59 research outputs found

    A unified approach for a posteriori high-order curved mesh generation using solid mechanics

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    The paper presents a unified approach for the a posteriori generation of arbitrary high-order curvilinear meshes via a solid mechanics analogy. The approach encompasses a variety of methodologies, ranging from the popular incremental linear elastic approach to very sophisticated non-linear elasticity. In addition, an intermediate consistent incrementally linearised approach is also presented and applied for the first time in this context. Utilising a consistent derivation from energy principles, a theoretical comparison of the various approaches is presented which enables a detailed discussion regarding the material characterisation (calibration) employed for the different solid mechanics formulations. Five independent quality measures are proposed and their relations with existing quality indicators, used in the context of a posteriori mesh generation, are discussed. Finally, a comprehensive range of numerical examples, both in two and three dimensions, including challenging geometries of interest to the solids, fluids and electromagnetics communities, are shown in order to illustrate and thoroughly compare the performance of the different methodologies. This comparison considers the influence of material parameters and number of load increments on the quality of the generated high-order mesh, overall computational cost and, crucially, the approximation properties of the resulting mesh when considering an isoparametric finite element formulation

    Spin transport and spin torque in antiferromagnetic devices

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    Ferromagnets are key materials for sensing and memory applications. In contrast, antiferromagnets which represent the more common form of magnetically ordered materials, have found less practical application beyond their use for establishing reference magnetic orientations via exchange bias. This might change in the future due to the recent progress in materials research and discoveries of antiferromagnetic spintronic phenomena suitable for device applications. Experimental demonstration of the electrical switching and detection of the Néel order open a route towards memory devices based on antiferromagnets. Apart from the radiation and magnetic-field hardness, memory cells fabricated from antiferromagnets can be inherently multilevel, which could be used for neuromorphic computing. Switching speeds attainable in antiferromagnets far exceed those of ferromagnetic and semiconductor memory technologies. Here we review the recent progress in electronic spin-transport and spin-torque phenomena in antiferromagnets that are dominantly of the relativistic quantum mechanical origin. We discuss their utility in pure antiferromagnetic or hybrid ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic memory devices

    Finite deformation elasticity theory

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    This chapter provides the framework for the development of constitutive theories of solids by focusing on constitutive laws for nonlinearly elastic solids. These exemplify the general principles of constitutive theory that should be applied to all types of material behaviour, in particular, the notions of objectivity and material symmetry, including the important symmetries of isotropy, transverse isotropy and orthotropy based in part on deformation invariants. Details are given for the various general stress–deformation relations for each case of symmetry in respect of hyperelastic materials (which are characterized by a strain-energy function), with or without an internal constraint such as incompressibility, and these are illustrated by particular prototype models. The notion of residual stress (in an unloaded configuration) is discussed and the form of strain-energy function required to accommodate residual stress in the material response is developed

    Effect of high carbon dioxide concentration on PAL activity and phenolic contents in ripening cherimoya fruit.

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    Cherimoya fruit (Annona cherimola, Mill.) were kept at 20oC in air or in 20% CO2 for 3 days and then transferred to air, to stady the effect of a high CO2 treatment on phenolic metabolism and ripening-related changes. Total polyphenol levels remained constant while a rapid decline in lignincontent was observed in cherimoyas stored in air. However, a sharp increase in Pal activity up hhe second day at 20oC was observed. The maximum ethylene production was observed 2 days later. At the end of the CO2 treatment, ethylene production was inhibited and PAL activity was similar to that found in air-treated fruit. These data suggest that the increase in PAL activity at 20oC was not affected by high CO2 and does not relate to ethylene. The CO2 treatment inibited flesh softening and maintained lignin at levels found in freshly harvested fruit. Exposure to 20% CO2 also improved internal colour and increased the non-tannin polyphenol fraction, but prevent the decline in the tannin fraction otherwise observed upon ripening in air. We concluded that high CO2 treatment at 20oC did not enhance PAL activity and linin deposition although treated fruits retained more lignin after transfer to air. The possible involvement of PAL activity in the supply of important metabolic compounds for early events of ripening will be discussed

    Calidad y conservación poscosecha de uva de mesa cv. Cardinal pretratada con alta concentración de CO2.

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    The effect of high CO2 concentration in a short-time pretreatment of grapes cv. Cardinal, was analysed. High water losses, firmness decrease and increase in total soluble solids in berries was observed in the untreated fruits

    Mathematical modeling of anisotropic avascular tumor growth

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    Cancer represents one the most challenging problems in medicine and biology nowadays, and is being actively addressed by many researchers from different areas of knowledge. The increasing development of sophisticated mathematical models and computer-based procedures has had a positive impact on our understanding of cancer-related mechanisms and the design of anticancer treatment strategies. However, further investigation and experimentation are still required to completely elucidate the tumor-associated mechanical responses, as well as the effect of mechanical forces on the net tumor growth. In this work we develop a theoretical framework in the context of continuum mechanics to investigate the anisotropic growth of avascular tumor spheroids. To that end, a specific anisotropic growth deformation tensor is considered, which also describes an isotropic growth law as a particular case. Mixtures theory and the notion of multiple natural configurations are then used to formulate a mathematical model of avascular tumor growth. More precisely, mass, momentum balance and nutrients diffusion equations are derived, where solid tumors are assumed as hyperelastic and compressible materials. Moreover, mechanical interactions with a rigid extracellular matrix (ECM) are considered, and the mechanical modulation of growing tumors in a rigid surrounding tissue is investigated by means of numerical simulations. Finally, the model results are compared with experimental data previously reported in the literature
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