far-field holographic system the removal of particulate contaminants from external spacecraft surfaces subjected to micrometeoroid bombardment. The impacting projectiles used to simulate the micrometeoroids were glass spheres nominally 37 microns in diameter, having velocities between 4 and 17 km/sec. The particulates were glass spheres nominally 25, 50, and 75 microns in diameter which were placed on aluminum targets. For these test, particulates detached had velocities that were log-normally distributed. The significance of the log-normal behavior of the ejected-particulate velocity distribution is that the geometric mean velocity and the geometric standard deviation are the only two parameters needed to model completely the process of particles removed or ejected from a spacecraft surface by a micrometeoroid impact

    The functional relevance of olfactory marker protein in the vertebrate olfactory system: a never-ending story

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    Olfactory marker protein (OMP) was first described as a protein expressed in olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) in the nasal cavity. In particular, OMP, a small cytoplasmic protein, marks mature ORNs and is also expressed in the neurons of other nasal chemosensory systems: the vomeronasal organ, the septal organ of Masera, and the Grueneberg ganglion. While its expression pattern was more easily established, OMP’s function remained relatively vague. To date, most of the work to understand OMP’s role has been done using mice lacking OMP. This mostly phenomenological work has shown that OMP is involved in sharpening the odorant response profile and in quickening odorant response kinetics of ORNs and that it contributes to targeting of ORN axons to the olfactory bulb to refine the glomerular response map. Increasing evidence shows that OMP acts at the early stages of olfactory transduction by modulating the kinetics of cAMP, the second messenger of olfactory transduction. However, how this occurs at a mechanistic level is not understood, and it might also not be the only mechanism underlying all the changes observed in mice lacking OMP. Recently, OMP has been detected outside the nose, including the brain and other organs. Although no obvious logic has become apparent regarding the underlying commonality between nasal and extranasal expression of OMP, a broader approach to diverse cellular systems might help unravel OMP’s functions and mechanisms of action inside and outside the nose

    Using integrative taxonomy to distinguish cryptic halfbeak species and interpret distribution patterns, fisheries landings, and speciation

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    Context. Species classification disputes can be resolved using integrative taxonomy, which involves the use of both phenotypic and genetic information to determine species boundaries. Aims. Our aim was to clarify species boundaries of two commercially important cryptic species of halfbeak (Hemiramphidae), whose distributions overlap in south-eastern Australia, and assist fisheries management. Methods. We applied an integrative taxonomic approach to clarify species boundaries and assist fisheries management. Key results. Mitochondrial DNA and morphological data exhibited significant differences between the two species. The low level of mitochondrial DNA divergence, coupled with the lack of difference in the nuclear DNA, suggests that these species diverged relatively recently (c. 500 000 years ago) when compared with other species within the Hyporhamphus genus (>2.4 million years ago). Genetic differences between the species were accompanied by differences in modal gill raker counts, mean upper- jaw and preorbital length, and otolith shape. Conclusions. On the basis of these genetic and morphological differences, as well as the lack of morphological intergradation between species along the overlapping boundaries of their geographical distributions, we propose that Hyporhamphus australis and Hyporhamphus melanochir remain valid species. Implications. This study has illustrated the need for an integrative taxonomic approach when assessing species boundaries and has provided a methodological framework for studying other cryptic fish species in a management context

    Cancellation of vorticity in steady-state non-isentropic flows of complex fluids

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    In steady-state non-isentropic flows of perfect fluids there is always thermodynamic generation of vorticity when the difference between the product of the temperature with the gradient of the entropy and the gradient of total enthalpy is different from zero. We note that this property does not hold in general for complex fluids for which the prominent influence of the material substructure on the gross motion may cancel the thermodynamic vorticity. We indicate the explicit condition for this cancellation (topological transition from vortex sheet to shear flow) for general complex fluids described by coarse-grained order parameters and extended forms of Ginzburg-Landau energies. As a prominent sample case we treat first Korteweg's fluid, used commonly as a model of capillary motion or phase transitions characterized by diffused interfaces. Then we discuss general complex fluids. We show also that, when the entropy and the total enthalpy are constant throughout the flow, vorticity may be generated by the inhomogeneous character of the distribution of material substructures, and indicate the explicit condition for such a generation. We discuss also some aspects of unsteady motion and show that in two-dimensional flows of incompressible perfect complex fluids the vorticity is in general not conserved, due to a mechanism of transfer of energy between different levels.Comment: 12 page

    The microbiome of the gastrointestinal tract of a range-shifting marine herbivorous fish

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    Globally, marine species\u27 distributions are being modified due to rising ocean temperatures. Increasing evidence suggests a circum-global pattern of poleward extensions in the distributions of many tropical herbivorous species, including the ecologically important rabbitfis

    Gut microbial communities of hybridising pygmy angelfishes reflect species boundaries

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    Hybridisation and introgression of eukaryotic genomes can generate new species or subsume existing ones, with direct and indirect consequences for biodiversity. An understudied component of these evolutionary forces is their potentially rapid effect on host gut microbiomes, and whether these pliable microcosms may serve as early biological indicators of speciation. We address this hypothesis in a field study of angelfishes (genus Centropyge), which have one of the highest prevalence of hybridisation within coral reef fish. In our study region of the Eastern Indian Ocean, the parent fish species and their hybrids cohabit and display no differences in their diet, behaviour, and reproduction, often interbreeding in mixed harems. Despite this ecological overlap, we show that microbiomes of the parent species are significantly different from each other in form and function based on total community composition, supporting the division of parents into distinct species, despite the confounding effects of introgression acting to homogenize parent species identity at other molecular markers. The microbiome of hybrid individuals, on the other hand, are not significantly different to each of the parents, instead harbouring an intermediate community composition. These findings suggest that shifts in gut microbiomes may be an early indicator of speciation in hybridising species

    Ice ages and butterflyfishes: Phylogenomics elucidates the ecological and evolutionary history of reef fishes in an endemism hotspot

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    For tropical marine species, hotspots of endemism occur in peripheral areas furthest from the center of diversity, but the evolutionary processes that lead to their origin remain elusive. We test several hypotheses related to the evolution of peripheral endemics by sequencing ultraconserved element (UCE) loci to produce a genome-scale phylogeny of 47 butterflyfish species (family Chaetodontidae) that includes all shallow water butterflyfish from the coastal waters of the Arabian Peninsula (i.e., Red Sea to Arabian Gulf) and their close relatives. Bayesian tree building methods produced a well-resolved phylogeny that elucidated the origins of butterflyfishes in this hotspots of endemism. We show that UCEs, often used to resolve deep evolutionary relationships, represent an important tool to assess the mechanisms underlying recently diverged taxa. Our analyses indicate that unique environmental conditions in the coastal waters of the Arabian Peninsula probably contributed to the formation of endemic butterflyfishes. Older endemic species are also associated with narrow versus broad depth ranges, suggesting that adaptation to deeper coral reefs in this region occurred only recently (<1.75 Ma). Even though deep reef environments were drastically reduced during the extreme low sea level stands of glacial ages, shallow reefs persisted, and as such there was no evidence supporting mass extirpation of fauna in this region

    Towards a macroscope : leveraging technology to transform the breadth, scale and resolution of macroecological data

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    M.D. is grateful for support from the Templeton Foundation (grant #60501, “Putting the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis to the Test”) and from a Leverhulme Trust Fellowship.The problem Earth‐based observations of the biosphere are spatially biased in ways that can limit our ability to detect macroecological patterns and changes in biodiversity. To resolve this problem, we need to supplement the ad hoc data currently collected with planned biodiversity monitoring, in order to approximate global stratified random sampling of the planet. We call this all‐encompassing observational system ‘the macroscope’. The solution With a focus on the marine realm, we identify seven main biosphere observation tools that compose the macroscope: satellites, drones, camera traps, passive acoustic samplers, biologgers, environmental DNA and human observations. By deploying a nested array of these tools that fills current gaps in monitoring, we can achieve a macroscope fit for purpose and turn these existing powerful tools into more than the sum of their parts. An appeal Building a macroscope requires commitment from many fields, together with coordinated actions to attract the level of funding required for such a venture. We call on macroecologists to become advocates for the macroscope and to engage with existing global observation networks.PostprintPeer reviewe